The twins are 5 years old.

bove Les jumeaux ont cinq ans
The twins are five years old 

English version below the picture 

Jeudi dernier, le 24 août, nous sommes allés chez notre plus  jeune fils Jean-Baptiste (le barbu qui a taillé  notre  haie récemment) pour fêter le cinquième anniversaire des jumeaux: Raphaël et Yris.

Nous avons eu la surprise d’être accueillis par une garde d’honneur: des poules bien en ligne nous regardaient avec amusement et aussi des oies. Le commandant de la troupe était une oie mâle (celle avec un bec épais) qui  criait avec énergie vers nous  ou plus probablement vers les poules  pour qu’elles conservent  l’ alignement.


Last Thursday August 24 we went to our youngest son Jean-Baptiste’s  ( the bearded one who trimmed the hedge recently ) to celebrate the fifth birthday of the twins : Raphaël and Yris .

We got the surprise to be welcomed by  a guard of honor : some hens well on  line  looked  at us with fun and also geese . The commandant of the troop  was a  male goose ( the one with a thick beak )  that shouted out at us with energy  or more probably to the chickens to get them on line.

Le chien se roulait de joie sur le canapé


The dog rolleds with joy on the couch

Ensuite, les jumeaux ont soufflé leurs cinq bougies, ci-dessous: avec leur grande soeur Manon (17) et avec leurs parents, Jean-Baptiste et Melody.
Enfin, ils ont joué avec les jouets (Lego) qui leur ont été donnés comme cadeau. Janine et moi étions contents de les voir si heureux.


SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAThen the twins blew their five candles ,above  with their big sister Manon ( 17 ) and with their parents , Jean-Baptiste and Melody .

Afterward they played with the toys  ( Lego) given to them like a gift.  Janine and I were glad to see them so happy.

Up date : August 29th : I have a special thought for the people flooded in Texas (especially in Houston ). I learnt this at the French TV yesterday night

About fauquetmichel

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64 Responses to The twins are 5 years old.

  1. You are blessed with wonderful family Michel!

  2. jstnotherday says:

    Beautiful day. Beautiful life. 🙂

  3. blb1 says:

    Such beautiful children! It is hard to believe they are now 5.

    As for the geese, I’ve never met one I trusted and I bet they know it. lol

  4. Gracia says:

    A special day indeed! Legos are a great toy for 5 year olds. I wish they had been invented when I was little.

  5. Rachel says:

    Michel! I can not believe it has been five years!
    The time has gone so fast! My best wishes to them both. 💐💐

  6. mrswrangler says:

    Loold like fun times

  7. Adorable children…the geese and hens and pup are cute too. ❤

  8. Lavinia Ross says:

    Happy Birthday to Raphaël and Yris, Michel! A beautiful family gathering. ❤

  9. judyrutrider says:

    I wouldn’t turn my back on the gander. He’s big enough to do some damage. My cousin has a rooster who is so aggressive that she has to carry a broom with her when she enters the chicken yard.

  10. Yvonne says:

    Happy Birthday to the twins. ❤ ❤

    And, another one who is frightened of geese, they make good watchdogs! I think there is a brewery (or whisky making place) in Scotland that uses them for that purpose.

  11. I left a long comment and it disappeared. 😦

  12. I will try commenting again.

    Oh!!! Happy Birthday to handsome Raphael and beautiful Yris! I hope they have a happy birthday filled with joy and love! Good memories made with their wonderful family celebration! 🙂 I wish them a long, joyful, loving, healthy, successful lives! 🙂

    Legos are a fun, creative gift! 🙂

    The Dog looks so free and relaxed! If we could look so free and relaxed on our couches! Ha! 😀

    My neighbors had geese and they were great guard-dogs! They even came across the street to honk at me! 😮 😛

    HUGS!!! 🙂

    • Sorry for your disappeared comment? Carolyn . But you are a valiant one and you write again another comment : the perseverance is a high quality.
      Yes, legos are fun and creative gift and I could observe my grandson Raphael playing with. I have been amazed by his space perception . This game makes the intelligence grow.

  13. puffpop says:

    This is a joy-filled writing. Even the animals took part in the celebration. Happy Birthday to those good looking twins. You have a wonderful family.

    votre amie

  14. Susan Joos says:

    My goodness, can hey possibly be FIVE already? They were just BABIES! That tells you how long ago we had Xanga, because I remember your posts about them. And Manon has grown into quite a beautiful young lady as well.

    It looks like a wonderful celebration. I am sure those two bring a lot of energy to every family gathering!

  15. mimiwi2013 says:

    Those babies grew so quickly!! Manon, too. It sure seemed a lot longer for our own boys to turn 5—all those years ago. Now, a nephew who is not yet 55, is retiring already! He is the same age as our Greg. Amazing!!! Also, Jean-Baptiste and Melody do not look old enough to be parents of a 17 yr. old!! Also, our grandchildren all loved Legos. Some were quite talented in designing intricate objects to build. Legos are wonderful for making young minds develop their imaginations! Wish Legos were around when I was young!!

  16. cocosangel says:

    I am twin myself. I too have a brother. But now we are very distanced. It is sad.
    Your grandchildren twin are very cute. They seems to have enjoyed their birthday.

  17. marica0701 says:

    It seems like yesterday when they were born! Happy belated birthday to the twins! And Manon is looking lovely at 17.

  18. Thank you for your kind thought for the people of Texas! Many of them are really suffering right now.

    You have such a lovely family! It’s obvious there is a lot of love there! Belated Happy Birthday to the twins!

  19. Isabel Capillas says:

    The twins had a wonderful time as seen from their happy faces.They are so adorable!

  20. weggieboy says:

    What fun! Happy birthday to the twins!

  21. L. Marie says:

    What a lovely birthday celebration!
    And thank you, Michel, for thinking of the people of Texas. I’m thankful that my parents and brother and sister-in-law are safe.

  22. Barbara Lenhard says:

    It’s hard to believe that twins are 5 years old already. It looks like a very happy celebration. You have a beautiful family 💞

  23. nannyfountain says:

    Children of all ages are such a joy ❤

  24. AM says:

    Bonheur à l’état pur ❤
    Adorables ❤ Tous

  25. Love that the goose kept all in line 😉
    Happy Birthday to the beautiful twins. Their sister is also beautiful.
    Yes, our hearts and prayers are with those effected by Harvey.
    Another Hurricane is coming in towards, FL, Ga, etc It is crazy.
    Hope all is well with you and Janine.
    Hugs, E

  26. L. Gail says:

    Manon has grown up! I love seeing stories of your family. Thank you for sharing and happy belated birthday to Raphaël and Yris !!!

  27. suester7 says:

    The twins are really growing up fast.

    And somehow the picture of the dog lying on the couch tickles me. 😄

  28. How wonderful to celebrate the twins 5th birthday. They have grown so much. You and Janine have much to celebrate with your expanding family. Love hearing about their activities. As for the dog relaxing on the couch, wish I could do that so easily. Such joy wiggle around. ❤ Marilyn

  29. neilc693 says:

    How time flies. The twins certainly look happy, and the best part of all is that they’ll always have each other. Twins seem to have a special bond.
    Those geese and chickens are cute. The family must have eggs from the goose, too, when they’re in season.

  30. Marion Manson says:

    Beautiful photos, Michel! A very happy 5th birthday to the twins! ❤

  31. mlbncsga says:

    Mornin Glorie…and Happy Belated Birthday to the Twins! This was just delightful to read, the children, grandchildren, geese, hens dogs…how a refreshing! ILYM

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