The smelling of the earth.

L’ odeur de la terre

The smelling of the earth

English version below the picture 

Mon fils Pierre est venu mardi dernier pour travailler dans le potager pendant une paire d’ heures. La photo prise par Janine le montre bêchant le  sol dans un coin du jardin. Pendant qu’il travaillait, il vint à me dire «la terre a une odeur». J’ai répondu que c’était la bonne odeur de la mère terre qui nous nourrit. Mais peut-être c’était aussi l’odeur des fleurs à proximité (ancolies) ou encore l’autre du chèvrefeuille dans le jardin du voisin? Nous convînmes de dire que nous nous sentions très bien pendant  le travail dans un jardin parce que nous sommes étroitement près de la nature et cela chasse tous les soucis de notre esprit. Le jardinage est aussi une source de spiritualité.

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAMy son Pierre working in the garden among the Aquilegia in bloom and young faba bean protected by a net.  May 23, 2017
Mon fils Pierre travaillant dans le jardin parmi les ancolies et les jeunes fèves protégées par un filet. Photo J. Fauquet

My son Pierre came last Tuesday to work in the vegetable garden during a couple of hours . the photo taken by Janine shows him digging over the ground in a corner of the garden .   He said to me me  while he was tilling the soil “ the earth has a smell “ . I answered it was the good odor of the mother earth which nourishes us .  But perhaps it was also the smell of the flowers nearby ( columbine  or Aquilegia ) or again the odor of the honeysuckle in the neighbor’s garden?  We agreed to say we felt very well in working in a garden because we are narrowly near Nature and this chases all of the worries from our mind . Gardening is also a source of spirituality.

Et quand il fait chaud et que  êtes épuisé, quel plaisir de boire un verre d’eau fraîche dans l’ombre des pommiers. Vous vous sentez comme au paradis. (Tellement, vous oubliez de vous enlever votre  pull de laine).
De grands moments dans le jardin!


 It is hot! Delight in the shadow! Il fait brûlant! délice à l’ ombre Photo Janine Fauquet 24 mai 2017

And when it is hot and when you are exhausted, what a delight to drink a glass of fresh water in the shadow of the apple trees . You feel like in heaven .  ( so much you forget to take off your woolen clothes ).
Great times in the garden !


About fauquetmichel

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67 Responses to The smelling of the earth.

  1. blb1 says:

    Indeed the earth does have a scent. I remember Grandpa’s newly plowed field. I used to love to run my fingers through fresh dirt. I even like the feel of potting soils. Afraid all of this comes to an end for me though.

    • .Don’t despair, Bonnie ,No this will not come to an end . I know you have worries with your health but when the problems will have been solved you find the shape .

  2. You live in paradise Michel. There are few things that invoke more of a sense of connection than the scent of the earth. It is most pleasant in its fermentation of decaying flowers and mushrooms, bubbling brooks spilling upon ancient rock..lovely photograph. Love, Holly ❤

  3. iampeacenow says:

    So lovely and peaceful. My mother has flower gardens. She lives to be outside in her gardens taking care of them. I know out lifts her spirits and gives her peace. Mother Earth doors provide great bounty for is.
    Peace 💜

  4. mrswrangler says:

    Looks like a shady place to enjoy. I have spent the last two days in my mom’s and my gardens planting.

  5. Eat Right Chef Louisa says:

    I totally agree that gardening is a source of spirituality. You are very lucky to have such a beautiful garden where flowers, fruits and vegetables grow. To me, that is heaven on earth! Enjoy!

  6. What a beautiful post! I love gardening. May you have many wonderful fruits and vegetables this year!

  7. cocosangel says:

    That looks like very relaxing, been able to stay under a shade when exhausted. 🙂
    It is funny, the pictures show, your son working in the garden and you sitting in the shade!!! 😀 😀

  8. jstnotherday says:

    a photo fantasik of mon frere Michel. 🙂

  9. suester7 says:

    Glad gardening brings you such joy, Michel!

  10. judyrutrider says:

    Ah, there’s nothing like the aroma of a steaming pile of compost, energy stored for future feasts! Freshly turned, well nourished soil thrills a gardener’s soul as she envisions the bounty to come.

  11. WOW wow You have a garden with apple trees,…What you going to plant in the garden this time of year? When will the apple trees bear fruits? What other trees are there in the garden? I will have a garden so that I can plant trees I like in it. You use fertilizer?

    • I have various fruit trees : apple trees, pear trees, plum trees ; medlard tree, quince tree , raspberries etc . But this year 2017 has not been good for them, their flowers have been frozen by very low temperature during two mornings in April.

  12. Yvonne says:

    Tell Janine I fractured my shoulder and elbow, I hope I heal as well as she seemed to do. ❤

    • I am sorry to read this Yvonne . janine did not get surgery but has her arm blocked during six weeks with a sling. It was at the beginning of januay . She is rather well now in May . The consolidation of the bone is done but the suffering still comes from time to time from the muscles which have been severely bruised . I wish for you a good evolution like for Janine but patience is needed . You have my support.

  13. marica0701 says:

    In the last few years I’ve learned that I enjoy gardening. My parents have always had gardens for both flowers and vegetables, and sometimes I would help – but lately I’ve been wanting to help more. When I have a house of my own, I will be sure to have a large garden. It is good to work in the soil and grow and care for all of God’s nature and creation.

  14. mlbncsga says:

    Mornin Glorie! I’m glad to see Pierre helping and that he recognized the smell of the soil! I don’t wear perfume but if they made a scent that smelled like earth after the rain perhaps I would. Below is the last verse in the poem “The Glory of the Garden” I believe it’s written by Kipling, I thought it appropriate. ILYM

    Oh, Adam was a gardener, and God who made him sees
    That half a proper gardener’s work is done upon his knees,
    So when your work is finished, you can wash your hands and pray
    For the Glory of the Garden that it may not pass away!
    And the Glory of the Garden it shall never pass away !

  15. Anna says:

    Beautiful post, Michel. Thank you 💖 xx

  16. The soil in your garden must be very rich and fertile. I hope you’ll have a very good harvest this year.

  17. Zakiah says:

    gardening is spiritual and therapeutic. how good that your son came to till the land. Happy harvesting Michel.

  18. Susan Joos says:

    Your garden pictures always look a little magical! Sitting the shade looks quite delightful. My poor tiny patch of garden needs weeded before it can be planted, but the rain has not cooperated with my schedule this year. The thistles have had it all their way!

  19. Love the garden pics. We (and my grandparents) had gardens when I was growing up. I love the smell of nature (whatever is around) particularly after a rain.;-) Gardening is good for the body and the soul. Hugs

  20. So wonderful to be close to the Mother Earth and of course she is our mother! ❤ Love to you and the family ❤

  21. thierry denis says:

    Bravo Pierre a t il eu de la liqueur lui aussi ?????
    Bonne soirée à demain on vous embrasse

    • Nous avons bu de cette liqueur( avec Véro pas avec Pierre qui devait conduire ) sans trop savoir ce que c’ était! Où se niche l’ aventure ? Incroyable !

  22. puffpop says:

    How nice. I love the smell of healthy newly turned soil. The soil here where I am in FL is mostly sandy and the topsoil will leach. Where we lived in OH, the soil was much richer. But there are parts of FL where the soil is good and healthy and we can grow wonderful vegetables and strawberries. We don’t have good apples nor peaches but we do have good citrus and some beautiful flowers. Yes, I agree that it is a lovely worshipful experience to work in the garden.

  23. weggieboy says:

    Mmmm! The scent of loamy earth is a reward for the effort put into building the soil! If they made a cologne with this scent, I’d wear it!

  24. Your garden posts have always inspired me. Thank you for sharing! I hope Janine is feeling better snd and better. God bless you. ♥️

  25. How wonderful, Michel! And there you are, with your hat, having garden adventures! 🙂
    I love the smell of the earth and soil when it’s dry AND when the rain is falling on it! 🙂
    I’m so glad it’s time for Summer gardens once again! 🙂
    How is Janine doing?
    I continue to pray for both of you!
    ❤ and (((HUGS))) 🙂

  26. mcbery says:

    Yes, Michel, I agree, the earth smells are good for our souls. 🙂

  27. L. Gail says:

    Your son has found that it is good to be near mother nature. I think to myself, “look at Michel in his garden, all peaceful and content”. I will be like Michel. But when I get in the garden it is so hot and I get so sticky and feel awful. I come back inside to my air conditioner. But I love looking at your garden pictures.

  28. murisopsis says:

    Sounds like an enjoyable day in the garden. It is good that your children and grandchildren are willing to work in the garden. Hope this years harvest is the best yet!

  29. Lavinia Ross says:

    A beautiful post, Michel! The smell of earth and vegetation is good for the soul. 🙂

  30. julie essex says:

    The weather is lovely at the moment so I can see why you need to rest under a tree with a cool drink. I look forward to seeing your vegetables as they grow during the summer

  31. Gracia says:

    I’m so glad your son was able to come help you. My children were not raised to do gardening. I grew up in a large city, then we lived in a smaller town. By the time we moved to the country most of them were on their own. At first I had a garden, but recently I’ve not been able to do much. This year I did plant a few flowers, and my grandson put mulch around the grapevines.

  32. bernard25 says:

    Bonsoir ou bonjour MICHEL Une sieste à l’ombre fais du bien

    Tiens je pense à toi

    Aux gentils messages que tu m’apportes sur mon blog

    C’est comme un rayon de soleil

    Ceux-ci me mettent du bleu au cœur et celui-ci resplendit de joie

    Quel bonheur que tu me donnes

    Que de joie j’éprouve

    Je tiens à te remercier

    Belle journée ou belle soirée

    Bisous Bernard

    Un Peu De Tendresse

  33. How wonderful to see father and son enjoying the smells that Mother Nature provides to us all. Fresh soil being tilled indicates some new life will happen soon………hopefully enjoyment of all those fresh veggies. I like the best of sitting under the shade of the apple tree. Stay well my friend., ❤ Marilyn

  34. Marion Manson says:

    I love the way you appreciate the earth, Michel! You have an affinity with the land, plants and all things from Mother Nature! ❤

  35. AM says:

    Très beaux tableaux (les images), et jardin, et quand tu dis Michel “la bonne odeur de la mère terre qui nous nourrit.” cela me fait penser que dans la prière “Notre Père” on peut ajouter “Notre Mère” aussi … 🙂 ❤
    Amitiés, AM

  36. Peggy says:

    I love the smell of freshly turned earth ~

  37. L. Marie says:

    I also love the smell of plowed dirt. I have been enjoying the blooming flowers in my area. Many purple irises were planted. So lovely!

  38. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour ou mon bonsoir mon ami MICHEL

    Je ne suis pas présent tous les jours

    Mais notre amitié est comme une fleur ou

    comme une orchidée ou celle-ci fleurit parfois

    Dans des endroits insoupçonnés

    Cette fleur il faut savoir la cultiver et en prendre soin

    Avec tendresse et patience

    Je te souhaite une belle journée ou soirée bisous

    de même pour tous les tiens

    Bernard bisous

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