A feeling of quietness: Thanksgiving

 Une impression de tranquillité /Thanksgiving

 English version below the picture

 Il y a quelques temps je lisais mon journal près de la cheminée et près d’une vieille lampe à pétrole . Seulement quelques bûches et quelques gouttes de pétrole étaient nécessaires pour mon confort. Pas besoin de courant électrique pour le chauffage et l’ éclairage . Avec, peut-être, en prime, une sorte de délectation esthétique !! Tranquillité!

 Mais soudainement une idée imprévue vint à mon esprit.
 Comment les fondateurs pèlerins en Amérique  s’éclairaient-ils la nuit au temps du premier Thanksgiving  (action de grâce ) en 1621. Utilisaient-ils des lampes à huile, des torches, des bougies ou le feu de bois ?
  Je souhaite un bon Thanksgiving,  maintenant très proche ,  à mes amis américains .(C’est déjà fait pour mes amis canadiens)

photo Janine Fauquet

  A while ago I was reading my newspaper near the fireplace and near  a oil lamp . Only a few logs and a few drops of oil were needed for my comfort . No need of electrical power for heating and lighting. And, perhaps , with the added bonus of an aesthetic delight!!!! Quietness!

 But, all of a sudden an idea came in my mind :

How did the Pilgrim Founders light up at night at the time of the first Thanksgiving in 1621. Did they use oil lamps, torches, candles, or wood fires? I wish a happy up coming THANKSGIVING to my American friends (already done for my Canadian friends )

About fauquetmichel

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119 Responses to A feeling of quietness: Thanksgiving

  1. Je vote pour “chandelle” !
    Belle soirée à Janine et à toi, Michel.

  2. judyrutrider says:

    For me it’s the quietness of a remote hiking trail with only the sound of the girls panting at my heel.

  3. … and Thanksgiving greetings to the two of you as well. Thursday is the big day – and we will be with family on Thursday.

  4. Maybe they just went home when the daylight hours were through…Or…candles. A very happy THANKSGIVING. I am thankful that we are friends. I won’t be eating much since I have an autoimmune disease but I have eaten enough in previous years.

  5. calmkate says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Michel … you do look so cosy and comfortable!

    We finally have the intense heat of a real summer, something new as we missed it last year … so no fires needed here and we enjoy such long sunny days 🙂

  6. Susan Joos says:

    I imagine they used whichever they had at hand, a combination if they were wealthy enough. As for me, I am grateful for my electric heat and lamps, although I do appreciate a nice candle now and again.

  7. Thank you, Michel! 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! 🙂
    We can celebrate everything we are thankful for every day of the year!!! 🙂
    I am thankful for you, Dear Friend! 🙂
    ❤️ 🙏🍂🥧🍎🍞🌽🙏❤️
    PS…a quiet warm place to read is always heavenly! 🙂

  8. Your photo provides the ambient and comfy peace that all a thanks giving should ever need. Thank you for the holiday wishes, Michel. Thank you for your inspiring and lovely posts. xxoo Cassi & Lola

  9. The world needs more tranquility and quiet. That is for certain. Bonjour, Michel. Be well. Neil

  10. blb1 says:

    I understand quiet and do get it some of a day. 🙂

  11. murisopsis says:

    I do like the heat and glow from a fireplace (but we don’t use ours). Your photo looks comfortable!! We are getting ready for Thanksgiving – tomorrow I start baking pies and put together several side dishes. As for those first pilgrims, I think their practice was that once night arrived they went to bed! They has so few resources that they were very frugal

  12. That looks so relaxing. Although I worry that the oil lamp may not be bright enough for reading. Wishing you good health Michel.

  13. Doug Thomas says:

    Thanksgiving Day is notorious for bringing together all the family members with different political and/or religious opinions. It makes a hot situation worthy of a television comedy, but the family that doesn’t have to deal with these upsetting individuals can truly be thankful! LOL!

  14. mrswrangler says:

    Thank you. We have a lot to be thankful for.

  15. Rachel says:

    Thank you, Michel! The girls, Misha, and I will celebrate On Friday. The girls have to work on Thanksgiving. Still, plenty of good food ahead.
    My eye dirt went well. Now it just needs to heal.

  16. We have a lot to be thankful for, Michel. What a lovely scene of contentment in your photo!
    Love ❤

  17. I didn’t think he wants to use oil lamps but it looks beautiful in your photo! Thank you for the happy Thanksgiving! Sending you blessings as well!

  18. Julie Essex says:

    A lovely way to think about those brave souls who went across the Atlantic to start a new life. You do look very cosy there by the fire 🙂

  19. Oil lamps near the fire – that reminds me of the last power outage here. Hope you and Janine are both well, Michel.

  20. nannyfountain says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all your family Lots of Love

  21. wissh says:

    Thank you, Michel. Janine captured a very serene scene in that photo. You’re looking good, hope you’re feeling well. When the kids were little I sometimes wished for quiet. Now that everyone’s gone it’s too quiet. Perspective. Enjoy your day also.
    Christine ❤️

  22. Lakshmi Bhat says:

    It is fascinating to think about the past. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  23. Effectivement Michel, la question mérite d’être posée

    • Oui, Sylvain . Peux-tu me dire où se trouve la boîte à commentaires sur ton blog? Pas trouvée .

      • Michel, il est vrai que la possibilité de laisser un commentaire,
        est quelque peu laborieux.
        Une fois que tu as cliqué sur le texte souligné ici par exemple “arc en pluie”, tu arrives sur la page dédiée au texte et à l’image, tout en bas sous le bouton cliquable “j’aime”…le commentaire que kmaidy vient gentiment de déposer et encore plus bas…tu peux lire:

        Votre commentaire
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        Voilà enfin, tu y es 😉

  24. kmaidy says:

    bonsoir Michel,
    nous avions un peu oublié notre stock de bougies mais je pense que ces prochains temps elles nous seront très utiles !
    bises et bonne fin de semaine à vous Michel !

  25. LGail says:

    I like the cloudy days when it’s quiet and I have to turn on a lamp and light the fireplace. I did have a wonderful Thanksgiving, thank you my friend.
    You look so peaceful and happy there in your photo.

  26. Lavinia Ross says:

    I love the photo, Michel! A quiet peaceful day by the fireplace, complete with oil lamp! We had a good day here, too. Quiet and peaceful, Rick made dinner for us.

    Much love to you, Janine and the family, ❤️

  27. neilc693 says:

    l’homme frugal nous montre le chemin 🙂 low, localized light is the best, for many reasons

    • Vivre dans la simplicité n’est-ce pas source de bonheur, Neil ?

      • neilc693 says:

        Oui—Thoreau a écrit, “I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life . . . to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms . . . Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify, simplify! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand . . . and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail” (Walden)

      • Merci de me faire connaître ces philosophes américains (Thoreau, Valdo). La gloire de la simplicité.

      • neilc693 says:

        moi, je ne peux pas aller jusqu’à les extrêmes dont il a écrit (et le ne veut pas) . . . but the advice is sound ! The Buddhists say, if you have a mansion, you can still only be in one room at a time, if you have a feast, you can only eat one mouthful at a time. We can get too addicted to abundance and comforts, and it doesn’t take much to be wasteful ! It is a good sight to see the old lamp and the fireplace being used and appreciated.

      • I like reading Buddhist quotes. In France we say: “not to have your eyes bigger than your stomach.
        We can also say that too much comfort can make you forget the simple joys.
        I am happy, Neil, to see that my modest post inspires you so much research

      • neilc693 says:

        Thoreau est bien aimé parmi nous . . . il était le premier “hippie” americain 🙂 cependant, on dit qu’il n’était pas aussi rustique qu’il l’a fait semblant—qu’il allait chez maman pendant les week-ends etc. 😉

      • I have to say the hippie style is not mine, Neil ! 🙂

  28. Zakiah says:

    I just love that photo of you reading the newspaper in that peace-filled light. We had a very happy and blessed thanksgiving in my son Sayeed’s home. The entire family was there. Too much food! ❤ ❤

  29. Sometimes Michel, we find comfort in the most simplest of things, and I think sitting by a log fire in soft light reading without distraction and within the silence of that quiet solitude is a luxury many have never experienced…. For their world is often in harsh bright light, with the noise of TV, Video Games etc….

    I love to burn candles and sit in the soft light of my salt lamp…
    Sending love from England Michel as we wish all those who celebrate Thanksgiving a Happy Thanksgiving weekend…
    We have so much to be grateful for.. ❤

    Parfois, Michel, nous trouvons du réconfort dans les choses les plus simples, et je pense qu'être assis près d'un feu de bois dans une lumière douce, lire sans distraction et dans le silence de cette solitude tranquille est un luxe que beaucoup n'ont jamais connu… Car leur monde est souvent en pleine lumière, avec le bruit de la télé, des jeux vidéo etc…

    J'aime brûler des bougies et m'asseoir dans la douce lumière de ma lampe à sel…
    Envoi d'amour d'Angleterre Michel alors que nous souhaitons à tous ceux qui célèbrent Thanksgiving un bon week-end de Thanksgiving…
    Nous avons tellement de raisons d'être reconnaissants.. ❤

  30. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour MICHEL bonne lecture attention que ton journal ne prenne pas feu
    Un petit passage par chez toi
    Agréable Journée
    A Toi qui marches sur la route de ta destinée ! Ce jour est comme un pas de plus que tu fais vers toi-même.
    Tire de ces prochaines 24 heures une leçon de vie, un enseignement de l’existence pour devenir le meilleur de Toi-même
    Bise amicale Bernard
    Avec beaucoup d’avance je te souhaite d’agréable fêtes de fin d’année en famille

  31. equinoxio21 says:

    J’ai toujours, à la maison et à la campgne, une ou deux lampes à pétrole, un peu en souvenir de mon enfance Africaine, quand les pannes de courant étaient fréquentes. Et iciça arrive. J’espère que la France sera épargnée…
    Comment va? Au moins doucement j’espère?

    • La lampe photographiée ci-dessus me vient d’une grand tante . Elle a environ 140 ans !
      En ce qui concerne, cela va piano! Merci.

      • equinoxio21 says:

        140 ans? 1880 à peu près? Quelle histoire pourrait raconter cette lampe.
        Piano? Rappelle-toi le dicton Italien:
        Chi va piano va sano… (Ça se comprend tout seul je pense?)
        Bon courage.

  32. Anne-Marie says:

    Très belle image aux tons chaleureux.

    Chaque souffle de vie est une grâce, gratitude … Donc Thanksgiving c’est tout le temps ♥️


    • Très vrai Anne-Marie . La vie est une grâce et une merveille de chaque instant ❤

      • Anne-Marie says:

        Un ami parisien qui vit à Bienne près de chez nous, le Dr J-C Fajeau, résume dans ses ouvrages : “Tant qu’il y a de la Vie, il y a de la Vie”. Et d’autre part, Rudolf Steiner, père de l’Anthroposophie, écrivait que les synonymes de Dieu étaient ” La Vie, l’Amour et La Liberté “. Tout un programme à célébrer

  33. Resa says:

    An interesting thought, Michel. I would think a fireplace and candles. Just my guess.
    Best wishes to you and your family! ♥️♥️

  34. Marion says:

    There’s something very comforting about sitting reading by a log fire flickering – no noise other than the crackling of the fire. 🙂

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