

English version below the picture

Il y a trois jours, je me tenais à la porte de derrière  et je voyais  Janine revenir du potager. Elle tenait des carottes fraîches qu’elle venait d’arracher et aussi un joli bouquet de persil.

Je lui ai demandé de s’arrêter afin de prendre une photo. Les carottes seront préparées et cuites pour faire un plat avec des pois et des pommes de terre (macédoine )

Je connais  Janine depuis 1957 et sa vue  m’enchante  toujours . J’ai été captivé en la regardant venir vers moi avec élégance en tenant les légumes. Elle était “la belle Jardinière” dans une simplicité naturelle. Heureusement, elle a récupéré (mais pas totalement) de son épaule droite cassée en Janvier dernier

Je n’ai pas l’intention de décrire ici toutes ses qualités de mère aimante pour nos six enfants et d’une femme dévouée, je voulais seulement exprimer ce que je ressentais il y a quelques jours à un moment précis: l’admiration et l’amour.

L’amour transcende et n’a pas besoin de plus de mots.


Janine 16 Août 2017  August 16

Three days  ago I was standing at the backyard door  at seeing  Janine coming back from the veggie garden . She was holding fresh carrots she had just taken in the soil and also a cute bouquet of parsley.

  I asked her to stop in order I took a picture .   Carrots were going to be prepared and cooked to make a dish with peas and potatoes ( macedoine of vegetables).

   I know Janine since 1957 and her image always enchants me . I was captivated in watching her coming towards me with elegance holding the veggies . She was” la belle Jardinière “ ( the beautiful gardener ) in a natural simplicity . Fortunately she has recovered but not totally from her broken  shoulder of last January

  I do not intend to describe here all of her qualities of loving mother for our six children and of devoted  wife , I wanted only to express what  I felt three days ago at a precise moment:  admiration and love .

Love transcends and does not need more words.

About fauquetmichel

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92 Responses to Janine.

  1. weggieboy says:

    What a wonderful tribute to the woman you love! Awwww! I’d add a bunch of hearts if I knew how! ♥ Oh! [ALT-3] ♥♥♥♥♥ Best wishes to you and Janine, Michel! I’m glad to know her shoulder is healed.

  2. blb1 says:

    Precious picture precious husband. 🙂

  3. She is indeed beautiful!!!! Thank you for sharing this charming photo! Glad she has recovered! How old were you two in 1957?

    • Janine was very young in August 1957 when we met for the first time and I had to go to the military service during 27 months including a part of Algeria war so we married in February 1961

  4. Louisa says:

    Michel, this is such a touching tribute. I see true love between the two of you– enviable! You are right. Sometimes words are not needed, like in this case. The picture tells 1,000 words!

  5. L. Gail says:

    You found your soul-mate in your early days. This is touching. I’m glad that she is healed from her broken shoulder.

  6. Angela says:

    You are such a sweet kind talented man whose love for his wife makes me smile. I’m so glad u are my friend and it’s so heart-warming to read this!!!👍👏😍😁❤️❤️❤️❤️I do admire you and Janine!!! Xx ❤️And blessings!! Angela

  7. mrswrangler says:

    Glad you still fell that way about your wife

  8. puffpop says:

    A lovely tribute to a beautiful lady. Nothing more blessed than being married to your best friend. That fresh vegetable dish sounds so delicious.!

    • This dish, Françoise, is called in French ” macedoine de légumes ” . Those are bits of potatoes, carrots , peas etc… mixed together with seasoning. It is easy to eat, good and refreshing.

  9. cocosangel says:

    Wow! How romantic is that! 🙂
    Having being together for 60 years, is tremendous, specially in this day and age. Some don’t understand, that it is after being together for several years that your love for the other grows.

  10. whyzat says:

    What a wonderful snapshot in time. VanGough should have painted just such a picture!

    • janine and I are loving Van Gogh . we visited some years ago the place where he lived his last years and painted his most famous works : St Remy de Provence and Arles ( southern France )

  11. Such beautiful thoughts about your wife and a beautiful post!

  12. marica0701 says:

    It’s so touching and lovely that you have this ever-increasing love for your wife after all these years. I hope to find such a love someday.

  13. Rachel says:

    You honor your wife. Amor!

  14. AW! 🙂 This brought joy-tears to my eyes, Michel! Janine IS beautiful! 🙂
    It is so wonderful to read about a man who loves and admires his wife! And I’m sure she loves and admires you, too 🙂 You 2 truly are lovebirds! 🙂
    Yes, I’m sure when you look at her, love sparkles in your eyes. a smile breaks out on your lips, and words are NOT necessary! 🙂
    HUGS for you and Janine!!! 🙂

  15. jstnotherday says:

    Such a sweet photo, and such sweet love. ❤

  16. iampeacenow says:

    This is so incredibly tender and honest. What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful wife. It makes my heart swell to read this lovely post. So happy I am for you and your dear wife to have been able to share so many years and so much love.
    peace & love ❤

  17. neilc693 says:

    How fitting! A life together is built not on deep, grand things, but on little, quotidian ones, like meals. If you get them right, the depth and grandeur emerge by themselves.

  18. Karen says:

    You are truly a lucky man, Michel! And Janine is a lucky woman! Tomorrow, I join with my family to celebrate 60 years of marriage for my parents. They were married August 17, 1957. We are a lucky family to have them!

  19. wnandcj says:

    What a wonderful thing that after all these years she still pulls at your heartstrings when you see her coming. It is a beautiful example of love.

  20. suester7 says:

    You are blessed, Michel! I hope you and Janine will have many more wonderful years together. ❤️

  21. Susan Joos says:

    What a beautiful post! This is love!

  22. Cheri Herald says:

    How wonderful that the sight of your wife still inspires such tender thoughts. That’s a beautiful kind of love.

  23. Isabel Capillas says:

    You’re such a sweet and loving husband to Janine, Uncle Michel❤Glad toknow that Janine has recovered and hope she will totally recover at the soonest time.

  24. thierry denis says:

    Que c’est touchant ….C’est vrai que nous avons une mère extraordinaire …Nous l’adorons et toi aussi d’ailleurs .On vous embrasse

  25. Peggy says:

    so very sweet, Michel! 🙂

  26. littlemissbliss says:

  27. Tribo, OCarm says:

    so cute… my prayers to you both…

  28. cjjustice1 says:

    I love how you love your Janine, Michel. It is beautiful!
    Love to you both – Carolyn

  29. Love is a beautiful thing!

  30. joyce says:

    a wonderful tribute of love to your dear friend and life partner. you are so blessed!

  31. neilc693 says:

    It just struck me now—macedoine de légumes, the dish we call “mixed vegetables” (but somewhat less mass-produced and pre-packaged). Of course! What else is a veggie garden for?

    • Yes, Neil, the veggie garden produce fresh vegetables this is the firqt function It is also a teacher : the veggie garden teaches the effort, the perseverance and the patience . And when you are worried or upset the garden becomes soothing.

  32. mimiwi2013 says:

    Ahh, Michel. I totally understand how you feel. As we get older and health problems start arriving, we cherish our spouses even more. When we are young we feel invincible, but but age makes us realize that any day can be our last together. We appreciate the little things we have together more than the big things. Doing an every day chore, or watching our loved one do it—as Janine is here—makes us realize how blessed we are in our choice of a soul mate!! The other is watching our children, and now grandchildren and great-grandchildren, mature and prosper. They doubly remind us how God has truly blessed us through the years and past trials. This posting has moved me a lot. We both have been blessed in our lives. Maybe it has to do with a very special week in Feb. of 1961 for both of us!! Love and hugs to both of you! ❤ Nancy and Ken

  33. One of the sweetest posts ever. I loved it.

  34. Larry says:

    Beautiful, Michel! Blessings to both you and lovely Janine! Cheers!

  35. This brought tears to my eyes, Michel. Thank you to wonderful you and your family for all that you inspire in my heart. xxoo Cassi and Lola

  36. Zakiah says:

    Beautiful lady, beautiful photo and beautiful tribute to beautiful wedded bliss!

  37. julie essex says:

    Having the privilege of meeting Janine twice , I know that she is a really lovely lady , this is a wonderful tribute to her

  38. nannyfountain says:

    Wonderful hearing your words of love for such a fine lady ❤

  39. AM says:

    En trois mots, un amour réussi !
    Et le synonyme d’amour est vie,
    et Dieu … Bref, merveilleux ❤

  40. Lavinia Ross says:

    A long life you have had together, Michel, and many more years to come. A beautiful tribute to Janine!

    Shoulder injuries can take a long time to fully heal and recover. Having injured, although not broken, both of mine at different times, I know it can take a while.

    All my best to you and Janine. ❤

  41. Anna says:

    That was the most beautiful and romantic post I have ever read. Love like yours and Janine are very rare. 💖

  42. L. Marie says:

    Love this post and the fact that you honor your wife, Michel.
    Love to you both,a

  43. mcbery says:

    How blessed you are. Love the post and the words of love for your Janine. 🙂

  44. mlbncsga says:

    Mornin Glorie! I’m sorry I haven’t read this until now… my heart could have been warmer for more than a month! ILYM

  45. kaiori says:

    “Sa vue m’enchante toujours”. Quels beaux mots ❤

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