A great step for Janine

Un grand pas pour Janine

  A  great  step for Janine

 English version below the picture 

Ce lundi matin du 20 février Janine a été emmenée à l’hôpital par notre fille aînée Carole qui est également une infirmière. C’était la cinquième fois après sa chute le 7 janvier.

Les rayons X ont montré une grande amélioration dans la réparation de la rupture de l’os du bras juste en dessous de l’épaule droite. Le chirurgien a décidé que  Janine pourrait abandonner l’ attelle . Et il la reverra le 11 avril. Elle garde seulement une sorte de bandage autour de l’avant-bras pour résorber  le gros caillot de sang qui est là depuis le début. Elle a au moins 18 séances de PT pour aider à la guérison.

Inutile de dire que nous sommes reconnaissants et nous espérons que toutes les choses iront pour le mieux. Merci pour vos bonnes pensées et prières

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERACarole and /et Janine back from the hospital  after the meal  ( après le repas ) February 20 2017

This Monday morning of the February 20 Janine was taken  to the hospital by our oldest daughter  Carole who is also  a nurse. It was the fifth time after her fall  on January 7.

   The X rays showed  a great improvement in the repair of the break of the bone of the arm just below the right shoulder .  The surgeon decided Janine could take the sling off. And he will see again her on April 11 . She keeps only a kind  of bandage  around the forearm  to cure the large blood clot which is there since the beginning . She has for the least 18 sessions of PT to help the healing.

   Useless to say we are grateful and we hope all of things will go for the best .Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers

About fauquetmichel

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68 Responses to A great step for Janine

  1. puffpop says:

    That is such good news. I’m so happy for Janine. May she continue to heal and….NO MORE FALLS…Thanks for sharing the good news. I know that you feel a sense of relief.
    God Bless you both,
    votre amie,

  2. Glad to hear the good news. 🙂

  3. blb1 says:

    So happy for this news! By April hope all is healed.

  4. Heartafire says:

    I am so glad that Janine is making such wonderful headway in her recovery. Thank you for keeping us posted Michel, much love to you and yours! ❤

  5. so glad to hear things are going better!! wonderful news 🙂
    hello and hugs to janine & you, michel ❤

  6. whyzat says:

    That’s good to hear! I’m sure she is more comfortable now. Slings are very uncomfortable and confining!

  7. cjjustice1 says:

    What great news, Michel! I’ve had a sling on for about a month, and it is no fun! Praying for continued healing. How wonderful to have your daughter Carole to help at this time.

  8. mrswrangler says:

    What wonderful news. A good blessing to your family this Monday

  9. I’m glad she is healing! May you all be blessed.

  10. KB says:

    Glad to hear of this positive report.. Continued good healing. 🙂

  11. Regarding your comment, yes I do have some of my artwork on this site; Fine Art America.

  12. Your blog, Michel, was great news of Janine. Glad to hear things are moving forward and the healing going forward. I pray for the pain to lessen each day. She is such a lovely lady to have to endure pain. Wishing healing to move forward and quickly as spring is around the corner and want her to enjoy what Mother Nature has blessed us with. You take care Michel. Love you both. ❤ Marilyn

    • Thanks for your wishes, Marilyn . Yes the healing is going forward .Even if the movements of Physiotherapy generate pain they are useful and needed in order the shoulder and the arm find again their mobility

  13. Yvonne says:

    That was a long time having the inconvenience of a sling on her right arm. You mention a clot. Where is it, and I guess she’s receiving medication for it.

    • The hematoma ( clot)was formed in the forearm from the beginning and amplified during the week because the upper limb was maintained bent by the sling. Now Janine gets injections to make the blood more fluid and has speciale sessions of TP for that

  14. neilc693 says:

    What marvelous news! We can already thank the stars it was not worse, but still it must be a great relief to be out of the sling.

  15. This is such great news, Michel! I am so happy our prayers are being answered for Janine! 🙂 We continue to pray for complete recovery for Janine!
    (((HUGS))) and ❤
    How are you feeling, Michel?

    • I feel overwhelmed and a bit tired , Carolyn .Thanks to asl;

      • You and Janine have been through so much in the past months…it’s no wonder you are tired and overwhelmed. 😦
        I hope and pray you both find healing, rest, and peace. 🙂
        You’re welcome. I always want to check in and see how you are doing.
        I’m worried about Lynn (jstnotherday)…she hasn’t posted in awhile. 😦 Usually she posts a few times each week. I sent her a card, and I e-mailed her. I hope I hear from her soon. Let’s keep praying for her.

  16. Cath aka Singapore Girl says:

    Phew! May God continue to keep watch over her. May her heart be filled with thanksgiving and praise!
    Wonderful news, grandpa Michel. And leading to worship too!

  17. vickyvix2 says:

    I am glad she’s on the mend! It sounds like she has been through a lot. Thank you for updating us.

  18. suester7 says:

    What wonderful news, Michel! I’m sure it must be a great relief for both Janine and you that her sling has been removed. I pray her arm will continue to heal nicely.

  19. Isabel Capillas says:

    Prayers for Janine. Hope she gets well the soonest❤. Take care too, Uncle Michel.

  20. Alice Woodrome says:

    great news, Michel

  21. Tribo, OCarm says:

    thats great! still our prayers are with you

  22. Susan Joos says:

    She must feel quite free without that sling! So glad to hear a joyful report for her!

  23. Michel, quelle bonne nouvelle! Je suis heureuse que toutes les choses sont déjà meilleures! Je continue à envoyer mes pensées positifs à Janine!

  24. Peggy says:

    This has been a long recovery for her! Hope all continues to go well ~

  25. weggieboy says:

    Great news, Michel! I’m sure Janine will be happy to be without the annoyance of physical restrictions now that we are almost at springtime!

  26. mimiwi2013 says:

    I would imagine Janine’s sling being removed was a great anniversary present!! So glad she is finally able to be rid of it. Just as I will be happy to be rid of this defibrillator vest on March 23. A feeling of freedom again!! Hugs from Ken and me! ❤

  27. Great news. Sending lots and lots of prayers to your house from mine ❤

  28. Ellen Chambers says:

    This good news warms my heart for Janine and you! May the April apt. bring more good news, and may the PT be successful. Lovingly,-Ellen

  29. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour mon Amie ou Ami du Net MICHEL c’est super si ton épouse vas mieux

    Un petit coup de pouce pour l’avenir
    Un petit mot que l’on dis régulièrement tous les jours.
    Bonjour comment vas-tu , moi ça vas , merci
    Ce sont des petits mots qui font plaisir à entendre et d’une belle sincérité
    Une grande marque de confiance
    C’est du soleil en abondance
    Si tu leur donnes un sens

    On ressent que ceux-ci viennent du cœur
    Avec un clin d’œil moi je te les adresse
    C’est la recette du bonheur accepte les moi je les prends en régal pour ce jour

    Belle journée , gros bisous plein de douceur


  30. Christine Hadley says:

    I’m very glad Janine is on the mend and that she has her own nurse. May the healing continue! I can hardly imagine Janine not being busy with all the activities always portrayed in the photographs.
    Love, Christine

  31. Valerie Schroeder says:

    So good to hear that her healing is progressing well. I’m sure she is eager to be rid of the sling and the bandages. Perhaps by spring she will be all better!

  32. Cheri Herald says:

    It is wonderful that Janine is healing so well. God bless you all.

  33. Barbara Lenhard says:

    So happy to hear this good news. May Janine continue to improve each day 💕

  34. Debi says:

    Oh, this is such good news! I don’t know why but I thought it was her shoulder that she broke but now I see that it was her arm below the shoulder. That is very odd because it does not happen often and my pastor just broke hers the same place this past week! I had NEVER heard of anyone breaking their arm above the elbow until Alberta did it [my pastor] and now I find that, that is where Janine broke hers as well. I’ll have to let her know that I have a friend in France who broke hers the same place [maybe she won’t feel so alone. Smile]

    My love to you both and tell Janine how happy I am for her that she’s doing so much better. (Hugs)



    • Hello, Debi . yes the arm just below the shoulder is a pat of the shoulder . Tell your pastor we think of him and we send to him our support and prayer .
      Thanks for your kind comment

  35. mlbncsga says:

    Mornin Glories! This is great news and how wonderful for Janine and You to have Nurse Caroles’ help! Keep up with the PT, it’s not always easy but it’s always worth the results. ILYM

  36. Great photo and great news.
    Hope you are doing well too.

  37. iampeacenow says:

    Very good news Janine is starting to heal. She is looking well. I’m keeping good thoughts for her daily improvement!
    love & peace,

  38. AM says:

    Avec les prémisses du printemps, la guérison, ouf. Dur hiver à traverser…, mais cela ira mieux maintenant. Beaucoup de courage, bien à vous!

    Une amie voisine (une génération plus jeune) a chuté à ski et se retrouve dans le même schéma … Nous l’accompagnons parfois à la physio.

    La patience est mise à rude épreuve…

    Nous vous embrassons et souhaitons une mobilité retrouvée pour Janine et toi aussi Michel car l’on souffre ensemble dans ces cas-là, évidemment.

    Amitiés, AM

  39. Larry says:

    Bravo for Janine! We are so pleased to hear this promising news and we are sending our best wishes for a quick recovery! Love the picture, too!

  40. I’m glad she is recovering well. I hope her PT will also go well.

  41. Gracia says:

    I’m so glad that Janine’s arm is getting better. Praying that the healing will continue until her arm is strong and whole again. I’m sure it must be hard for her not to be able to do what she wants too. It’s good she has a loving husband, and great children to help her.

  42. bernard25 says:

    Viens je t’emmène dans un monde de rêves

    Viens avec moi au pays de l’amitié

    Ou seul ce petit monde est loi

    Un monde de paix

    Il se cache au fond de ton cœur

    Dans un monde de merveilles

    Qui brille la nuit à l’orée du ciel

    Tu y trouveras des perles rares

    Celle ou nous avons été ami ou amie pour la première fois

    Quelle belle histoire entre nous

    C’est ainsi que le verbe aimer existe

    Je t’écris ces quelques mots avec tendresse

    Je te les offre du fond du cœur

    Je te souhaite soit une belle soirée soit une belle journée

    Bisous Bernard

  43. Just stopping by to say “Hi” and to leave some (((HUGS))) for you and Janine! 🙂

  44. L. Marie says:

    I am glad Janine has improved, Michel! That is an answer to prayer.

  45. mcbery says:

    I am glad she is doing better! I’ve been busy but I will try to catch up with everyone again soon! Blessings!

  46. Rachel says:

    Excellent! I am so glad to hear that Janine is doing better!

  47. I have been catching-up on your blog today. I am glad Janine is healing well. I hope her pain is reduced. How did your cataract surgery go? I have been thinking of you and praying for you both. God bless and keep you and yours. Love, Caroline

  48. Wishing Janine a speedy recovery.

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