Pumps and fountains

Pompes et fontaines.
Pumps and fountains.

English version below the pictures

Après le repas de midi aujourd’hui je regardais rêveusement la vieille pompe à bras accrochée au mur dans notre cour et aussi la borne – fontaine juste à côté .. Seul, cette dernière fonctionne pour laver la voiture et arroser le jardin ( pas trop ) . La pompe à bras se trouvait dans la cuisine de la grand’mère de Janine bien avant la guerre .
De nos jours il y a beaucoup de robinets dans les maisons et aussi machines à laver , lave-vaisselle , salle de bain etc …. L’ eau courante circule dans toutes les parties des maisons et la consommation est importante , trop !

pompe à bras

Pompe aspirante et foulante dans la cour.
Hand lit- and- force pump in the backyard


Fontaine dans la cour
“public” drinking fountain in the backyard

 After the meal at noon today I looked like in a dream at the old hand pump hung at the wall in our backyard and also at the «  public «  fountain just its  side . . Only this last is working and used to wash the car or water a part of the garden ( not too much ) . The hand pump was in Janine ‘ grandmother ‘ s kitchen a long time before the war II .
Nowadays there are  many taps in the houses and also wash machine, dishwasher , bathroom etc…; The water is running in all parts of the houses and the consumption is high , too high .


Je connus un temps où les gens n ‘ utilisaient pas l ‘ eau si facilement et l’ économisaient . La photo ci – dessous montre mes grands parents , côté maternel , en face de leur maison dans un petit village avant la 2ème guerre mondiale ..Pas d’ eau courante mais un puits dans la cour .Un seau se trouvait à l’ entrée à l’intérieur avec de l’ eau propre et fraîche venant du puits. Il   fallait y faire attention car elle servait pour la toilette et la cuisine . D’ autres seaux étaient utilisés pour abreuver le bétail . Pas de salle de bain , ni de toilettes intérieures naturellement .
Les voisins venaient chercher leur eau à ce puits . Cette maison a été détruite par une bombe en 1944 et une autre reconstruite vers 1950mais toujours sans eau courante .D ‘ ailleurs ma grand’mère refusait. «  Pourquoi avoir l’ eau courante puisque j’ ai un bon puits , jamais sec «

grandtparents maternels
My grand parents on the left ( my mother side ) in front of their house before the war II
Mes grands parents maternels ( sur la gauche ) devant leur maison avant la guerre

  I knew a time where people did not use water so easily and saved it . The picture above shows my mother side grand parents in front of their house  in a small village before the war II  . They have no water running in the house but a well in their yard . A bucket was standing inside the entrance containing the clean and fresh  water coming from the well . We had to take care of it because this water was used for cooking and washing. Others buckets were used for the cattle drinking !!No bathroom of course and nor toilets indoor, of course . The neighbours came to take the water at this well  This house has been destroyed by a bomb in 1944 and another has been rebuilt in about 1950 but always without tap inside . Besides my grandmother refused . “Why to have the water running in the house since I have a good well never dried !”

Dans les années 30  certaines  maisons avaient un robinet intérieur comme celle de mes parents qui était neuve . Sur la photo ci – dessous le robinet d’ eau froide est juste derrière ma mère préparant un poulet près de l’ évier ( 1952 ) . Cette maison se situait dans une petite ville et beaucoup d’ habitations n’ avaient pas l’ eau courante . Les gens allaient chercher leur eau à la borne fontaine publique sur le trottoir  comme celle photographiée ci – dessus .

Ma mère 1952
Ma mère devant l ‘ évier avec son robinet à eau froide ( 1952 . Photo M.Fauquet )
My mother in front of the sink and its cold water tap ( hidden by her )

  In the years 1930’s some houses had a tap inside such my parents ‘ house which was new . On the picture above the cold water tap is just behind my mother who was preparing a chicken in  near the sink ( 1952 ). The house was standing  in a little town and many others had no tap inside . People went to take their water to the pubic drinking fountains on the sidewalk  such the one in our backyard ( pictured above ) .

 En ces temps l ‘ eau était précieuse et économisée . La vie était plus dure mais on ne manquait pas d ‘ eau  ici ou là, les sources étaient abondantes et il y avait des truites sauvages dans les rivières qui n’ étaient pas polluées .

  At this time water was saved and was precious . Life was harder than now  but there was no lack of water here and there  ,the sources were abundant and there were wild trouts in the rivers, not polluted  .

About fauquetmichel

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60 Responses to Pumps and fountains

  1. mrswrangler says:

    Love your pics of your family. I like old things like your pump. Hope all is well for you.

  2. Louisa says:

    Michel, ta raconte d’histoire de l’eau est très fascinante pour moi! Merci! J’aime bien des photos de ta famille.

  3. A beautiful series of old photos. I love the water pump, it’s beautiful . As a child I lived in Germany for a while. Water was precious even in the 70s , we rented the upper floor of a house belonging to a lovely family. baths were infrequent., daily baths were frowned on. 😮. We take so much for granted. Thank you for sharing.

  4. blb1 says:

    Our neighbors had a pump outside but our house had indoor plumbing. Dad saw to that as he remodeled. We had only a toilet and shower and sink in the basement. We never watered our yard, didn’t have to, rained enough. Mom used to tell stories of storing milk and such in the nice cold ‘run’ as they called the creek. Perhaps I should do a blog about this. lol

  5. slmret says:

    Water is a precious commodity without which we would be unable to live. In Southern California, we are wishing for light rains through the winter (none is predicted for at least the next two weeks) — but too much at once could bring on another disaster!

  6. L. Marie says:

    Thank you for sharing your family history, Michel. I enjoyed looking at your pictures, and seeing the water fountain in your backyard.

  7. Ma grand mère avait une pompe à bras, qui puisait l’eau du puits, et qu’il fallait amorcer avec une gamelle d’eau. Plus tard est arrivé la pompe électrique, chromée et très bruyante.
    Quand j’ai acheté ma maison, il y avait, dans la cour, une vielle pompe à bras Deville des années 1920. Elle était juste décorative, n’avait jamais servi, alors que c’était une bien belle vraie pompe. Je l’ai donnée.
    La Meuse est en crue depuis plus de quatre semaines. Les sols sont gorgés d’eau. La boue reigne presque partout. D’ici à ce qu’on ait un été très sec …
    Merci pour ces évocations, Michel.

  8. L. Gail says:

    My husband’s grandmother saved the water that she washed dishes in to water her flowers. I remember my grandmother having a hand pump on her back porch. The water was cool and tasted much better than the treated water that we have today. Your Mother is beautiful!

  9. Oh! I love seeing your family photos and hearing some history of your precious family, Michel!
    Your mama had such a beautiful smile! 🙂

    Your pump and fountain are great! They give water and memories to you! I love that! (Is that their original color or do they get painted once and a while?!)

    I lived in a place of drought for over 7 years and learned how to conserve water. After moving from there I still conserve water. Even if I don’t have to. One example: putting plastic buckets in the shower (while showering) to capture some of the water that would just go down the drain. Then I use that water to water indoor and outdoor plants. Another example: not letting the water run while brushing my teeth. Etc. 🙂

    I think everytime we take a drink of water, we should say a thank-you prayer.
    (((HUGS))) and ❤ 🙂

  10. puffpop says:

    So very interesting. It’s good to look back and see how are grandparents lived. I am spoiled since I can’t imagine not having enough water. It makes me think that people did not have lawns…Lawns use way too much water and our golf courses, swimming pools use gallons and gallons of water…So many ways that people use and waste water.
    Thanks for posting something that is a reminder to us on how much we depend on such a basic need.

    In the Bible, we read so often of those going to the well and carrying heavy pots of water. The wells at that time were not close to their place of dwelling…
    John mentioned his mother washing clothes in the river.
    We waste so much today.

    I’m thankful for the abundance of water…

  11. weggieboy says:

    When I was stationed in Kaiserslautern, Germany in the early 1970s, two other soldiers and I rented an apartment where you put 10 pfennig coins into a gas meter to get a measured amount of gas to heat water for a bath or to wash dishes.

    The American who had the apartment before us said it took 50 pfennigs worth of gas to take a bath. The first bath I took there, I put in 50 pfennigs worth of coins, and had so much hot water, I never used it up.

    From then I experimented with how much I had to put in to get a good bath.

    There was a hand shower. Instead of filling the tun up to the top, which the American apparently was doing, I wetted myself down with enough water to make the soap lather, then turned the water off. Once I was all soaped up, I used the hand shower to rinse the soap off, and stopped as soon as the water turned cold again.

    Cost of gas per bath/shower: 10 pfennigs, 40 pfennigs less than we were told a both would take, and I was more than clean. It was an interesting experience that made me aware of how little water one really needs to use to bathe adequately. Or gas to heat that water!

    To this day, I use the same technique when showering, even though the cost of gas and abundance of water where I live don’t necessitate being so frugal if one doesn’t want to be. Waste not, want not!

  12. weggieboy says:

    filling the tun up to the top = filling the TUB up to the top…

  13. Annalisa says:

    Je me rappelle d’avoir tiré de l’eau d’une pompe comme la tienne à la maison de mes tantes lorsque j’étais gamine et je passais mes étés à la campagne avec mes cousins… On faisait aussi la vasseille au fleuve, mais seulement pour les casseroles et les poêles. La sable fine du fleuve faisait bien briller les casseroles!
    J’espère que vous êtes tous bien. Amitiés!

  14. Gayle Smith says:

    wow…Lots of memories!! it is nice to have things that remind you of family and good memories!! Love the pictures Michel

  15. WOW, wonderful memories and photos on ‘how we use to live back in the 1930s and 1940s. My grandmother who lived on a farm in Odessa, Washington, USA had a hand pump in the kitchen. Had to heat water for everything. I was very young, but that is the one thing I do remember. When she built a new house, she had all the updated things to make life easier. Thanks for sharing. ❤ Marilyn

  16. wnandcj says:

    Excellent Michel!

  17. Susan Joos says:

    I have always grown up with taps in the house, but when I was a child we would visit a relative in a nearby small town that had a hand pump in a large sink in the kitchen that was a source of great wonderment to all of us kids. And no bathroom in the house, just an outhouse, which was less delightful ton our sensibilities. I can see where the labor made the water more precious.

  18. Marion Manson says:

    Michel, this is a great blog!! I love the old hand pump and pictures of your grand parents and mother. I suppose it’s what people become used to using at their time in history. Now days we can’t imagine life without having hot and cold running water in our homes. The thought of having to daily cart water by bucket from a well is awful! Different times, for sure. 🙂

  19. marica0701 says:

    I love the photos of your grandparents and mother!

  20. When I was growing up, one of my mother’s sisters lived on a small acreage outside Council Bluffs, Iowa, where I grew up. She did not have any indoor plumbing except a hand pump in the kitchen. She had to pump water from this pump and boil it to wash dishes or do other cleaning. She had an outhouse a little distance away behind the house. I thought it was fun to pump water in the sink or with the pump outside in the yard. I think of that time as being simpler rather than harder. It was a little more difficult to do some of the work in the house, but life was not so rushed, so there was more time to do the work.

  21. Cheri Herald says:

    I learned some things from your post. Thank you for sharing!

  22. This post say how much water is precious 🙂

  23. How very interesting, Michel! I can’t imagine living at those times with no running water or toilets…so different from now. I love the pictures of your family, also 🙂

  24. Love this post and the family photos.
    Hand pumps are awesome. Love it.

  25. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour ou bonsoir mon AMI MICHEL je n’ai pas connu mes grands parents et mes parents sont partis dans l’eau de là bonsoir à ta famille

    Ce jour à n’importe quelle heure de la journée
    J’ai besoin de t’ écrire un petit mot
    Comme quoi je ne ‘oublie pas
    j’ai un peu de temps à t’accorder
    Juste une minute pour te dire
    Que je t’envoie un beau sourire
    Et je t’accorde deux minutes pour te donner
    Sur tes joues, deux Gros Bisous d’amitié
    Et surtout quelques secondes pour
    Te souhaiter une excellente journée ou soirée

    Avec du soleil au cœur


  26. Lavinia Ross says:

    Those are wonderful family photos, Michel! Life in a another time, when everything was precious, and nothing wasted. I remember seeing a house, when I was young, that had the hand pump coming up into the kitchen from a well below the house. My mother was a visiting nurse, and the elder gentleman that lived there was one of her patients. I marveled at that.

    Love to you, Janine and the family, ❤

  27. neilc693 says:

    Something is wrong—I don’t see any photos, only in this post. It sounds like it might be only me, too.

    • For some reasons the reader does not show the photos but they are present . Probably you will see them if you come here in clicking on my name and open my post. Sorry Neil
      In friendship

  28. attatudy says:

    Your mothers smile just lights up her face Michel. People pay a lot of money for those pumps now. They just use the pumps as a decore. Maybe they wish for the good old days.

    • Thanks for your kind comment about my mother, Tudy.
      The hand pump comes from Janine’s grandmother . The ” public dinking ” fountain
      was there when we bought the house in 1986 . I remember them on the sidewalks of the street of my birthplace ❤

  29. iampeacenow says:

    This post is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this history and the wonderful photos! I love the hand pump. When I was a child both sets of my grandparents had pumps outside but my paternal grandmother also had a hand pump like this in her kitchen with a very large white enamel sink.
    love & peace,

  30. mlbncsga says:

    Mornin Glorie! This was very refreshing, like a cold glass of water on a hot day! It seems your mother was very fond of the person that took her photograph, such a beautiful and happy looking woman. We grew up with a well in our yard, it had an electric pump to bring water into the house, sometimes the pump wouldn’t work so our father taught us to take a small amount of water to prime the pump, if this didn’t work we would take a pail and borrow water from the neighbors house. When I got older (and the weather was warm) I would go down to a lake not far from the house and take a bath there before school. Thank you for making me recall such precious memories, I never felt it was a burden to make do… I think people were more readily adaptable back then, now everyone seems to complain about the cost of water and such luxuries. I should make a blog about the well and my father before I take up all your space talking about it here. Also, World Water Day is March 22nd! ILYM http://worldwaterday.org

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