The little oak

Le petit chêne

English version below the pictures

Dernièrement en marchant dans ma pelouse dans la cour,j’ai découvert un tout jeune chêne de 15 cm un peu perdu dans le lierre envahissant .
J’étais émerveillé.Un bébé chêne ans mon jardin!
D’où venait le gland Je ne connais pas de chênes autour . Peut-être est-ce un oiseau ou un écureuil qui l’a abandonné ?
J’ai donc décidé de planter en Novembre ce petit chêne dans mon potager. Oui!Probablement que je ressens encore une sorte d’attirance pour les chênes
comme les ancêtres français les Gaulois, population celte qui imaginait les chênes comme des arbres sacrés. !! 🙂

The little oak among the ivy le petit chêne parmi le lierre

Recently while walking in my lawn in the backyard, I discovered a very young 12 cm oak tree a little lost in the invasive ivy.
I was amazed.A baby oak tree in my garden!
Where did the acorn come from? I don’t know of any oak trees around. Maybe it was a bird or a squirrel that abandoned him?
So I decided to plant this little oak in my vegetable garden next November. Yes, I probably still feel a kind of attraction for oaks
like the French ancestors, the Gauls, a Celtic population who imagined oaks as sacred trees.
!! 🙂

Je me souviens étant en vacances en Normandie il y a 8 ans nous avons été dire bonjour à un grand chêne,le géant dans la forêt proche de notre hôtel
Dans cette région de Normandie (le Perche) les forêts sont nombreuses s . Et, autour de la ville( Bellême ) où nous séjournions se trouve une forêt réputée pour ces grands arbres comme ce chêne vieux de 350 ans . Je fais minuscule au pied de cet arbre haut de 42 m.
Quand je regardais .vers le haut je ressentais comme une sorte de vertige mais je n’ ai pas manqué non plus de remarquer le dessin de l’ écorce .
Nous sommes restés deux jours dans cette zone attachante.

I look like tiny at the foot of the oak Je parais minuscule au pied de ce chêne
When I looked at the top I got a kind of dizziness. I
Quand je regardais vers le sommet je ressentais une sorte de vertige.

I remember being on vacation in Normandy 8 years ago we went to say hello to a large oak tree, the giant in the forest near our hotel
In this region of Normandy (the Perche) forests are numerous. And, around the town (Bellême) where we were staying there is a forest renowned for such tall trees like this 350 year old oak tree. I look tiny at the foot of this 42 m high tree.
When I looked up I felt a sort of dizziness, but I did not fail to notice the typical pattern of the bark either.
We stayed two days in this endearing area.

En plus il me revenait à l’esprit une vieille chanson française “La voix des chênes” 1888. Voici le refrain
“Si vous rêvez d’amour
Dans les forêts prochaines
Écoutez au déclin du jour
La voix des chênes :
Elle vous parlera d’amour
Elle vous parlera d’amour
La douce voix
La douce voix des chênes.”

Besides it came to my mind an old French sing “the oaks’voice” 1888. Here is the chorus:
“If you dream of love
In the nearby forests
Listen to the waning of the day
The voice of the oaks:
That will talk to you about love
That will talk to you about love
The sweet voice
The sweet voice of oaks.”

Vous comprenez pourquoi mon enthousiasme face à ce bébé chêne que je planterai à l’ entrée de mon potager.
Je vous prie de m’excuser pour cet enthousiasme pour une si petite chose.( in apparence)
You understand why my enthusiasm in front of this baby oak tree that I will plant at the entrance to my vegetable garden.
I apologize for the enthusiasm for such a small thing. (In appearance)

About fauquetmichel

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132 Responses to The little oak

  1. calmkate says:

    How delightful to find one in your garden! And you can plant it wherever you wish … it will take decades to grow 42 m 🙂

  2. Your tiny oak is a big thing! Someday perhaps people will stand in front of your tiny oak and feel dizziness in looking up.
    There’s a 170ish year old oak tree across the street from my house. I’m impressed with its age. I’m in awe of the much older one you stood in front of.

  3. puffpop says:

    Life is so amazing…especially trees. They are beautiful, provide shade and material for lovely furniture…Although I almost hate to see any tree cut down for any reason. In the fall, the leaves of the deciduous trees. They also provide protection and a place to nest. Creation is a marvel.! And of all the trees in the garden of Eden, our first mother had to just taste it since it was forbidden. We humans like to break rules and we suffer for it.

  4. Annalisa S. says:

    Je suis très heureuse de ta petite chêne! Moi j’avais essayé d’en faire pousser une, mais sans y réussir. En plus, la semaine passé on a du abattre le grand érable campestre qui était né trop près de ma fontaine et en grandissant était en train de la saper… J’ai beaucoup pleuré! Au printemps il y avait de petits oiseaux qu’y faisaient leur nid…
    Tous mes souhaits à la petite chêne et à vous tous !

    • Oui Annalisa ,je comprends ta peine quand on a dû abattre l’ érable .
      En ce qui concerne le petit chêne , il est venu tout seul . Je me demande si je dois le laisser là où le planter ailleurs ?

  5. Anne says:

    Merveilleux ❤

    Nous ressentons aussi ces racines celtes qui sont les nôtres !
    Amitiés, AM

  6. Trees are amazing, this beautiful Oak is stunning. If left alone by man trees can live centuries. I smile thinking of the tiny acorn that you will plant 🌱 and how it will grow so tall and stately. You truly love nature Michel, we thank you. ❤️

  7. whyzat says:

    Wow. Imagine what was happening when that mature tree was 12cm tall! The U.S. was a British colony. Trees are fascinating.

  8. LGail says:

    We had a huge oak tree at the side of our house. It was leaning. When we built the house we made sure to put the house in the direction it wasn’t leaning. The last time I visited the tree was still there and still leaning.
    I like oak trees too

  9. maidyk says:

    bonsoir Michel,
    la nature nous réservera toujours de jolies surprises et tu as bien raison d’accueillir ce petit chêne avec joie. Un jour , ton chêne deviendra énorme c’est le problème avec les arbres, on pense de suite “à fort comme un chêne” .
    bises !

  10. That is some tall tree, Michel! “Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.” How exciting to find the beautiful little oak tree growing in your garden, and to know what it may become in 350 years! Amazing…something that will potentially outlive us and many generations to come. ❤ Thank you for this beautiful post, Michel!
    Love ❤

  11. Gaye Welton says:

    I am excited about oaks too! An acorn fell into my flowers last autumn and it rooted into a seedling this spring. I haven’t had the heart to remove it yet.

  12. A beautiful post Michel. Oak trees are very special.

  13. Oh, how wonderful, Michel! It’s so great that a bird or squirrel decided to plant it for you! 🙂

    Oak trees are amazing and encourage us to keep growing! One day your tiny oak will be a mighty oak…a place for all creatures to enjoy!

    Your photos are beautiful! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂
    PS…”An Oak tree is a daily reminder that great things often have small beginnings.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

  14. Doug Thomas says:

    Decades ago, I came across an oak seedling in the forest floor litter of the Pfälzerwald, south of Kaiserslautern. I felt the same joy as you to discover this little oak, and it reminded me of the oak on the back of German small change back then, a symbol of the rebirth of a country that survived being lead astray by a terrible man and was still, then, in the process of rebuilding after a brutal war. By now, that tree would be 50 years old, a veteran of the forest floor…if it survived. I pray it did!

  15. judyrutrider says:

    If you ask your grandkids to help you plant that oak, they will tell the story to their children decades from now…assuming climate change doesn’t do it in. I fear for our magnificent redwoods, here in California. They need the marine fog that comes in off the coast and that fog is diminishing more each year.

    • The sequoia for France is symbol of the fight for Independence of he US . French helped a lot and some people came back in France with young sequoisa ( redwood ) that we still can admire nowadays ; They are 270 yars old!

  16. murisopsis says:

    Wonderful! I hope the transplantation is successful and the little tree thrives! I’m battling a wayward beech tree that was planted by a squirrel or chipmunk at the foundation of the house. We are trying to dig it up but the root must have gone all the way to the earth’s core!! I am hoping for some more rain to loosen the soil and make the digging easier!

  17. Sartenada says:

    Hi Michel.

    What a lovely finding! It will be big with some years. We planted one oak when we had our garden. In 19 years it was quite high. Thank you for this lovey post.

    Have a great day. Amitiés, Matti

  18. Caro says:

    Les arbres c est la vie …..bravo pour cette entrée poétique…la nature nous nourrit dans tous les sens du terme…merci à ce petit écureuil
    Je vous souhaite une bonne journée. Ce matin nous étions dans le brouillard mais le soleil commence à pointer son nez ….
    Bon courage Papa pour cet après-midi. Je vous embrasse bien fort carole

  19. Susan Joos says:

    In my subdivision, every house was completed with a tree in the front yard, and those trees varied quite a lot. Our house had a green ash tree, which was unfortunately decimated just a few years ago by the ash borer beetle, and is no more. Our neighbor, however, had an oak tree, and that oak has grown mightily in just the 37 years we have lived here. This is a prolific tree in leaves (which all fall in our yard) and acorns (makes it hazardous to walk in our driveway this time of year as they roll underfoot). I cannot number the amount of baby trees that sprout enthusiastically from my flower beds! This time of year, the blue jays are attracted to the tree in great numbers and loudly squabble amongst themselves and the squirrels over the bounty. I am sure your little tree will flourish for you wherever you plant it!

    Just make sure you plan for it to have a LOT of room!

    • I see you have gained a lot of experience with oaks and ash trees, Susan
      I’m sorry for your ash tree killed by an insect. I have one in the garden. I remember my mother making “ash cider” with the leaves of this tree. A sort of beer with ash leaves that we drank while eating. .
      Thanks ❤

  20. mrswrangler says:

    Hope your tree grows mighty and strong.

  21. Barbara Lenhard says:
    Word Press won’t allow me to comment on your beautiful Oak tree 💕💕

  22. cheriherald says:

    I recently read that to support the most diversity of life in your yard, plant an oak. I have four different oaks– a Laurel Oak, a Turkey Oak, a Live Oak, and an unidentified one. I planted one, the squirrels (I assume) did the other three. Like you, I love oaks.

    • I feel the squirrels are good gardeners very attentive at the diversity of vegetal species on the planet and especially in your yard, Cheri !
      I am amazed by the collection of oaks you got.

  23. wissh says:

    No need for apologies, that was wonderful! I love trees too and that surely is a huge one. I’m happy to report I will have several trees at my new home. I’m glad you found a little oak and will look forward to watching it grow.
    Love, Christine ❤️

    • I am glad , Christine, to read you will have several trees in the yard of your new home . I like sitting in the garden and look at the trees around. This brings much rest to the soul. ❤

  24. I hope the oak tree will live long and grow to be very tall. And when people wonder where it came from, they can always check your blog.

  25. Isabel Capillas says:

    The oak tree in front of you is surely gigantic 😅Appreciating small things in everyday life makes one happy, Uncle Michel. So glad to read your post again❤️

  26. Marion says:

    What a treasure you found in your garden, Michel! That oak you’re standing next to is magnificent!! So tall and grand. I love the way you find so many interesting things to say about nature. ❤

  27. neilc693 says:

    What a charming discovery! These intrepid individuals that colonize a new space are endearing. I’m delighted that you plan to transplant the sapling into the garden. I have always meant to try my hand at forcing acorns but never did so . . .

  28. nannyfountain says:

    Being excited about the small things make each day special. I salute you ❤

  29. Kathy Colvin says:
    I love Oak trees. We have many here. And the squirrels hide the acorns all over the place and then forget to retrieve them so in the Spring, I have many baby Oaks growing in unusual places! Take care. Love, Kathy

  30. Marion Manson says:
    Amazing oak tree you’re standing next to, Michel! Lovely you have a baby oak in your garden. 🙂

  31. Gayle says:

    Amazing trees Michel! Your great great grandchildren will have something of you to remember you by!!!
    God bless you and Janine ❤🌿

  32. Rhonda Davis says:
    Hi Michel! Love to see your posts. Oak trees are a favorite and here so plentiful that they drop acorns all over and we have baby oak trees everywhere! Worth saving!❤️

  33. Eat Right Coach Louisa says:

    J’adore cette petite histoire, Michel, parce que j’adore ton enthousiasme pour précisément une si petite chose — elle agrandira petit à petit!

  34. Zakiah says:

    I love this post Michel. Such sweet feelings about a single Oak. I have some like them in my garden just growing helter-skelter. Sometimes in find Maple amidst weeds and, I thank the birds and the squirrels who are responsible for this propagation. Of course we have a lot of Oaks and Maples in our area.

  35. You have made me excited about your discovery. Thank you for sharing that wonderful song. I will never look at an oak tree the same again 💗 🌳 !

  36. suester7 says:

    What a marvellous find! Someday it will grow up to be a majestic oak tree!

  37. Lavinia Ross says:

    I love oak trees, to, and have a “rescue” oak planted up front that is now about 15 feet tall. I love the words to that oak song, too. You never have to apologize for enthusiasm, Michel. Enthusiasm for living things is always a blessing. ❤️

  38. Stacie Kelsey said:
    Beautiful post!!!!

  39. Yvonne says:

    What a wonderful surprise to find……
    With love to you and your family
    ❤ Yvonne and Family

  40. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour ou bonsoir MICHEL la douceur de vivre
    C’est un café avec une amie, un ami un baiser volé, un message inattendu
    C’est le regard amical d’un passant.
    C’est répondre au téléphone et entendre avec surprise la voix de ceux que nous aimons
    C’est une bouffée d’air frais après une journée enfermée dans une pièce.
    C’est un sourire
    C’est une promenade au soleil après des semaines de pluie
    C’est le sourire d’un enfant.
    C’est notre chanson préférée à la radio
    C’est la pleine lune.
    C’est un câlin affectueux
    Belle semaine à vous tous profitez bien je vous offre un petit déjeuner

  41. blb1 says:

    Come to my yard, oak sprouts all over along with the dreaded hackberry. Love your photos. Bark on trees always fascinates me.

  42. Carol McKay Harper said:
    Our property is full of Oaks. The acorns are starting to fall. We don’t mind that except they are a mess on the driveway.

  43. That is totally awesome to find an Oak growing in your garden. I love Oaks and Pines (as this is native to our state). We have a lot of Oaks in the area too. Love finding acorns as does Little Cutie. ❤ E

  44. Rachel S Geselman said:
    My phone isn’t letting me connect. I will try again later.

  45. L. Marie says:

    What beautiful photographs, Michel. I love seeing a future mighty oak as a sapling in your yard. Many oak trees have been cut down in my area because of a tree disease. 😥
    Love to you and Janine. ❤️

  46. There’s something so full of promise in a tiny oak tree, Michel. And yes, you do look tiny yourself compared to that massive tree! Lovely photos, by the way. And I, too, say Hello to trees, especially the old ones, which have survived way beyond a human lifetime.

  47. Just stopping by to say, Hey! How are you doing?
    And to leave some ❤ and (((HUGS))) for you and Janine! 🙂

  48. Larry says:

    How very lovely, Michel! The tree is majestic!
    Hope you and the family are doing well these days! Cheers!

  49. cocosangel says:

    You do look very tiny near the oak tree. I am not surprised that you got dizzy after looking up at the tree. Take care

  50. maidyk says:

    bonne fête Michel ! bises !

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