Good night, Lady Moon!

Bonsoir Madame la lune!
Good night Lady Moon !

English version below the picture

Mardi dernier, le 25 Août au soir, je me reposais dans un fauteuil après la dialyse pendant tout l’après-midi.

Mon regard à travers la fenêtre errait à l’extérieur. C’était déjà la nuit. On ne pouvait voir que la forme des arbres au fond de la cour et au-dessus, la lune, qui trônait au milieu d’u ciel nocturne clair. Elle éclairait d’une lumière pâle l’ancienne écurie qui se dresse à côté de la maison.

C’est alors que je commençai à contempler davantage la lune dans sa première phase. L’ombre projetée par la Terre a seulement permis au premier croissant d’apparaître.

La lune m’a rappelé que nous faisons partie d’un univers d’étoiles et de planètes, de galaxies. Nous sommes infiniment petits mais notre esprit pénètre et essaie de représenter cet univers infiniment grand dans son expansion sans fin. Cela me conduit toujours à l’admiration et à la foi. Ce spectacle sans limite m’a frappé depuis mon enfance jusqu’à maintenant.

Eternité !

The moon lighting the ancient horse stable La lune éclairant l’ ancienne écurie

Last Tuesday August 25th in the evening I was resting in an armchair after dialysis during the whole afternoon.

My gaze through the window wandered outside. It was already night. I could only see the shape of the trees at the back of the courtyard and above , the moon that was enthroned in the middle of a nighty clear sky. She lit with a pale light the old horse stable which stands next to the house..

It was then that I began to contemplate more the moon in its first phase. The shadow cast by the Earth only allowed the first crescent to appear.

The moon reminded me that we are part of a universe of stars and planets, galaxies,. We are infinitely small but our mind penetrates and tries to represent this infinitely large universe in its without end expansion . It leads me to admiration and faith. This show without limit hit me since my childhood and always.


and the day after et le jour suivant !

About fauquetmichel

Pour une nouvelle aventure ?
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89 Responses to Good night, Lady Moon!

  1. Doug Thomas says:

    Your post reminded me of this aria from Villa Lobos’ Bachianas brasileiras Nr. 5. A young woman sings about the rising moon.

    • I’m glad, Doug, that my modest post inspired you with such beautiful music and such an airy voice.

      • Doug Thomas says:

        Yes, and that particular version was recorded in your country with a national radio orchestra that the composer conducted! It is one of my favorites since I was a university student in 1966 and heard it on the local classical music FM radio station.

      • I understand this musical piece is part of your deep good memories 54 years ago . We were very young at this time ! But are not we always young , Doug ? And indeed this is a very beautiful music . The music station at the French radio still exists and is called ” France Musique “

      • Doug Thomas says:

        The FM station I listened to came from a workshop where the owner, clearly a music lover, manufactured harpsichords that were beautifully crafted in that unlikely second story factory! Since then, a network of public FM stations was created to serve the entire state, a pioneering effort at the time, and one that brought news and performances of classical music to a rural population. I turn it on when I have to be gone from home. It helps comfort Andy.

        Yes, I heard that aria and fell in love with it at age 18! I’m 72 years old now and have six versions of it in my CD collection. While the De Los Angeles version was the first, another by Bidu Sayao that was recorded in 1940 in one take is stunningly superior and evocative of the cantilena’s meaning:

        She was phenomenal!

      • You have an artist ‘ s soul, Doug . I understand you have this aria carved in you since 1966 . Perhaps do you play an instrument ? I bet yes! Piano ?

  2. puffpop says:

    This is so beautifully written. You can look and see beyond yourself and take joy in knowing that you are part of a greater thing…much greater than we can ever imagine and yet each one of us is important in God’s sight… When you are admiring the moon, we are still a part of the day before…You are ahead of us… September is just barely beginning here.

  3. calmkate says:

    What joyful wisdom in this your genteel words and observations ❤

  4. mrswrangler says:

    Beautiful moon. We have had some wonderful sightings of the moon lately. I even took some pictures of the moon last night.

  5. blb1 says:

    It is nice to see the moon from your perspective. I rarely even try to see the night sky. My balance still keeps me from looking up.

  6. loristrawn says:

    Blessings to you, my friend! What a lovely contemplation!

  7. Sylvain L says:

    Beau dialogue entre deux astres.
    L’un inspirant, l’autre lui écrivant

  8. judyrutrider says:

    What a great moon shot! My phone camera is simply amazing at everything except capturing the moon. Being forced to sit still for your dialysis could be tedious for someone who didn’t have your contemplative mind. We benefit from your reflections.

  9. What a beautiful moon portrait! And your words about the moon are wise and wonderful, Michel! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂

    I often take a night walk just to see the moon and stars. They make me so happy, and so grateful, to be a tiny part of our huge amazing universe! 🙂

    Isn’t it so wonderful that no matter where we live…or how far apart we live…we all can enjoy the same moon!!!
    HUGS!!! 🙂 ❤
    PS… "With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon who could not be happy?" – Oscar Wilde

  10. murisopsis says:

    Dear Michel, I know the weariness that can overcome you after dialysis. The musings on the universe and our place in it remind me of a story about the difference between the wise man and the idiot. The idiot looked inward and saw nothing. The wise man looked outward and saw the vastness of the universe! You are the wise one!!

  11. Sartenada says:

    Bonjour Michel.

    Quel joli post! Je vous remercie. Mon fils l’a appris à l’école et m’a enseigné cette chanson il y a environ 43 ans!

    Au clair de la lune


  12. cerwindoris says:

    We are indeed small compared to this beautiful universe. Blessings.

  13. maidyk says:

    bonjour Michel,
    tout comme toi, j’admire la lune depuis mon enfance et je la chercherai toujours dans le ciel … elle est toujours différente … et elle nous accompagne toujours .
    Faut dire aussi que le mois derniers, nous avons connu de magnifiques nuits étoilées, elles aussi nous les retrouvons et les contemplons toujours avec plaisir !
    bravo pour tes photos !
    bises !

  14. Caro says:

    Un peu de poésie, toujours admiratif de la nature bonne soirée à vous deux je vous embrasse bien fort carole

  15. Gayle Smith says:

    It is amazing that we live so far apart but we still look at the same moon and stars. God is amazing!
    Take care Michel…God bless you and your family. ❤

  16. Rachel says:

    I love to follow the moon. It is not easy here in Saginaw. It was much easier at my own home. The moon brings me great peace and joy. Michel, I hope the treatments do not wear you out. I know how important they are for you. I pray for strength for you. ❤️
    Rachel 🌹

  17. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing Michel. ❤

  18. nannyfountain says:

    Love to you. The treatments are very wearing I am sure, but necessary. Love to Janine who worrys I am sure! ❤

  19. Beautiful and wise musings, my friend. Hugs

  20. Marion says:

    Michel, the moon has often caught my glance and i’ve wondered exactly the same things about it you have! Lovely post. ❤

  21. eastgoeseast says:

    Once again a very thoughtful text Michel! Maybe one of (or the only one?) the advantages of growing older is having the time and inclination to observe and think about things. And it’s so nice that you also have your thoughts in English! My daughter now has a French boyfriend and is moving to Paris soon, so maybe I will have to learn some more French too. That would be nice! All the best to you and your family.

  22. Anne says:

    Et les étoiles ont inspiré les anciens d’où la source de l’astrothéologie à l’origine de toutes religions … Ai tous les livres de DM Murdock/Acharya S qui inspira le premier film de ZEITGEIST en 2007. Ici sa page web … Elle fut une inspiratrice de premier plan, son but étant de relier le monde par-delà les croyances qui le divisent.

    Johann et moi l’avons rencontrée une fois en décembre 2012 lors d’un séminaire au Yucatan/Mexique.

    Peu après elle décéda d’un cancer du sein en 2015, le jour de Noël …

    Et en 2016, nous allâmes visiter sa tombe à Ashland/Oregon et rencontrer son fils unique qui a 18 ans aujourd’hui.

    Son leg à l’humanité est inoubliable !

    Amitiés de Nidau

    et sur ma page FB, juste à l’instant, un détail de la Cathédrale d’Amiens posté par Oleg de Normandie, un autre être fabuleux qui nous invite à élargir notre esprit. Have a look.

    • Je me souviens de ta passion pour Murdoch en lisant ton Multiply ( si je me souviens bien )
      Je ne savais pas , par contre que vous l’ aviez rencontré en 2012 ni qu’elle était décédée en 2015 et que vous étiez retournés sur sa tombe en Orégon .
      Etant chrétien je ne peux pas être d’accord avec ses écrits mais je respecte les opinions de chacun.
      Merci pour cette longue réponse, Anne-M

  23. marica0701 says:

    Seeing the moon and stars in the sky at night leaves me in great awe of the vastness of God’s creation!

  24. Barbara Lenhard says:

    Lovely words and thoughts. So glad to have you for my friend, Michael. We share a lot of the same thoughts and ideals, Barbara 💕💕

  25. iampeacenow says:

    So happy to see a post from you. I really should visit WordPress more often. I truly enjoyed your lovely words and the image they produce. I am so fond of the night sky – the luminescent moon in every phase and the lovely stars. But I am a rather a big fan of clouds – at night but definitely during the day. My eyes are so often on the clouds. Take good care. Know you and Janine are in my thoughts.
    Love and peace,

  26. wissh says:

    Good morning Michel, evening for you…
    I often ruminate over the same things, the universe so vast it’s really beyond my comprehension, and we are just a tiny speck and yet act like it’s all about us. Sometimes I find these thoughts quite inspiring because I’m a science nerd. Other times it just saddens me.
    Your dialysis reminds me of William’s. He always needed to rest afterwards, so fatigued. I hope you are well. ❤️

    • About “science nerd” 🙂 I found this for you, Christine :

      About dialysis I am tired after but only at night . Unfortunately I have others worries linked to the age but I say nothing about them !!!:)

  27. Zakiah says:

    Lovely post about the moon, dear Michel. We are mere grains of sand in the complex Universe of ours, and our Earth is just a small dot. You know the the Islamic Calendar is a lunar Calendar.
    Hope your dialysis is going very well dear friend. Hope you are strong and healthy. Love, Zakiah.

  28. Michel, our bodies grow weaker, but wisdom and empathy grow stronger. I loved your beautiful photos, but especially your beautiful words! ❤ Take care of yourself! Cheryl

  29. L. Marie says:

    Lovely post, Michel! I see God’s artistry at work.
    Love to you and Janine!

  30. suester7 says:

    I love how lyrical and poetic your words are. Whenever I look at the night sky and the many stars, I am in awe of how vast the universe is, and how small I am.

  31. Just stopping by with some (((HUGS))) for you and Janine. 🙂
    Hope you 2 and all of your family are doing well!

  32. theagedwoman says:

    Love your blog.

  33. Nancy Clark Hislop says:

    I am particularly fond of that time of day when you can see the lacy branches of the trees and the outlines of buildings against the darkening sky but you can’t see the color anymore. I think it’s particularly beautiful! I have never thought of it as a peek at eternity, but that is a lovely thought!

  34. Lavinia Ross says:

    A beautiful view of the moon, Michel, and a lovely, thoughtful post! I, too, love the moon and stars since childhood.

  35. Louisa says:

    Beautiful and serene. Reading your post, I have Beethoven’s Claire de Lune playing in my head 🙂

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