Our latest grandchildren

Nos derniers petits-enfants

English version below the pictures

Vous vous souvenez de nos derniers petits-enfants, les jumeaux, nés en Août 2012. Ils auront 7 ans le mois prochain, un bel âge.
J’ai posté sur Xanga à propos de leur naissance. Sept ans plus tard, voici un apercu sur Raphaêl et Yris

Les jumeaux 2h après leur ,naissance 24 Août 2012 photo Jean-Baptiste Fauquet
Twins 2h after their birth August 24 , 2012

You remember our latest  grandchildren , the twins, born in August 2012. They will be 7 years old next month, a beautiful age .
I posted about their birth on Xanga  .  Seven years later , here is a glance about Raphael and Yris

Samedi dernier, ils jouaient dans un spectacle. Au début, c’était une danse africaine. Yris (la fille) aime la danse et les arts en général. Voyez comment elle est épanouie juste avant cette danse africaine (sur la photo, elle est la deuxième à partir de la gauche)
C’était sur la place de la petite ville de Doullens (Picardie). Nous voyons l’entrée des artistes sur la scène. (deuxième photo)

Before the African dance ( Yris is the second from the left)
Avant mla danse africaine ( Yrisest la deuxième partir de la gauche ) Photo Janine Fauquet
L ‘ entrée des artistes
Entrance of the artists ! Photo JF

Last Saturday they were playing in a show
At first it was an Africa
n dance . Yris ( the girl ) loves dance and arts in general . See how she is fulfilled just before this African dance ( on the  first photo she is the second from the left )
This was on the square  of the little town of Doullens ( Picardy ). We see the entrance of the art
ists on the scene . ( second photo)

Après c’était un “spectacle de cirque”. Sur la photo ci-dessous, on voit Raphaël au premier plan qui marche de droite à gauche, tandis que sa soeur Yris marche de gauche à droite.
Sur la deuxième photo, ils sont assis et portent une barbe (Raphaël à droite et Yris au milieu du groupe) . Ils étaient aussi très heureux que leur grand-mère ( Janine ) soit venue d’Amiens pour  les encourager.

Circus show . On the second photo: Raphaël on the right and Yris at the middle photo Janine Fauquet

Afterwards it was a ”circus show” . On the photo above we see Raphaël on the foreground walking from right to left while his sister Yris is walking from left to right.           
 On the second photo they are sat and are wearing a beard ( Raphael on the right and Yris at the middle of the group ). They were also happy to see their grandmother Janine come from Amiens to encourage them

Le jour suivant leur père, Jean-Baptiste, les emmena voir une séance de tonte de laine de moutons. Raphaêl a vu tout de suite comment il pouvait utiliser la laine pour se faire une sorte de vêtement pour se protéger de la chaleur. Irys est toujours épanouie et joue les élégantes.

Raphaël is very comfortable in the sheep wool
Raphaël se trouve à l’ aise avec la laine de moton photo Jean-Baptiste Fauquet
Yris : joyful and elegant Yris ,joyeuse et élégante.
photo Jean -Baptiste Fauquet

The next day their father, Jean-Baptiste , took them to see a session of sheep wool shearing. Raphael saw immediately how he could use wool to make a kind of clothing to protect himself from the heat. Yris is still fulfilled and play the elegant young.

C’est un plaisir pour nous de les voir si remplis de santé et  profiter de la vie.
 It is a pleasure for us to see them so filled with health  and enjoying  the life.

“O temps suspends ton vol et vous heures propices suspendez votre cours ( Alphonse de Lamartine . Le Lac)”

“O time, suspend your flight and you, auspicious hours, suspend your course (Alphonse de Lamartine, the Lake)”

About fauquetmichel

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107 Responses to Our latest grandchildren

  1. mrswrangler says:

    Looks like they have fun.

  2. Such beautiful children…you must be beaming with pride! Thank you for sharing Michel! ❤

  3. blb1 says:

    Hard to believe how big they are now. Apparently great joy to all of you as well. 🙂

  4. slmret says:

    Seven is a wonderful age of exploration and learning about the world around them. Your twins appear to be enjoying that time as they should!

  5. judyrutrider says:

    Every child should spend time in the country, away from the distractions of electronic devices…or maybe I’m just speaking for my own inner child. Nice post, Michel.

  6. eastgoeseast says:

    A very nice look at the younger members of your family. You are indeed a proud grandfather!

  7. Eat Right Chef Louisa says:

    What joy to see your grandchildren grow up. They were so small in the first picture and now they are full of life doing what they love and exploring what life offers. Happy for your family!

  8. LGail says:

    The two children are beautiful.

  9. puffpop says:

    Those twins are ADORABLE! Your entire family is beautiful. You are blessed indeed.

    votre amie,

  10. You are truly blessed to have such a family. Peace my friend.

  11. Oh Michel, they are so beautiful.

  12. weggieboy says:

    That’s a love3ly age for children to be and they are good looking kids! Thanks for sharing photos of your grandchildren, Michel!

  13. I remember when you shared about them being born! They have grown up so fast and so beautifully! 🙂
    All of THE very best in life for Yris and Raphaël! 🙂
    You have every reason to be so proud of them, Michel! 🙂
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  14. Carole says:

    Déjà 7ans, ça passe vite. Ils sont rayonnants. Bonne journée je vous embrasse

  15. calmkate says:

    what delightful contented grandchildren, you should be proud and I’m so glad that their grandmother was able to watch their special show!

  16. Rachel says:

    It seems impossible that they have grown that much, but I know from my own grandchildren, that life does not hold them back. They florish with love and attention! Great photos, my friend!
    Today we celebrate our independence. The fireworks have been going off all week. Too hot for me. I stay inside where it is cool. Temperatures in the 90’s. 💥

  17. murisopsis says:

    I can’t believe it has been seven years! They have grown up so quickly!! I love the smiles while they are doing so many interesting activities – performances and sheep shearing!! I would have loved to seen sheep as a child… You must be so proud of them! A natural curiosity is a wonderful gift!

  18. wissh says:

    I remember their birth so we’ll, and even much before them. They are break children. How are Manon and Antoine?

    • I see you remember well about them, Christine and even about Manon and Antoine . Manon will hit 19 this July and Antoine 17.

      • wissh says:

        I’m happy you were able to read and understand past my typos, Michel. I really should proofread before sending!

        I meant to say I remember so well, and that they are beautiful children. There, that’s better. 😁❤️

      • What is said with the heart always can be understood easily Christine ! ❤

  19. Karen Fidler says:

    Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of the twins! I remember well their birth and the joy that they brought! I am wondering how you pronounce Yris’ name. In fact, I have wondered for all these years!! They are beautiful children.

  20. time certainly does fly
    life is so full of surprises – good and bad
    what a nice surprise that janine was able to go and see them dance!
    how lovely it is to see them grow up xxx

  21. Barbara Lenhard says:

    I remember when your twin grand children were born. They are such beautiful young children now. Raphael is so cute wrapped in the sheep’s wool and his sister is a beautiful little girl. I think I see a bit of resemblance to your wife in her.
    Our twins just turned 57 in April. Time goes by too fast. Now they are parents and Julia is a grandmother to 3.
    Love to you and your wonderful family

  22. Lovely and joyful post. Your grandchildren are so adorable and creative. ❤

  23. suester7 says:

    Your grandchildren look like they are having lots of fun doing the things they love. How precious these memories are and will be

  24. neilc693 says:

    It looks like a fine time was had by all. How time flies, notwithstanding Lamartine’s invocation (I think it all the time)!

    • Yes, Neil when we see the speedy growing of the twins we realize how fast time goes away !! ….and we understand Lamartine’s words.

    • neilc693 says:

      I just noticed that this poem dwells on the passage of time in very interesting images.

      <font size="-1"Mais je demande en vain quelques moments encore,Le temps m’échappe et fuit ;Je dis à cette nuit : ” Sois plus lente ” ; et l’auroreVa dissiper la nuit.Aimons donc, aimons donc ! de l’heure fugitive,Hâtons-nous, jouissons !

      It reminds me of Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress”:

      <font size="-1"Rather at once our time devourThan languish in his slow-chapped power.Let us roll all our strength and allOur sweetness up into one ball,And tear our pleasures with rough strifeThrough the iron gates of life:Thus, though we cannot make our sunStand still, yet we will make him run.

      • Thanks Neil for this relation with Andrew Marvell two centuries before about the shortness of the great times in life. It would be interesting to find writers about the same topic in various times from Greeks to our contemporary litterary

  25. Stéphanie says:

    Belle famille plein de joie et santé. Malheureusement nous ne pouvons pas arrêter le passage du temps.
    Meilleurs voeux de nous deux.

  26. mcbery says:

    Such a neat post Michel! Love to see how the twins have grown. Time stands still for no one, does it? Thanks for the blessing you are to me. 🙂

  27. boobledygook says:

    Oh Michel, how they have grown so much. The twins look so happy and healthy. Isabella will be 8 this month and she has shown so much changes in her that it overwhelms me.

    Much love to you and Janine ❤️

  28. Julie Essex says:

    The Twins are really growing up very fast and they look to be full of life

  29. What wonderful happy photos of your grandchildren. The twins are growing so fast. Love those smiling faces and the joy of being children. What a joy they must be to you and Janine. Thanks for sharing. Marilyn. ❤

  30. cjjustice1 says:

    I remember when the twins were born. They are beautiful children, and enjoy doing so many fun things! I know that they bring much joy to their parents and grandparents.
    Love to you & Janine,

  31. Lavinia Ross says:

    They are beautiful grandchildren, Michel and Janine! Such a wonderful thing to have helpful, close family, and see the children grow and enjoy life!

  32. It must be so lovely to see them grow! It’s lovely just to see this photos. Thanks for sharing, Michel.

  33. cocosangel says:

    That looks like an interesting day. I do remember you posting about the Twins on Xanga. Now they are big. I love the dance and the circus after.

  34. Isabel Capillas says:

    Lovely, lovely twins❤️❤️ How they’ve grown😘

  35. Catherine Lee says:

    The sight of the children brings so much joy! Grow well, dear children. May God bless you with wisdom and noble friends!

  36. marica0701 says:

    Oh wow, all of that sheep wool!

    Your grandchildren look so lovely and happy and full of life! It is so wonderful to see them growing up.

  37. I love watching your beautiful and vibrant family grow in size and age. The sheep shearing looked like so much fun. A wonderful update, Michel!

  38. Larry says:

    Raphael and Yris are truly beautiful, and it’s great to see them learning new things while enjoying special activities! Glad to see everyone is so happy! Cheers!

  39. nhislop says:

    You have beautiful and talented grandchildren! They must bring joy to your family!

  40. Just stopping by with some (((HUGS))) and prayers for a new week! 🙂

  41. L. Marie says:

    Children grow so fast! What a delight they are!

  42. mlbncsga says:

    Mornin Glorie….My gracious how the twins have grown, I know you and Janine are so proud of them. I must admit to being a bit jealous, I have always wanted to attend a sheep shearing, maybe I should just come to France! ilym

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