
La prévoyance

English version below the pictures

La semaine dernière, nous avons acheté 5 mètres cubes de bûches pour l’hiver et l’alimentation de la cheminée afin d’économiser le fioul du chauffage central.( prix multiplié par deux depuis l’ année dernière)

 Notre fille aînée Carole ( la Duchesse) et son chevalier Thierry sont venus pour rentrer le bois dans un abri . La première photo a été prise durant le travail . Le tas de 5 stères avait déjà bien diminué.

Last week, we bought 5 cubic meters of logs for the supply of the fireplace from September to March in order to save the oil used for the central Heating.(price doubled  since last year)

Our oldest daughter  (la Duchess) and her Knight Thierry came kindly to put the logs in a shelter; The first photo was taken during the work. The pile of 5 cubic meters of logs had already diminished

Nous avons acheté ce bois dans un esprit de prévoyance : ne pas attendre les grand froids pour acheter le bois  et ne pas faire comme la cigale de la fable de Jean de la Fontaine : la cigale et la fourmi:

La Cigale, ayant chanté
Tout l’été,
Se trouva fort dépourvue
Quand la bise fut venue :
Pas un seul petit morceau
De mouche ou de vermisseau.
Elle alla crier famine
Chez la Fourmi sa voisine,
La priant de lui prêter
Quelque grain pour subsister
Jusqu’à la saison nouvelle.
« Je vous paierai, lui dit-elle,
Avant l’Oût, foi d’animal,
Intérêt et principal.  »
La Fourmi n’est pas prêteuse :
C’est là son moindre défaut.
Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud ?
Dit-elle à cette emprunteuse.
– Nuit et jour à tout venant
Je chantais, ne vous déplaise.
– Vous chantiez ? j’en suis fort aise.
Eh bien! dansez maintenant.

Cicada begging food to the ant . Cigale mendiant de la nourriture à la fourmi

We bought this wood in a spirit of foresight: not to wait for the very cold weather to buy the wood and not to do like the cicada in Jean de la Fontaine’s fable: the cicada and the ant. :

The cicada having sung all summer, found herself very deprived when the North wind came. Not even a small piece, maggot or worm.

    She went begging with its neighbor the ant, begging her to lend him some grain to survive until the new season. I will pay you, she told him, before August, animal faith, principal and Interest.

    The ant is not lending ; That’s the least of his problems.

 ” What were you doing during hot weather ?” she said to this borrower.

 – Day and night to all comers I was singing, don’t mind. 

– You were singing ? I am glad. Well, dance now.




About fauquetmichel

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123 Responses to Foresight

  1. blb1 says:

    Think I’ve heard that story with the ant but was thinking it was a grasshopper. lol In PA people heated with coal, my dad’s second job was delivering it, my job wet the coal down as it came hot enough one time burned a hole in the sideboard on the truck. Of course wetting it down cut the dust as well.

  2. Annalisa S. says:

    J’ai étudié cette poésie à l’école primaire… je l’aimais bien ! c’est pour ça que je suis encore capable d’écrire et de lire ta belle langue… 🥰
    Bravo pour la prévoyance, il faut toujours être préparés! Bonne dimanche à tout le monde.
    Annalisa 🌻

  3. Gail says:

    It takes a lot of work to stay warm in winter. I hope we all have good heat in winter and air conditioner in summer. Prices are high here in the U.S. too.

    • Here in Amiens, Gail, we don’ t have anymore very cold winters with ice and snow like in a recent past but nevertheless it is cold and we need heating , of course . And on this summer it is the totale drought. Not good either! We have to adapt and foresight! 🙂

  4. Catherine aka Singapore Girl says:

    I’d love to send some ginger tea to you! It’ll be good for your body especially during cold days.

  5. sherazade says:

    I k on vacation. Jumped here just to say you HALLO cher Michel 💚

  6. Susan Joos says:

    Good thinking! My in-laws used oil to heat and I thought the prices back then were shocking enough. We are all electric so I’m sure our bills are going to be revelation when they adjust next year (we are currently on a measured service, with a fixed payment per month, with a settle up for the difference at the end of our year, when it is readjusted to reflect our usage and new prices). We might wish we had some fireplaces then!

    • All of the heating ways are more and more pricey, Susan ., and the worst is oil boiler ! But it is hard to change all of our central heating installation. It is why we forecast with wood in the fireplace to help. ❤

  7. murisopsis says:

    Our fireplace is not functional currently – but if heating prices continue to increase I think we will have to have the chimney cleaned and put in a store of wood! Glad you are preparing as the industrious ant! ❤

    • We bought wood while people are in vacation . I think it will be more pricey in September when people come back and realize how pricey the heating will be next winter. I don’ t know if I am really an industrious ant :), Val. I thank the children who carried the logs in a shelter! ❤

  8. Caro says:

    C est tout à fait ça Papa …on a passé une bonne journée avec vous et nous etions contents de vous aider …à bientôt je vous embrasse carole

  9. Carol McKay Harper says on FB:
    Looks like you are ready for winter.

  10. Michel rentre du bois
    L’hiver va être froid.
    Cinq stères ?
    Un rude hiver !
    Douce fin de journée à Janine et à toi, Michel.

  11. very industrious!!
    looks like you’re ready for any cold weather !!

  12. I e always loved the story of the complaisant ant, I’m glad you are prepared for the winter months. ❤️

  13. judyrutrider says:

    Thankfully, we don’t need much in the way of heat here. Living in a valley, the air pollution from my neighbors burning wood is almost unbearable though when they do.

  14. Frances Winslow says:

    I love your drawings….Good to see you writing…

    Votre amie

  15. I love your drawing and the story! 🙂 🐜🦗
    How wonderful of The Duchess and her Knight to help with preparing for heat for the cold months! 🙂
    Yes, AFTER all the preparation and work is done…then we can dance and sing and play! 😀
    (((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤️

  16. nannyfountain says:

    Much Love!

  17. neilc693 says:

    maintenant je dois trouver ma édition des oeuvres par La Fontaine . . . cet conte est bien pertinente ! pendant les 1990s quand cettes programmes de télévision, les “reality shows”, étaient à la mode, l’un d’eux a representé les gens vivant dans le ferme comme le vieux-temps : ils devaient couper du bois tout le temps (certains des joueurs n’ont pas le compris, et ont perdu le jeu).
    in this neighborhood there appears to be a home that does as you do, stock firewood to supplement the main heating (i see their logs outside the house)—thankfully it is not the only means today (not enough trees, and it would release too much CO2, to sustain our modern society).
    and bravo for the help with this eternal chore !

    • Between two evils we must choose the lesser. The wood-burning fireplace allows us to burn much less oil.. I’m not sure that burning wood is more polluting than burning oil, Neil.
      About the farm at the XIXthe century they didn’t have electricity . Light came from oil lamp or by the fireplace ..

      • neilc693 says:

        That’s true, you do have to compare it to the alternatives . . . and it took a huge stockpile of wood to be secure for the entire winter in the old times, they had to constantly gather and cut during the rest of the year. ugh! i remember that the losing contestant on the show grossly underestimated how much wood that was. Now it’s just a matter of buying it early, while prices are low.
        I think now about this other house in the neighborhood, and I believe they keep chickens too. I see the birds walking around near the woodpile. It is a modern suburb, probably like the tract houses around yours, yet they still take care to use space and resources wisely, like people once did (out of necessity).

      • In the old time that I still knew in my parents’house , only one room was heated by the fireplace or by a coal stove : it was the living-kitchen The bed rooms were not heated . On the bed there were a lot of blankets and in the bed a bottle of hot water ( called “bouillote” in French. ). It was like that for most of the house excepted for rich people.

      • neilc693 says:

        One of our old Xanga colleagues, of Keith and Banyuls and mine from even before Xanga, in the UK, remembered life in an old house with a bathroom along the outside wall (presque extérieur); he said in winter one had to leave some urine in the bowl as antifreeze .
        Bien sûr, aujourd’hui personne n’abandonnerait les commodités modernes ! Mais on doit bien réfléchir sur nos modes de vie. The weather is simply insane now, ça devient urgent . . . the old habits of efficiency are sorely needed now.

      • You are right a simpler way of life is urgently needed . For instance is it a necessity to have a shower everyyday .
        At my parents home in the 30/ 40s there was no bathroom . Toilets were made in the kitchen ( only place with heating ) . . We saved water and energy.

      • neilc693 says:

        Shower is a good example. Here in the U.S. where the automobile culture is so individualistic, to drive less would have a huge impact too. People confuse enjoyment of the advantages of car ownership with use of the vehicle, if only we could break that (very new) habit of thought and increase public investment in mass transit . . .

      • I bought my first car in 1960, Neil. At that time the roads were not congested in France. There were only a few miles of freeway.
        You are right the automobile is a pollution factor.

  18. Lakshmi Bhat says:

    It is good to be prepared. Many of our neighbours use firewood for heating water for bath and cooking rice. They stock firewood, coconut husks and dry coconut fronds before the rains start. We use solar energy for hot water. Here we have no winter. And in summer the weather is hot and we do use hot water for bathing. Where do you live in France? In 1988, we were in Paris. Here too we have the same story of the grasshopper and the ant 🙂

    • Solar energy for hot water! Bravo .
      I live in northern France in a town named Amiens . In the past the weather was well balanced here but now this is a no end drought!!! Alas . ❤

  19. calmkate says:

    so glad you are well prepared and that your family was there to help again! Love you story and sketch about those not prepared 🙂

    We are looking forward to spring as our winter has been unusually cold!

  20. Gayle says:

    Good idea Michel…wood will probably be almost double by November!
    Take care…God bless you and Janine!

  21. whyzat says:

    I’m glad you’re thinking ahead. It’s hard to imagine that it will be cold in a few months when it is so hot now!

  22. mrswrangler says:

    Wood is a lot cheaper than other fuel sources for sure.

  23. Julie says:

    I like your forward thinking Michel, you are right the price of heating this coming winter is going to be huge.Here its the price of gas , as its seems the price of heating a house will go from 1,500 to over 3,000 pounds. We have a coal fire so we will be buying our coal soon before the price starts to go up. I think the cost of heating is going to come a shock from people under 50 , they will have to go back to the old fashioned methods of keeping warm , like we had during my childhood

  24. Stephanie says:

    Les bûches sont très longues, le poêle à bois doit être très grande…..ou, on se chauffe en coupant les bûches avant de les mettre au feu….

    • On ne les brûle pas dans un poêle , Stéphanie mais dans une cheminée . Elles mesurent 60 cm et conviennent à la largeur de la cheminée.
      Il doit faire terriblement chaud dans la Drome . Ici dans le Nord , c’est la sécheresse complète, dévastatrice.. Dans le jardin les haricots verts sont grillés sur pied.

  25. cheriherald says:

    I’m glad you are prepared, Michel. You have good children to help you. You raised them well.

  26. suester7 says:

    Good idea to stock up before winter comes! The price of oil has indeed gone up. We feel it too here in Singapore.

    I like your drawing of the cicada and aunt. I seem to have this story before, only it’s the grasshopper and the ant!

    • Other commenters spoke also of grasshopper 🙂 Why not ? But La Fontaine ‘s fable is titled ” the cicada and the ant” ( la cigale et la fourmi, in French).
      About oil, it is more and more worrying, Suzy. The same for gas, electricity .

  27. L. Marie says:

    Very wise to plan ahead!
    What a lovely illustration! I have heard the story you mentioned. Like others, the story I heard involved a grasshopper.
    Love to you and Janine. ❤️

  28. D.G. T. says on FB:
    Lucky you having an alternative fuel source anned for the coming cold!

  29. Lavinia Ross says:

    A large supply of wood is a good idea, especially in these ties of high prices, Michel. I am glad you have a wood stove or fireplace, perhaps both?

    Much love to you and the family, ❤️

    • Thanks, Lavinia .
      We have a fireplace insert in our living room , Lavinia . The logs are burning in it and this gives a nice temperature .for the living room and the room aside) ❤

  30. Isabel Capillas says:

    Saving for the winter, always a good thing to do 😉. I always feel happy inside and got a smile on my face after reading your posts Uncle Michel ❤️.

  31. neilc693 says:

    chauffer la maison entier, à cette grand taille (et avec seulement deux gens), ce serait imprudent . . . dans le film “L’armee des ombres” pendant France-occupée, “Saint-Luc” avait un sorte de hut intérieure par conserver le chaud. mais vous ne devez pas aussi loin aller !

    • neilc693 says:

      “. . . conserver la chaleur” —- la chaleur corporelle , c’est-à-dire (what extreme conditions under which to live !)

    • When we bought this house in 1986 we had our 6 children with us . Now Most of the rooms in the stairs are heated at the minimum . Along the year children and their children come and we are happy to welcome them with a suffisant space . I add, 3 times per year we have a familial gathering and all ofthe rooms are used .. This house is their home!. ( and especially for the grandchildren : 15 people )

      • neilc693 says:

        that’s the eternal challenge for a large dwelling, to maintain the temperature economically for areas when not in use . now it occurs to me, you do have a large parcel of land, maybe you are well situated for a système de géothermie domestique . they are becoming more widespread here (but not common, yet)

      • One of my children installed the “geothermie” but she owns a large meadow around the house . But your suggestion is interesting, Neil.

    • When we bought this house in 1986 we had our 6 children with us . Now Most of the rooms in the stairs are heated at the minimum . Along the year children and their children come and we are happy to welcome them with a suffisant space . I add, 3 times per year we have a familial gathering and all ofthe rooms are used .. This house is their home!.


  32. kmaidy says:

    bonjour Michel,
    tu as bien fait de prévoir Michel,
    car maintenant beaucoup sont revenus à ce moyen de chauffage ,le bois
    et faut dire que la chaleur est tellement agreable au bois,
    même s’il y a aussi des inconvénients dont la poussière !
    déja l’hiver dernier, nous n’avons pas eu tout à fait le nombre de stères nécessaires pour nous chauffer, alors dès le début du printemps nous avons pris nos précautions aussi pour recommander .à temps !
    bises ! et bonne semaine à vous !

  33. cocosangel says:

    Hi Michel, is that you in the second photo? If it is you, you look very different. We too should get used to using the fireplace. Everything hear has gone up in price. We use gas for heating, but now that is high.

  34. I have read a similar version of the story. Very prudent to prepare ahead of time. I wish we had a fireplace. I prefer wood heating to electric or (in our case) gas, any day. 😉 Hugs

    • It is certain , Elizaabeth, that a fire in the fireplace creates a good atmosphere and may be sufficient depending on the size of the house and its configuration, ❤

  35. Zakiah says:

    I have read this post twice now. I was sure i had commented on the poem about the ant, and your dexterous habit of getting firewood in storage for the winter. I was sure I had written a comment. I have gone up and down several times and don’t see me here. I am sorry.
    I love reading your posts and love the photos of all of you working so hard in the vegetable garden or fixing the curb on your drive way or loading up on firewood, or enjoying a good meal that Janine has made. You are an inspiration to all of us.

  36. Resa says:

    I’ve always wanted a fireplace. I don’t trust our modern amenities.
    Perhaps you should buy more logs?
    I don’t see things improving while putin is alive.
    I have been making and freezing tomato sauce from our garden tomatoes. I am also freezing fruits, as the fruit seasons pass.
    I will make pies when the weather is colder. The heat from the oven helps warm the home.
    However, now in the summer, we don’t need more heat.
    Take care, Michel! Best to you and yours! xo ❤

  37. Just stopping by to check in on you. I hope your week is going well! How are you doing, Michel?

    Today I’ve been as busy as a bee…as industrious as an ant! So now I will sit down and take a rest. Soon, I might dance a jig or play awhile! 😀
    (((HUGS))) 🙂 🌞❤️

  38. wissh says:

    Excellent planning Michel! I’m so glad you and Janine have kids who help you. You raised them well.
    Christine ❤️

  39. nhislop says:

    We heat with natural gas, which is cheaper than fuel oil but has gone up in price, too. We have a fireplace in the basement which we can use to heat the house. I am wondering if we will run out of wood this winter.

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