Beginning of the planting.

Début des plantations dans le jardin
Beginning of the planting in the garden

English version below the picture 

La semaine dernière, notre fille cadette Véronique était à la maison pendant trois jours. Elle voulait jardiner et surtout planter les pommes de terre. Elle était accompagnée de sa fille (notre petite-fille Clara). Mais avant de planter, nous avons dû nettoyer les framboisiers. Désherber et aussi enlever le tiges mortes de l’année précédente. Certains arbustes envahissants étaient également à couper. Un dur travail ; Les framboisiers peuvent maintenant se développer librement. Alors qu’elles faisaient cela, je bêchais  une platebande  étroite et compacte devenue  l’ habitat des mauvaises herbes

1 Nettoyage des framboisiers 2Véronique et Clara nettoyant les framboisiers . Cleaning the rhasberry bushes 

2 le travailleurThe image of the effort !!  l ‘image de l’ effort !!

Last week our middle daughter Veronique was at home during three days . She wanted to garden and especially plant the potatoes . She was accompanied by her daughter (our granddaughter Clara ) . But before to plant we had to clean the raspberry bushes . Weeding and also taking off the dead stems of the previous year . Some invading shrubs were also to cut . Hard work ; The raspberry bushes now can grow freely. While they were doing this I dug a narrow and compacted flowerbed by the lane become a weed land

Le lendemain Véronique et moi avons planté sept rangées de pommes de terre: Je creusais  et Véronique mettait les tubercules  dans les trous :! Elle était heureuse, mais épuisée (photo ci-dessous ),

4 Véronique plantant
Proudly Veronique  stands at the end of the patch of potatoes .

The day after Veronique and I planted seven rows of potatoes : I dug and Veronique put the tubers in the holes:! She was happy but exhausted 

A la fin elle apprécia de s’asseoir  dans le célèbre abri de jardin parmi les bûches pour la cheminée. Elle a obtenu mon chapeau comme une récompense  et elle le portait avec grâce en dépit de sa fatigue.
Cette fois, le jardin est bien lancé et aujourd’hui, je vais planter les oignons et les échalotes, avant que la pluie annoncée pour demain. Jardinage comme la marine à voile demande de tenir compte de la météo.

Véronique reposant sous le hangar

At the end she enjoyed to sit in the famous garden shed among the logs for the fireplace . She got like an award my hat that she wore with grace despite of her tiredness .

This time the garden is well launched and today I will plant onion and shallots, before the rain announced for tomorrow. Gardening like sailing asks to take care of the meteo


About fauquetmichel

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48 Responses to Beginning of the planting.

  1. Humor_Me_Now says:

    Good Morning, Michel

    In my next life, I want to be French.

    Love the photos and the gals look great. I can tell they love garden work.

    You are hardworking. My wife used to have a garden. I planted potatoes once!!



  2. quelle joie de voir une jeune pousse là où j’ai planté, la révélation d’un bout du mystère des cycles ! Bonne chance avec les pommes de Terre, Michel !

  3. whyzat says:

    Aren’t the raspberries thorny? You gave the girls a real task!
    Over here, in Texas, we are getting far too much rain to do the gardening. In the last three days, about six inches! My yard is like a swamp!

    • Yes Dian we are slaves of the weather .
      About thorns , among our rhasberries some are thorny and others not . After the picture my wife brings gloves to the courageous workers ! 🙂

  4. mlbncsga says:

    Mornin Glorie! Your girls do look great and I see that the little black dog is helping also! Your soil looks rich, before long Janine will be cooking potatoes, I wonder what your favorite potato recipe is, and if you’ll have a salad topped with a nice raspberry vinaigrette? Raspberries are my favorite but I have not had any luck growing them. I noticed that Veronique and Clare are not wearing gloves, I never wore gloves when I was their ages…but now I always wear them to work the earth and I wish I had worn them then. Friday is Earth Day, I have special plans for planting if it’s not raining and it’s also the best night for seeing the Lyrid meteor shower, although the moon will also be full that night and the meteo (I had to research to know what this was) say’s it’s probably going to be raining here. This was a very lovely post, Veronique looks beautiful in your hat, and there is the little black dog wanting her attention again…dogs know good people. ILYM

    • The little black dog is called Lola ! 🙂 yes She loves Veronique .
      About gloves , after taking the photo ,my wife brought back gloves for them .
      It was time thys had scrathes to the hand and forearms .
      Thanks, Marsha , for the announces of the meteor showers

  5. blb1 says:

    You amaze me! Bending, planting. Neither of which I can do now. If I lived near you I’d beg for some of the produce. lol
    I wrote yesterday,

  6. weggieboy says:

    My favorite garden tool is the one you are using to clean out the flower bed that was over-grown with weeds. Of course, they work best in soil that you’ve worked lots of organic material into! I would love to be able to garden again. That was one of my favorite activities.

  7. cocosangel says:

    My garden is still moist and the grass is brown. But I too will have to get some gardening down so, that we could start growing some plants.

  8. Gardening is excellent. Wonderful post.

  9. Heartafire says:

    a lovely family, a lovely garden, life is good! Love ❤

  10. jstnotherday says:

    ‘Happy exhausted’ is a good feeling. 🙂
    It must induce so much joy to have your children and grandchildren come to spend the day this way.

  11. jstnotherday says:

    I have said often, “I wish.”
    This is the life I expected… the life I expected to have with my grown children.
    T’would be so wonderful, would it come to pass.

  12. Zakiah says:

    Such a healthy post dear Michel. You have such a large plot of land for the gardening. What solid work you all have to do.
    I absolutely LOVE the picture of Veronique sitting in the chair with firewood around her. it is a fantastic capture. you should enlarge it and have it framed for her.
    Love, Zakiah ❤

  13. This makes my heart sing ❤

  14. What a happy entry! The hat is an excellent trophy for such hard work! I wish I could garden like that and expect rain the next day too! What a nice visit you guys had from your daughter!!!!!!!!!

  15. Your garden is always such an inspiration to me!

  16. There are you and your hat putting out much good effort and having adventures! Glad you had such good helpers, too! Those potatoes are going to taste wonderful, as they were planted with love! What is your favorite way to have potatoes, Michel?
    A garden is hard work, but always worth it!
    Ha! When I think of potatoes in gardens I think if an old saying, “Watch what you do in the garden! The corn has ears and the potatoes have eyes!” 😉 😛
    HUGS!!! and ❤ to you and all of your family!!! 🙂

    • “The corn has ears and the potatoes have eyes ” It did not know this . This is a good one .
      About cooking potatoes I think there are one hundred and one ways to process but This will need a special post . And to translate those recipes in English , hard work . Harder than plant them! 🙂 But you give me an idea, Carolyn. Thanks .

  17. puffpop says:

    Working hand in hand with God in creating a healthy garden. I’m so glad that your daughter is there to give you aid. Gardening is a wonderful pastime that leads to the best of rewards. It keeps you young.

    votre amie,

  18. mrswrangler says:

    Jealous. Still a month until I can plant

  19. Ellen Chambers says:

    Hello Michel, My apologies for not commenting. I am envious of the gardening you and the girls are doing. Your soil looks perfect for gardening. Our soil is ‘red sand’. doesn’t grow root vegetables very well. In Illinois where I grew up, the soil was black and rich. My father always planted potatoes on March 17th.

  20. Fauquet Carole says:

    tu as l’air épuisée Véro un petit verre t’aurait surement retapée après ce dur labeur bravo

  21. AM says:

    Bravos. Vous êtes MAGNIFIQUES! Et le miracle de la Vie renouvelée au jardin printanier est très prometteur chez les Fauquet! Comme toujours. Super!

    Amitiés ❤

  22. julie essex says:

    I look forward to seeing all Veronique hard work. Hope you do not get the cold weather that is coming our way as after a few days of lovely weather , it is going to get cold with frost again. I am waiting for warm weather to do my planting

  23. What a lovely way to spend time with your daughter and granddaughter! They will always remember working in the garden with you! I have very fond memories of working in the garden with my grandfather. He was an avid gardener in spite of the fact that he was blind. He could tell by feeling seeds and tubers how they should be placed. He raised wonderful flowers and delicious vegetables!

  24. Isabel Capillas says:

    Seeing your photos reminds me of how my dad used to plant eggplants, tomatoes, bitter gourds in our garden several years ago back home. It’s always a beautiful way of family bonding every harvest time and we cook and eat the veggies from our own garden. Lovely pictures, Uncle Michel.

  25. Marion Manson says:

    Lovely post, Michel! Working in the garden, reaping the rewards for these efforts is a pleasure!!

  26. atzenicarlo says:

    Growing period is coming again, just like every year the marvellous circle repeats.
    Bien à toi


  27. It is so awesome to have help. I LOVE Veronique’s hair. 😉 She is lovely and how great that she got the award of wearing your hat. Raspberries..YUM. I can’ wait to see the results of all your planting. hugs. E

  28. marica0701 says:

    Praying for a bountiful harvest for you this year! 🙂

    And yum, raspberries!!

  29. guestbrief says:

    The hat may be a reward now, but the greater reward is the potatoes coming up and the raspberry pie later!! Yum. Thanks for sharing your lovely garden and Veronique with us. 🙂

  30. mcbery says:

    Frank wants to be French in his next life. So funny. Working in the soil makes our souls bigger, don’t you think? Blessings on your garden and your loved ones!

  31. L. Marie says:

    What a fine launch to the garden! I see your daughter inherited her love of planting from you. 🙂

  32. pacificnorthwestgranny says:

    Michel I am here on WordPress and have been commenting on your post. This is Ruth.

  33. CherokeeWriter says:

    Great post. My mom and I are going to start planting stuff next month.

  34. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour MICHEL moi j’ai abandonné le jardin tu as du courage

    C’est bientôt le premier mai
    Et j’ai cherché , cherché
    Les brins de muguet

    Dans les bois d’ALSACE

    Sur les talus ,sous les branchages et je l’ai trouvé

    Je viens t’offrir en avance ce petit bouquet de muguet

    Je l’ai sentie il a une belle odeur parfumé

    Regarde ces belles petites clochettes blanches

    Chaque clochette sonne mon amitié

    Pour toi ce petit porte bonheur

    Passe une belle semaine et un bon 1 mai avec du bonheur

    BISE Bernard

  35. L. Gail says:

    There is much work going on in the garden of Michel Fauquet !!! There will be none starving a this home. 🙂

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