Familial gatherings

Rassemblements familiaux

English version below the pictures

Depuis de nombreuses années la famille se réunit autour d’un bon repas organisé par Janine à la maison . . Les photo ci-dessous montrent quelques réunions à différents moments des récentes années: Noël , le Lundi de Pâques ou à la Pentecôte , et au cours du mois d Août.
Ces repas sont toujours joyeux et on y chante;

D’un repas à l’autre nous voyons la famille changer et spécialement la transformation des petits-enfants .
Et nous voyons que se consolident les liens de fraternité entre nos enfants . La famille s’agrandit et reste unie .

Au cours de ces rassemblements notre maison qui peut paraître grande est entièrement remplie . Il est certain qu’ayant eu 6 enfants ,15 petits enfants et 3 arrière petits enfants ( pour l’instant ) il en résulte une grande tribu !

La photo de groupe prise par notre voisin après le repas du Lundi de Pâques 2022 montrent que nous étions 27 . Nous aurons dû être 34.mais il y avait quelques absents Des annonces de naissances à venir indiquent que l’ an prochain il faudra une différente utilisation de l’espace offert par la maison.

C’est si beau de voir croître la vie à partir du couple que nous formions quand Janine et moi nous sommes mariés en 1961

The family at Easter Monday 2022 (photo taken by the neighbour ) La famille au Lundi de ¨Pâques 2022

The family At Pentecost 2014 La famille à la Pentecôte 2014
The family at Christmas 2007 La famille à Noël 2007

For many years the family has been gathered around a good meal organized by Janine at home. . The photos below show some meetings at different times in recent years: Christmas, Easter Monday or Pentecost, and during the month of August.
These meals are always joyous and there is singing;

From one meal to another we see the family change and especially the transformation of the grandchildren.
And we see that the bonds of brotherhood between our children are being consolidated. The family grows and stays together.

During these gatherings, our house, which may seem large, is completely filled. It is certain that having had 6 children, 15 grandchildren
and 3 great grandchildren (for the moment) it results in a large tribe!

The group photo taken by our neighbor after the meal on Easter Monday 2022 shows that we were 27. We should have been 34. but there were a
few absent. Announcements of births to come indicate that next year it will be necessary to use the space offered by the house differently.

It’s so beautiful to see life grow from the couple we formed when Janine and I married in 1961.

in a family meal 2013
I am singing near janine at the family table

About fauquetmichel

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114 Responses to Familial gatherings

  1. sherazade says:

    Splendida La vostra famiglia un esempio di amore nel tempo un poco come la mia famiglia che però è composto da molti meno membri
    Molti abbracci Michel❤️🌹

  2. calmkate says:

    How absolutely delightful Michel … to see them all growing, loving to each other and you two! Kudos for rearing such a handsome loving family!

  3. What a beautiful family you have dear Michel and such joy to look back on how your family have grown and expanded throughout the years..
    Family is indeed a huge blessing..
    Sending fond regards..
    Sue x 🙂 <3.

  4. How beautiful. Congratulations on such a delightful family. (and more to come!)

  5. LGail says:

    You have been blessed to have so many to celebrate together.

  6. Lavinia Ross says:

    Michel and Janine, you have a wonderful family, strongly united in love! May you have many more years together. ❤️

    Much love to you and the family, ❤️

  7. You have such a beautiful family. Such love..it makes my heart “sing”. Prayers for many more years like this. 💙

  8. mrswrangler says:

    Glad your family all gets together still.

  9. Susan Joos says:

    I wish you could have seen the huge smile on my face when I saw the family photos. It’s a lovely crowd of people you and Janine have brought forth into the world.

    Enjoyed the singing clip as well! Must have been quite the celebration!

    Hope you are doing well and feeling better. Happy Spring!

  10. nannyfountain says:

    What Joy and a great tribute to you and Janine!

  11. wissh says:

    Dear Michel, to think I’ve been following you all that time! Yes, you and Janine have built a large and lovely family, I really enjoyed seeing you all together in this year’s photo, and how the children have grown. It seems such a short time ago that the twins were born joining their brother and sister and look how big they are already! Gosh, Manon and Antoine must be all grown up already. Are they in this photo?
    I’m hoping you’re feeling much better, it’s always so nice to see you posting.
    Love, Christine ♥️

    • I am amazed , Christine , to see how much you know the family. The twins will be 10 in August .
      Manon is on the picture (in front of the door). Antoine was not there he was busy with his work in Paris
      I feel better .It’s why I restarted the blogging . But I feel weak .
      Thanks for your comment .
      Love ❤

      • wissh says:

        I am happy that you are feeling better. I understand because William always felt weaker after dialysis too.
        I remember Manon and Antoine so well because Marina’s passing made me so sad for them and their dad, but I was glad they had you and Janine too. I was happy when their dad found love again and then when the beautiful twins came along too. You are fortunate to be blessed with such a large and happy family, it does my heart good to see it.
        Christine ♥️

      • Thanks, Christine, for the remembrance of Marina . She was so dear to us . We miss strongly her even now. ❤

  12. You have a most beautiful and happy family. Love to all of you and I am especially happy that you are posting. I pray for you my friend. love from votre amie, Francoise.

  13. puffpop says:

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  14. Marsha Lee Bryant says:

    Morning Glorie!!! What a beautiful family, I understand it’s very difficult to get everyone in one place! Thank you for sharing your family with us, it’s very heart warming, also your singing was wonderful! ILYM ❣️

  15. Your beautiful family, Michel! Such a joy to know you gather together and make precious memories! Love those smiles! 🙂
    How old are Raphaël and Yris now? I remember when you shared their birth with us. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤️ to you and to Janine! ❤️
    PS…the video was missing…it said, “Unexpected Error…cannot be displayed right now…” 😦
    I wanted so much to hear you singing!

  16. Julie says:

    Its lovely to see all the family together and how they have grown through the years. Look out for my photos in a few weeks time as 12 of us going on holiday to Lanzorate.

  17. Zakiah says:

    Wonderfully happy post dear Michel. May your family flourish and grow for many generations to come. You and Janine the proud producers of this family. Congratulations.

  18. kmaidy says:

    bonjour Michel,
    aussi longtemps que la famille est complète il faut en profiter , tout change parfois très vite et les photos de famille sont un joli souvenir pour la descendance !
    Continuez à être ainsi heureux tous ensemble !
    bises !

  19. blb1 says:

    Blessings to all.

  20. Marion says:

    Michel, what a wonderful family you have!! You support and treasure one another at all times. So glad to see you blogging again! Hope you’re feeling well. ❤

  21. Cath aka Singapore Girl says:

    Very precious indeed. It’s a pity these days, more and more people talk about not wanting to marry or not wanting children at all. I suppose there are valid reasons for their decision. But it’s still a great pity.

  22. What a wonderful post about family. Love it…….<3 Marilyn

  23. What an amazing family you have, Michel! ❤ I can't even imagine! You are a very rich man! Take care. Love, Cheryl ❤

  24. Caro says:

    Superbe entrée sur notre grande famille qui s agrandit encore …Que le temps passe vite. On voudrait parfois l arreter …..je vous souhaite une bonne journée et je vous embrasse bien fort Carole

  25. Anne-Marie says:

    Merveilleux ❤️

    Merci Michel de ces belles images !

    Peut-être voudras-tu nous faire un poème avec tous les prénoms de votre grande et très belle famille ?

    Amitiés, A-M

    • C’est une bonne idée que tu me donnes là, Anne-Marie . ❤

      • Anne-Marie says:

        N’est-ce pas que c’est une bonne idée 😊

        Quelques noms (et dates) sur 5 générations dans mon cas, mais chez vous, la descendance sera beaucoup plus étoffée 💗

        Maria Margaritha 1872-1962 & X
        Marthe 1875-1971 & Albert 1871-1949

        Marie 1898-1984 & Marcel 1896-1993

        Anna 1845-1938 & Jacob 1844-1910
        Jules-Joseph 1856-1947 & Marie 1856-1910

        Anna-Maria 1884-1967 & Albert 1883-1944

        Alice 1919-2077 & Werner 1923-2012

        Anne-Marie 1953 & Johann 1949

        Olivier 1976 & Jenny 1977
        Adrien 2011, Sonia 2014

        Mathias 1984 & Julia 1985
        Alexandre 2020

      • Merci Anne-Marie pour cette filiation . J’en ai aussi une qui remonte à la fin du XIX ème siècle mais cela plutôt la forme d’une arborescence . Cela donne à réfléchir .
        Merci encore ❤

  26. Frédéric Defosse says:

    Bonjour Michel. Quel plaisir de vous voir (presque) tous réunis. Des moments forts !
    Vous êtes magnifiques..

  27. Quennehent says:

    Belle photo de famille, merci de nous les faire partager!Amitiés à toiet à Janine.

  28. Isabel Capillas says:

    These family pictures are precious memories to be treasured for lifetime. It’s always a delight to see your posts Uncle Michel, especially about family gatherings. They’re full of love ❤️.

  29. Gayle says:

    What a beautiful family…you should be very proud. You definitely have been blessed!

  30. Stephanie says:

    Très intéressant voir la croissance de la famille, autant de jeunesse et de beauté.
    Je me souviens de la première femme de JB et je crois que je trouve les 6 enfants Fauquets dont j’ai fait la connaissance en 1977.

    Espérant vous deux vont bien.



    • La famille a changé depuis 1977 avec les beaux -enfants et les petits enfants et arrière petits enfants ( trois depuis le 20 Mai avec la naissance d’Ernest , le fils de Julie , fille aînée de Carole ) ).
      Il manquait Thierry sur la photo (retenu par ailleurs )

  31. Miriam Crisenbery said on FB:
    What a beautiful family.

  32. Nancy Stuebs said on FB!:
    We have definitely been blessed in our 61 yrs. of marriage, haven’t we Michel!! You have 6 children, we only have 2. You have 15 grandchildren–we have 13. But we now have 10 great-grands so far—so you have some catching up to do !! LOL Love the pictures. Wish we could get most of ours together, but they are spread out all over the country. ❤

  33. Annalì Sa said on FB:

  34. cheriherald says:

    What a beautiful family! Your love has multiplied. What a blessing!

  35. L. Marie says:

    So lovely to see your beautiful family! Fifteen grandchildren–what a wonderful gift!

  36. neilc693 says:

    La maison remplie entierement d’une telle manière: je ne peux pas penser à une meilleure dilemme dont être chargé ! 🙂

    • Some people are surprised we have a large house, Neil . I answer that when we came in our town (Amiens ) in 1986 we had 6 children. So numerous rooms were needed ! 🙂

      • neilc693 says:

        On ne l’habitations construit plus comme ci. L’edifice , c’est grand et ancien , la construction de bon niveau et fabrication experte. Ta famille a de chance de l’avoir—et inversement ! Ils la garderont et la chérirent dans le future sans aucun doute—sans laquelle tant de maisons de famille sont perdues .

      • We can hope but the house est very large pour people whom the children are gone , Neil

      • neilc693 says:

        Surely there are enough candidates for caretakers. But I suppose much depends on means and ability also. It is a fine house, though! Some trees in containers would be perfect for the courtyard in the Easter photo—an Acer, perhaps that dogwood Cornus kousa, or citrus or dwarf fruit trees.

      • You are right Neil. The photo only shows the beginning of the courtyard. Then there is a lawn and then a group of trees: walnut tree, snowberry, lilac, pink hawthorn, medlar, quince, apple trees, Sophora japonica. And then there is the vegetable garden with apple and cherry trees around. . I’ll have to post a new entry about that.
        I hope you are well and you got a great week end.

      • neilc693 says:

        Le néflier et le cognassier — je suis jaloux de toi ! Peut-être c’est possible de cultiver en espalier des poiriers nains, le long de mur de la maison ou d’une clôture construite de branches. Tu as déjà auprès cet poirier vaillant la . . .

      • Nous avons fait paver la cour juste autour de la maison en 2000 car auparavant c’était de la terre batttue, boueuse quand il pleuvait. Mais rassure-toi dans la plane bande près de la clôture il y a des rosiers polyanthas et des tulipes ou des dalihas selon la saison

  37. murisopsis says:

    What a wonderful family! I remember when the twins were born and now they are so grown up!! The family has grown exponentially! Beautiful!

  38. suester7 says:

    It’s wonderful to see how God has multiplied your family. And now you have 3 great-grandchildren, with more on the way, I’m guessing? You are very blessed and I am happy for you.

    May you get to spend more precious time with your loved ones ❤️

  39. Kathy Colvin said on FB
    What a beautiful family and great family pictures. How lovely that they all get together when they can. And a growing family is a delight. Thank you for sharing these personal moments. love, kc ♥

  40. cocosangel says:

    The family photos are beautiful. Lovely family moments and grandchildren growing.

  41. Barbara Lenhard said on Facebook:
    What a wonderful family gathering. You and Janine have a beautiful family. 💕💕

  42. Kathi Prendergast Heiling said on FB :
    Hope you’re feeling well, Michel! 💐

  43. bernard25 says:

    Bonjour ou bonsoir MICHEL Belle et grande famille c ‘est fabuleux

    Bise Amitié à plus Bernard belle journée ou soirée

  44. Louisa - Midlife Wellness Coach says:

    What a beautiful site to behold, Michel! Consider this a grand accomplishment! It’s not easy to raise a family, let along a big one that is harmonious and united. It takes emotional and physical fortitude. There is much I admire in you. Enjoy your family!

  45. This post is moving. To see how your family has grown, starting with you and Janine. To see the family gatherings at the sacred holidays. And the way you describe this: “It’s so beautiful to see life grow from the couple we formed when Janine and I married in 1961.” Thank you for sharing both pictures and words with us, Michel.

  46. Lakshmi Bhat says:

    Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

  47. Julie Hamilton says:

    Such a wonderful family. ❤

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