Through the forest

A travers la forêt

English version below the pictures

Nous marchons d’un pas léger
Dans la magique forêt
Transportés par les senteurs
D ‘ humus , de bruyère et de fleurs .

Hola ! Serions – nous perdus ?
Ma femme et moi sommes confus !
La carte et deux anges gardiens
Nous montreront le bon chemin .

Les enfants se désaltèrent
Parmi les chênes centenaires .
Clairons et trompettes sonnez
Pour qu ‘on vienne nous chercher !

                                     M Fauquet Juillet 2002

My daughter Isabelle and me with her children: Sarah and Joe 2002

Nous sommes perplexes en regardant une carte
We are confused in looking at a map 
Sarah and Joe sound trumpett!

Through the forest .

All of us walked briskly
through the magic forest
Drunken by scents of flowers
Of humus and heather .

Hei ! ho ! were we lost ?
My wife and me are confused .
The map and two guardian angels
Will show us the good way .

Children are quenching their thirst
Among the ancient oaks
Sound bugle and trumpett
For someone can find us !

Michel Fauquet 2002

About fauquetmichel

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113 Responses to Through the forest

  1. KB says:

    What a delightful way to become lost! I’m sure your grandchildren enjoyed it very much!

  2. Lovely post! Wonderful family photos and charming poem, remembrance of a pleasant three-generation adventure. Priceless! ❤ I also like your new gravitar with you and Jeanine.
    "'Tis the season to be Jolly!" 🙂
    Love ❤

  3. calmkate says:

    a delightful family adventure, nice shots and lovely poem!

    Those grandchildren could carry you now Michel 🙂 I also like the gravitar of you and Janine! Take care kind gent

  4. What a wonderful forest adventure making beautiful memories! Your endearing poem captures it all! 🙂 I’m sure those precious grandchildren remember that day! Love their trumpeting! 😉 😀
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  5. blb1 says:

    Lovely pictures and memories. May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and safe New Year.

  6. mrswrangler says:

    What a wonderful memory to be stirred up by pictures.

  7. A beautiful post Michel!

  8. This is so beautiful, love the adventure and the photos! ❤️

  9. Lavinia Ross says:

    I love these old family photos, Michel, and your poem! A wonderful day with family in the forest. such good memories!

    Love to you, Janine and the family, ❤

  10. Doug Thomas says:

    What a happy recollection of a family walk in the forest! I enjoyed your poem and photos of your grandchildren, daughter, and, of course, you!

  11. Ahhhh … the smell of humus in the forest …. ahhhhh …. and cheers to looking back at joys with the family.

  12. Caro says:

    Qu est ce le temps passe vite….tu ne nous as jamais perdu …juste des détours où on passe à travers champ 😉n est ce pas Papa .On en garde de très bons souvenirs ….on vous souhaite un bon dimanche et on vous embrasse bien fort carole

  13. Susan Joos says:

    A delightful adventure with a happy ending! Looking forward to some sunny days ahead…

  14. I adore your poem as well as the photographs!❤️

  15. cheriherald says:

    I loved hearing about your big adventure! Have a very Merry Christmas, Michel!

  16. nannyfountain says:

    Adventures with children are always filled with Magic! Lots of love to all of you! ❤

  17. Julie says:

    We have got lost many times , this is a delightful memory , hope all the family has a wonderful Christmas

  18. Lovely post. Wonderful way to be lost. 😉 Hugs

  19. LGail says:

    You have great memories with Janine and your grandchildren. I’m glad you found your way back.

  20. What wonderful past family memories on your trek through the forest. ❤ Marilyn
    Love this photo of you, your daughter and grandchildren

  21. murisopsis says:

    Michel! This is charming! Your poem is a delight and the photos harken back to a magical moment. I hope you and Janine are well and able to enjoy the holidays!

  22. Annalisa says:

    Quel joli poème! Avec ces belles photos, il me paraît d’être dans le bois avec vous. Il est doux de se perdre dans le bois, parfois!
    Merci Michel, meilleurs voeux de bonne santé à vous tous.

    • “Il est doux de se perdre dans le bois, parfois!” . Tu as tellement raison Annalisa . ; Heureusement qu’on a de si bons souvenires car maintenat ma promenade serait très limitée !! ❤

  23. Atzeni Carlo says :
    Dante wrote the Divina Commedia where he was lost in the woods. He was alone. You were not alone. You had love at your side and Love is the salvation.

  24. Sharon White says :
    Merry Christmas from Texas to you and your family!

  25. puffpop says:

    What a delightful adventure…To be lost and surrounded by those that you love. I see that you all eventually found your way back to home and safety…That is a precious photo of you and Janine on the side…
    votre amie,

  26. Marion says:

    Michel, you share such a wonderful bond with your family – another beautiful post from you. ❤

  27. Zakiah says:

    Beautiful post as always Michel. Love your grandchildren. Long ago, my brother and i were going down a foresty hill up in the mountains, both, around 14 and 16 years of age, and we got lost. It was kind of scary at first, but we had a lovely climb back up afterwards.

  28. Isabelle Fauquet says:

    Nous serions bien incapables de les porter sur nos epaules aujourdhui! C’est toujours etrange ce sentiment d’un souvenir proche alors nous nous promotions dans ce bois il y a presque 20 ans.
    Tendres souvenirs Papa.

  29. Nothing like a walk among Nature’s beauty with a lovely wife, daughter and grandchildren. Love the photos.

  30. marica0701 says:

    What fun adventures! 🙂

  31. Sartenada says:

    Bonjour Michel.

    Quel message charmant et chaleureux. J’ai beaucoup aimé vos photos. Merci beaucoup.

    Amitiés, Matti

    • Merci, Matti et bonne chance à ton nouveau blog

      • Sartenada says:

        Merci Michel. J’apprécie votre opinion. CanalBlog calcule de manière différente les visiteurs que WordPress. Par exemple, j’ai maintenant Total des visiteurs: 640, mais Total des pages vues: 1664. C’est, bien sûr, peu, comparé à mon WordPress.

        Maintenant j’ai 10 abonnés, puis dans WordPress j’ai 3475 abonnés.

        Encore une fois, merci. Je vous souhaite un week-end agréable! Matti

  32. L. Marie says:

    A lovely poem! So glad you found your way or were found by someone who could help! Lovely photos of family! 😀

  33. Véro says:

    Se perdre aujourd’hui est devenu un luxe et un art de vivre, que tu as su transmettre à certains d’entre nous !!! Merci Papa pour cette fantaisie et cet humour !
    Je vous embrasse tous les deux

  34. Loved the whimsical poem and happy photos!!!! What fun!!!

  35. maidyk says:

    bonsoir Michel,
    toujours embêtant quand on se perd dans la forêt surtout avec les enfants quand la fatigue commence à se faire sentir ! Cela nous était arrivé aussi une année, en Forêt Noire, dans la forêt , dans la neige , alors que mon mari pensait avoir trouvé un raccourci … Enfin l’essentiel est d’arriver finalement à destination …
    bises du soir !

  36. Eat Right Chef Louisa says:

    Lovely poem and lovely pictures of your family. C’est chouette à faire de la ranonnée, n’est-ce pas?

  37. suester7 says:

    What a lovely retelling of adventure with family! I enjoyed your poem very much, Michel. ❤️

  38. I love seeing your posts about your family. Your descendants are truly blessed to have such loving and faithful grandparents.

  39. littlemissbliss says:

    oh such lovely pictures!
    time flies by so quickly
    i was reading lately about ‘forest bathing’ – have you heard of that?
    simply being in nature 🙂

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