Towards All Saints Day 2022

La Toussaint. 1er Novembre.2022
All Saints Day; First of November up dated from 2020

At All Saints Day ( November first),  we celebrate in France all of the saints  and we consider our  dear departed as saints . The dear departed of the blogging (Xanga, WordPress , Facebook were like family members  and I celebrate their sanctity whatever their beliefs. Here are those who are carved in my memory. If  I missed some, please tell me with the name  and date. I post this entry all two or three years . How much time yet?

   A la Toussaint (1er Novembre), nous célébrons  en France  tous les Saints et nous considérons l’ensemble de nos  chers disparus  comme des saints.. Les chers  amis du bloggings ( Xanga, WordPress and Faacebook défunts  étaient comme  des membres de la famille et je  célèbre leur sainteté  quelles que soient leurs  croyances. Voici ceux qui sont gravés  dans ma mémoire.Je poste cet article tous les deux ou trois ans . Combien de temps encore?

Barb 2003

Wickgal   décembre 2003

Carot-red  2005

lordpineapple (Terry), aka more than – just crabe 2005

 lkhend, 2005

Camping diva   2007

tooty  2,007

Riddiger   2008


LolaMC, she is gone after 2007, see her daughter Alice’site :

le petit Julian, leayellowrose fils de) 2008

Bruce (Nanny’s husband), 2009 

jstickmann    Décembre 2009

Dylan, Wissh  ‘ s son  2010

 Scott , BLB ‘son 2010   

Mountaingirl   2,010

sunnyron 2,010

MommaRose  2,011 

BuffysMom 2011 (before, she was named: coalminersdaughter)

Bob, SewWorth’s husband (Ellen Chambers on fb)            Dec 24 ,2011

  Mike, mamselle’s husband 2013  

Banyuls 2014 Cliquez sur yulberto  (his new name on WordPress)

Marie Burke MSB 3 Novembre 2014

Judy Rhode William ( Symbolreader)    24 Décembre 2014

Portia (Marj Busby) 8 Janvier 2 015

John Childress (inciteful) Février ici à 2015

Tom ( Gracia McDairmant’s husband) 27 février 2015

SisterMae             September  2015

Gayle Gardner           July 2016

John Winslow 2018 , Frances Winslow’s husband

Angela happydot (Angela Im ) .Février 2020

Carrissa BLB’ daughter March 2021

Barbara ‘s husband 2021

Gail Garret’ father and husband 2022

No news from papaoma since June 2010 and from jassmine since March 2011, IstNother Day since 2019 and they were seriously ill ? Who has news from them?


Gregorian song at the beginning of Solemnity of All Saints Day: Gaudeamus omnes in Domino ( in latin  with translation in French and English )

Gaudeamus omnes in Domino diem festum celebrantes sub honore Sanctorum omnium:
de quorum solemnitate gaudent angeli, et collaudant Filium Dei.
Exultate iusti in Domino: rectos decet collaudatio.
Gloria filio et spiritu Sancto…..

Let us all rejoice in the Lord celebrating the feastin honour of all the saints,in which solemnity the angels rejoice, while the Archangels praise the Son of God.
Ring out your joy to the lord, O you just; for praise is fitting for loyal hearts.
Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit….

Réjouissons-nous tous dans le Seigneur en célébrant ce jour solennel consacré à honorer tous les Saints; les Anges se réjouissent avec nous et louent ensemble le Fils de Dieu..
Justes réjouissez-vous dans le Seigneur: aux cœurs droits sied la louange.
Gloire au Père, au Fils et au Saint-Esprit….


Life always is there . La vie est toujours là.

Bee exploring a Dahlia flower . Abeille butinant sur un Dahlia.

The comments from 2020 are there but we can expreess new ideas or feelings.

About fauquetmichel

Pour une nouvelle aventure ?
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125 Responses to Towards All Saints Day 2022

  1. A lovely remembrance ❤️

  2. Michel, a very touching post! It is so kind that you have left a tribute to bloggers who have passed away. Hope you are well and happy! 🙂

    ❤ Cheryl

  3. cocosangel says:

    What a lovely memorial site.

  4. murisopsis says:

    Thank you Michel. I remember many of the people from this list – jstickmann was a xangan that I really liked as well as John Childress. I was very sad when they passed. We celebrated All Saints Day with the Litany of the Saints and saints. We wrote names into the Book of the Names of the Dead so that we could pray for them all year.

  5. puffpop says:

    I am so glad that you bring to our remembrance these dear friends. I pray that you are feeling ok and comfortable…
    votre amie,

  6. Zakiah says:

    God has given you such a kind and loving soul dear Michel. Thank you for this post. Love, Zakiah.

  7. calmkate says:

    that praise is so melodic Michel and you were the Director, well done!

    appreciate your loving tribute to bloggers past and present, there was a strong sense of family amongst those trend setters 🙂

  8. Annalisa says:

    Merci Michel! Leur départ a été comme le depart d’un frère ou d’une soeur pour moi, et je pense pour toi aussi. En lisant leurs noms mon coeur était encore en deuil! La vie parfois est bien difficile.
    Je te souhaite tout le mieux possible, à toi et à Janine.

  9. This is beautiful and poignant, Michel. Thank you for honoring all of these wonderful people! Sweet tribute and music. Brings tears to my eyes.

    I knew several you listed. I still miss them.
    We remember all of these people, with gratitude and love. ❤

    I think of Lynn (jstnotherday) and miss her. Last e-mail from her was toward the end of Nov 2019 and she was battling cancer. Then she just stopped responding to her WP site and e-mails. 😦 I don't know if she passed on, but I fear she did. 😦

    Another WP friend of many…Brian… LordBeariOfBow died on 24th of September of 2019. I miss him, too. 😦

    (((HUGS)))) ❤ 🙂

  10. maidyk says:

    bonsoir Michel,
    restons très respectueux pour tout ce qui concerne nos chers disparus,
    ils sont près de nous, ils sont dans nos coeurs et dans nos prières, pensons à eux !
    bises !

  11. blb1 says:

    Thank you Michel for remembering all those who have gone on. I don’t know if you knew Ava South as she hadn’t blogged for quite awhile. She died in March this year. Trying hard to remember her blog name with no luck.

  12. Lavinia Ross says:

    I agree, you are a kind and loving soul, Michel. It is good to see these dear friends of yours from Xanga remembered here. At some point, we all pass through the veil between this life, and what lies beyond. Our remembrances are the link between here, and there. ❤

  13. attatudy says:

    Your memory of them astonishes me and it was nice of you to give tribute. I hope you get this message, I’m with my mother who recently had a stroke. She’s doing well now but we are moving her from Louisiana to south Carolina to live close to my brother. Stay well my friend Tudy

  14. marica0701 says:

    I only ever knew of Inciteful. There was another Xangan, traintrack (his name was Ray) who I knew had been sick from cancer and other ailments. The last I heard from him was I think in 2012. I fear that he had died because his post was quite scary and sad. He was very nice and I had hoped to meet him someday.

    This was a lovely post. May these souls enjoy their eternal rest with our Heavenly Father.

  15. kaiori says:

    i cant believe so many xangans have passed …

  16. Marion says:

    A lovely post, Michel. I remember many of these people. ❤

  17. Susan Joos says:

    Some of these people were my Xanga-friends, too; others I had run across here and there, so I knew “of” them; and I few were unknown by me but if only Xanga had lasted, I probably would have known them. It was such a vibrant community of souls. There are many I still wonder about but will never know. How I miss them! I am privileged enough to have found a few to connect with on Facebook, (including YOU!), but it’s not the same, is it?

    Happy to have had the moment in time where Xanga existed and offered such a wonderful community of friends. I mourn the passing of many, but treasure the memory of all.

  18. mrswrangler says:

    I have lost a couple along the way myself.

  19. Rachel says:

    Have a good week, Michel.

  20. nannyfountain says:

    So many are gone from the old. I miss them especially Portia! I pray for them and for us! Love to you and Janine ❤

  21. julie says:

    A beautiful rememberance of all those we have lost , thank you for remembering my Mum

  22. Nancy Clark Hislop says:

    I remember many of the Xangans on your list. I also have enjoyed seeing names I recognize in the comments on this post. Wonderful relationships were formed on Xanga! I think if my Xanga friends and wonder what has happened to some of them.

  23. aFrankAngle says:

    A beautiful post of remembrance. I love the hymn For All the Saints. Here’s a handbell piece that was commissioned for our handbell choir – which we premiered on All Saints Weekend in 2013. Enjoy.

  24. A lovely and sweet remembrance Hugs.

  25. neilc693 says:

    All Saints’ has become one of my favorite times, especially the Spanish/Latin version, the Día de los Muertos. I’ll always regret that Banyuls is no longer with us. 😦

  26. __________________________________________________________2022_________

  27. wissh says:

    You are so kind to post this every year. Thank you so much for always including Dylan too. Bereaved parents love when their child is remembered. I read through all the names each time, respecting that their loved ones also grieve. I love this video too, I could listen to that all day.
    Christine ❤️

  28. A thoughtful post, friend, Michel

  29. Marie Madeleine Watteel said on Facebook:
    Bravo. Quelle belle fleur!
    Bon week-end et bonne fête de la Toussaint. Amitiés. Marie-Madeleine.

  30. Your list of so many departed friends dear Michel… What a lovely tribute you paid them.. We who celebrate love and life are so very grateful, as we send those who are still grieving the loss of loved ones our support and love..

    Wishing you and yours a Peaceful All Saints Day…
    Much love your way to you and your family Michel..

  31. Carol McKay Harper said on Faacebook:
    Michel Fauquet. You do such a good job at keeping up with everyone.

  32. calmkate says:

    so nice to remember them again each All Saints Day Michel, thanks!

  33. A beautiful and sweet remembrance.
    Those you listed here that I knew, I greatly miss. ❤️
    And I read all of the names and send my condolences to their family and friends.
    (((HUGS))) ❤️

  34. Marion Manson says:

    Beautiful post, Michel. ❤

  35. Rachel says:

    Hoping for my granddaughter to be born on November 1st. I will let you know. 🧡

  36. neilc693 says:

    i think frequently of Banyuls/Gilbert and our other remote friends as well (Keith, Carlo, . . .)
    the All Saints season is good for reflection

    • I loved reading Banyuls . I think often of hoim, too, Neil .His posts and comments so rich and well documented . What a loss!

      • neilc693 says:

        I think he had some difficult times but had settled into a good routine. I looked forward to his yearly tomato sauce making custom (in a city apartment too)

      • I knew him whan he had “settled into a good routine ” not before . He loved his town Montreal and described it with peasure .

      • neilc693 says:

        I didn’t know him before, either, but some things he said gave me the impression . . . he gave great accounts of Montreal, especially its market. There he obtained hanging
        baskets of live basil and, in the season, crates of fresh tomatoes, to use for the sauce making and canning, with which a good friend helped. Regular customs can adapt !

      • Sometimes I find again his comments on my old Xanga that have been miraculously preserved . It is a pleasure te-read them but this is heartbroken.

      • neilc693 says:

        j’ai entendu quelqu’un dire maintenant, les chers défunts sont comme les jours anciennes, ils sont passé . i try to remember, Banyuls like others have enriched us—and still do . . . one day i will finally visit Montreal and the marché Jean-Talon ! 🙂

  37. Bonjour. With WordPress we become friends with people all over the world. It is sad to see them go.

  38. Gayle says:

    Wonderful remembrance of our friends who have departed before us. I lost my brother in February this past year so I’m remembering him also.
    God bless you and Janine, Michel ❤

  39. Lakshmi Bhat says:

    Reading your post, I remembered many bloggers who are no longer posting. I wonder what happened. You have been blogging from 2001? In WordPress? How did you come to know about blogging? I started in WordPress from 2013. Earlier i was posting in two sites. One closed down and the other I left because I was not enjoying it. Thank you for sharing your memories. As long as we remember people, they are a part of our lives.

  40. nannyfountain says:

    No lives are ever gone The souls live on in the other dimension! Love you, Janine and all the family!

  41. Tribo, OCarm says:

    Thank you for this beautiful memorial, Michel… God bless you…

  42. Anne-Marie says:

    La Vie Est Tout Ce Qui Est, même après notre passage dans l’au-delà.

    Vivons que diable! , comme dit Dale Carnegie dans ses livres 🙂

    Amitiés ❤

  43. Nancy Stuebs says:

    So many are now gone! But it will be wonderful to see them again in Heaven!

  44. Lavinia Ross says:

    Cherish the memories of those who have gone on before us, dear Michel. I am with you, and feel your grief and joy in the memories.

    Love to you, Janine and the family, ❤️🐱

  45. the cycle of life ❤
    thank you for always remembering xo

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