Sarah visits us

Visite de Sarah

English version below the pictures

Mercredi dernier, le 27 octobre, nous avons eu la visite de notre petite-fille Sarah qui est née et vit en Angleterre. Après le repas nous avons regardé quelques albums photos et parmi eux celui de 2000. Elle avait deux ans et déjà elle venait chez nous pour quelques jours. Ci-dessous, une photo où elle m’a regardé arroser les poireaux dans le jardin ici à Amiens. L’autre photo, de la même année, la montre avec moi prête pour une promenade en ville. C’était l’époque où elle voulait absolument porter un sac à main. Ce qui a fait sourire les gens que nous avons rencontrés sur les trottoirs.

looking at the photos album from 2000 photo Janine Fauquet

2000 Srah in the garden. She was two years old
2000 Sarah carrying her handbag to go for a walk in the town

Last Wednesday, October 27, we had a visit from our granddaughter Sarah who was born and lives in England. After the meal we looked at a few photo albums and among them the one from 2000. She was two years old and already she came to us for a few days. Below is a photo where she watched me water the leeks in the garden here in Amiens. The other photo, from the same year, shows it with me ready for a walk around town. It was the time when she absolutely wanted to carry a handbag. Which made the people we met on the sidewalks smile.

Après quoi, Sarah voulut faire quelque chose pour aider Janine . Elle passa l’aspirateur dans la salle à manger et nettoya les vitres de la sale de séjour

Sarah vacuoming the dining room Sarah passant l’aspirateur dans la salle à manger

After which Sarah wanted to do something to help Janine. She vacuumed the dining room and cleaned the windows in the living room

Nous somme gâtés par enfants et petits enfants . Nous leur en sommes très reconnaissants.

Smiling. Souriants. photo Janine Fauquet

We are spoiled by children and grandchildren. We are very grateful to them.

About fauquetmichel

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102 Responses to Sarah visits us

  1. suester7 says:

    Little Sarah carries her handbag with style!

    It’s always heartening to see you and Janine with your grandchildren ❤️

  2. Annalisa says:

    Quel amour de petite fille! Et qu’il fait bon de regarder les vieilles photos ensemble. Ce sont les petites joyes de la vie. Mes trois petits fils doivent encore grandir un peu avant d’arriver à celà. J’attends!
    Meilleurs voeux pour une saison tranquille et sans soucis!

  3. You and Janine have raised a beautiful family, and each child has raised a beautiful family. Beautiful in appearance, but more beautiful in heart. Their kindness is a tribute to you and Janine. It speaks of your faith, your character, your love. They pay honor where honor is due. God bless and keep you all.

    Much love,

  4. Lavinia Ross says:

    Sarah was a beautiful child and has grown into a beautiful young lady! You have a very close family and loving, Michel and Janine! ❤️

  5. atagrandma says:

    We are both blessed by our grandchildren. My brother’s grandchildren live in London. I have never seen them. There are 3 boys and 1 girl. He was not able to visit them for 2 years because of covid. This year they were so happy to be able to see them again.

  6. murisopsis says:

    Michel she is a beauty! And the smile and the loving heart – it must make you so proud and happy!! I hope you were able to enjoy the visit and perhaps some of the other grandchildren will visit! They are growing up so quickly!!

  7. Cheers to the joys you received from Sarah’s visit. Hope all is well with you and Janine.

  8. Stephanie Wall says:

    Beaux souvenirs de Sarah. Je me demande si Sarah se sent anglais, français ou les deux. (J’espère qu’elle a les deux nationalités et passeports?). Elle est probablement pure bi-langue, mais dans son âme elle se sent comment ?

    • Oui, Stéphanie, Sarah est bilingue .Elle est née et vit en Angleterre . Elle doit donc se sentir anglaise mais ce qui est certain aussi c’est qu’elle a un très fort esprit de famille . ❤

  9. calmkate says:

    lovely photos of you both Michel, Janine is a good photographer! So glad you could share fond memories and that she could help Janine … it’s as it should be 🙂

  10. You and Janine deserve to be spoiled by them! ❤ 🙂
    What sweet photos…then and now…and what precious memories! 🙂
    Sarah was a beauty then…and she is a beauty now! 🙂 How wonderful to spend time with her! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  11. puffpop says:

    Sarah is a lucky girl having you as her grandfather…

    Every proper lady carries a handbag. They never go anywhere without that all-important purse.
    You are indeed blessed with a beautiful family.
    Love to you,

    votre amie,

  12. LGail says:

    Sarah has grown to be a beautiful lady! I’m surprised that time has gone so fast

  13. Caro says:

    Super cette entrée sur Sarah ….que le temps passe vite …bonne journée je vous embrasse

  14. Rachel says:

    Very happy for you! You are surrounded by love! These are more memories to add to your book. 🌹

  15. wissh says:

    You obviously raised them very well. They are all helpful and loving in their visits to their parents and grandparents. That says a lot about you and Janine. A lovely post and photos Michel. I hope you are feeling well, you look good.
    ❤️ Christine

  16. Doug Thomas says:

    A handbag and those cute yellow “wellies”! Sarah was ready for all contingencies! (And she seems to have been very British at that age, regardless of that half that is her French heritage!)

  17. What a wonderful post of little Sarah to older Sarah. What a delight to have her visiting. So wonderful to enjoy watching those grandchildren grow into such great young adults. You are blessed for sure.

  18. Anne says:

    Merveilleux souvenirs et actualité !
    Plaisir du partage en famille. Que du bonheur !
    Amitiés, AM

  19. mrswrangler says:

    Sounds like a wonderful visit.

  20. Gayle says:

    Grandchildren are God’s gift to us! She is beautiful!
    You and Janine are definitely blessed ❤

  21. Teri Stockton Ramirez said:
    There’s nothing quite as magical and special as grandchildren. They keep us young.

  22. cheriherald says:

    I’m so glad she got to visit. I miss my children and grandchildren, too. Hopefully, they will be able to visit before too long.

  23. maidyk says:

    bonjour Michel,
    Quel bonheur cela doit être d’avoir la visite de cette petite fille que vous ne voyez pas souvent !
    Et tu as bien raison, vous êtes vraiment chanceux d’avoir des petits enfants qui sont toujours prêts à vous rendre service.
    bises !

  24. blb1 says:

    The handbag image made me smile. You are blessed with family Michel. Holiday this year will be especially hard for me.

  25. equinoxio21 says:

    Charmant. Comme ils grandissent vite, n’est-ce pas? Merci pour ce partage…

  26. Karen Fidler says:

    Michel, I always enjoy seeing pictures of you with your grandchildren. So wonderful that Sarah came by to share memories with you and to help her grandmother with the chores! I especially enjoyed the picture of Sarah with her handbag, ready to shop! So adorable and I am not surprised she made the neighbors smile! It’s a beautiful family that you have, all the fruits of your labor!! Love, Karen

  27. Susan Joos says:

    Sometimes I grow disquieted by the world, but seeing the love in families gives me hope. ❤️

  28. Marion says:

    2000 doesn’t seem that long ago, but it was – 21 years!! Michel, really lovely photos of you and your beautiful granddaughter, Sarah. I really love the photo of you both looking at the camera. ❤

  29. Julie Essex says:

    What a wonderful visit from Sarah , its strange how time goes as I was expecting her to be a teenager not a beautiful young lady. Its a joy when your grandchildren visit you. It must be delightful to go back through the photographs

  30. Carol McKay Harper said:
    Such fun to have grandchildren visit and enjoy reminiscing and helping.

  31. Sartenada says:

    Hello Michel.

    What a wonderful post!!! Sarah is a very beautiful young lady. It was nice to see that see helps vacuuming with the dining room. I enjoyed this post very much. I tell a little bit of my granddaughter. Since the very beginning decided to take photos about her. First photos were when she learnt to walk in our home. We did not tell to my daughter that we shoot photos which we were not sharing with her. When my granddaughter got her Confession, we gave her our “secret photo book”. Guess, if she and my daughter loved this surprise! Have a great day! Amitiés,

    • Je suis heureux ,Matti, que cet article sur la visite d’une de mes petites-filles te rappelle l’album de photos que vous aviez fait à propos de votre petite -fille. Ta fille et elle ont du être touchées quand vous leur avez donné

  32. cocosangel says:

    How blessed it is to be taken care of by your children and grandchildren. Your granddaughter is very pretty.
    Having photos of your childhood is amazing, specially when you go back and see and remember how she was when she was small.

  33. She was adorable then and so pretty now. How awesome that she got to visit. I’m so happy for you and Janine. Hugs. ❤ E

  34. Owen Higgins says:

    Hello my friend.. it has been a long time now.. Sarah is good to clean the house. she is a treasure.

    You are looking hppy.

    Love to all from Owen In Ireland

  35. What a lovely granddaughter! She is so lucky to have you as well 🙂

  36. Such lovely pictures past and present. Sarah is a lovely young lady and I can relate regarding the handbag. I absolutely insisted on carrying my purse to school in first grade and having forgotten it I became so upset my mother had to go back and fetch it for me. Sending love to you and yours. ❤️

  37. Resa says:

    You have a beautiful family. I can see how loved, loving and proud you are.
    It’s a wonderful thing! Cheers! Resa ❤

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