a tour of the garden

Un tour de jardin

English version below the pictures

Je regardais les laitues preparées par Janine sur la table de la cuisine . Elle me disait pourquoi pas une entrée sur le potager ? Souviens-toi, tu as acheté des graines il y a quelque temps et tu as fait une entrée sur le semis . Montre ce qu’il en est maintenant.

Cherries and Lettuces prepared by Janine

I was looking at the lettuce prepared by Janine , on the kitchen table . She told me: why not a post about the veggie garden? Remember you bought the seeds a few time ago and wrote a post about the sowing . Show what it is, now!

Pour aller au potager il faut traverser la pelouse derrière la maison. J ‘ aime regarder ce fond boisé

The backyard : lawn and trees
A l’ arrière de la maison : pelouse et arbres

To go to the veggie garden , we have to cross over the lawn in the backyard . I like this woody background

Voici ce que sont devenues les graines de navets , betteraves rouges et carottes semées début Avril dernier . La pousse a été difficile car Mai a été sec et en Juin , trop d’eau .

Red beats , turnips growing
Betteraves rouges , navets poussant ( lentement )
Carrots Carottes

Here are red beets , turnips and carrots sowed last April. The growing has been low because May was dry and It is raining unceasingly since the beginning of June

Plus loin on voit par dessus la sauge en fleur, les pommes de terres et les oignons ( plantés par ma fille Isabelle et mon petit-fils Antoine )

Sage in bloom and behind: potatoes and onions .
Sauge en fleur et derrière: pommes de terre et oignons.

Behind the sage in bloom we see potatoes and onions planted by my daughter Isabelle and my grandson Antoine .

Plus loin sous le grand cerisier nous rencontrons des campanules en fleur , souvenirs d’une tante de Janine . Et en levant la tête nous voyons les cerises qui commencent à rougir . Les oiseaux ne les ont pas encore attaquées contrairement à une petite rangée de laitues que j’ avais semées il y a un mois et qui ont totalement disparu , mangées sans doute par tourterelles et Pies qui se plaisent aussi ici.

bellflowers Campanules
Cherries Cerises

Farther, below the big cherry tree we meet bellflowers in bloom . They make memory from janine’s aunt who gave them to us .In lifting the head we see the cherries that start to be red and have not been attacked yet by the birds at the opposite of a small row of lettuces sown a month ago, totally disappeared, eaten by tortledoves or magpies that like this place

Je n’ ai pas photographié les poireaux qui sont si menus que je me demande si je pourrai les planter à la fin de Juillet. Je suis donc rentré en suivant un passage sous les arbres avec pour finir un coup d’oeil sur l’ entrée bordée de rosiers en fleurs

a path below the trees in the lawn Un passage sous les arbres dans l pelouse
Rosiers le long de l’ entrée Rose bushes along the driveway

I did not pictures the leeks because they are really so tiny than I wonder if I will be able to plant them at the end of July !! So I went back to home in following a path below the trees and at last having a glance on the rose bushes along the driveway

Voilà l’ état du Jardin à la mi-Juin . J ‘ espère pouvoir réaliser une autre entrée à la fin de Juillet montrant la récolte . Il faut toujours espérer, comme j’ espérais en achetant les graines

Buying the seeds, last March Achat des graines en Mars dernier Photo Janine Fauquet

Here is how the garden is at the mid-June . I hope to be able to make another post at the end of July showing the crop . We always have to hope like I was hoping when I bought the seeds

About fauquetmichel

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121 Responses to a tour of the garden

  1. puffpop says:

    Your garden is so beautiful…so perfect. Not only beautiful but healthy. You have a wonderful partnership with nature and you and Janine work together to provide a delicious and healthy meal. How do you keep the pests away?

  2. The hard work is paying off with so many delightful sights and delicious bounty. I love the cherries, they remind me of the long cherry hedge my father planted. Different in that those cherries were shaped like tiny pumpkins… perhaps you know what kind those are? The bushes grew over 6 feet tall. My favorite here is the roses dear Michel. Is there anything more beautiful? Have a wonderful day. Love ❤️

  3. murisopsis says:

    Looks like you will have a bountiful harvest. Well maybe not leeks but everything else looks lush and thriving… Our peas are starting to climb and the beans are just sprouting. Our tomatoes are doing very well as we too have had lots of rain.

  4. John Hric says:

    Wonderful garden you have Michel. It makes me wish there was a bit more room here and I would put in some veggies again.

  5. blb1 says:

    I hope the rain stops long enough for your garden to grow. You have a lovely path to get there.

  6. mrswrangler says:

    Lovely. Your ahead of me. My stuff is just coming up

  7. cocosangel says:

    What a beautiful garden Michel

  8. Super propre ! Bravo, Michel !

  9. whyzat says:

    Very nice! I love to look at all the seed packets. They have beautiful pictures on them, but I wonder if I can produce plants as lovely?

  10. Stephanie Wall says:

    Aah, le travail du potager au cours de l’année, je m’en souviens de pas planter avant mi mai à cause des saints de glace. Puis, une fois semé, les plantes et leurs fruits poussent très vite, vite, vite…Beaucoup de travail avant, pendant et après la saison de croissance mais la récolte et le goût est incomparable.
    Félicitations a vous deux, pouvoir continuer ce style de vie.

  11. John and Maggie Clark says:

    Beautiful garden! Looks like you did a lot of hard work !!!!

  12. Your garden is so beautiful! And you are so handsome, Michel! 🙂
    You and Janine are wonderful gardeners! You must both have green thumbs! 😉 😀
    HUGS and enjoy the delicious bounty of your labors!!! 🙂

  13. What a wonderful garden! Everything looks very tasty.

  14. Lavinia Ross says:

    I love the garden photos, Michel! Your cherry trees are a little bit ahead of our trees. Our cherries are not quite ripe yet, perhaps another week or two.

  15. Véronique says:

    Ha, ces satanées pies !!! Au lycée, je regardais mon petit figuier planté l’année dernière, et je salivais par avance en voyant les figues grossir doucement. Mais en rentrant du week-end de Pentecôte : plus aucune figue !!! Les pies ont tout mangé !!!
    Je te souhaite une bonne fête des pères et t’embrasse tendrement

    • Merci Véronique . Je vois que nous avons eu les mêmes déceptions , toi avec tes figues , moi avec mes jeunes salades prêtes à repiquer. Au diable soient les pies ! 🙂

  16. weggieboy says:

    What a beautiful and productive garden, Michel! I’m pleased you took Janine’s advice and posted this for us to see how your garden grows!

    • Nothing is ever acquired in a garden, Doug,. We can only hope. Yes, Janine helps me when I’m out of ideas.

      • weggieboy says:

        For sure! Hard work makes a good garden and building the soil with organic material is the first step. It is rewarding to finally get your soil to a point where a garden fork is all it takes to turn the soil over. We have lots of clay in the soil here, so that stage took me years before my garden spaces were easy to work or producvtive.

      • You are ( or were ) a methodical and experienced gardener , Doug!

      • weggieboy says:

        I think “were” is more accurate these days. I may find a way to get back into it at some point, but this location is a challenge best left to physically fit people.

      • You are right . Fortunately I have the help of Janine and sometimes of children and grandchildren.

  17. Carole says:

    Ça va démarrer avec ces petites pluies. Les cerises sont excellentes. La nature est bien faite. Bonne fête à toi Papa. Bonne journée on vous embrasse

  18. Susan Joos says:

    I am surprised the birds have not come after the cherries yet! When I was growing up we had two cherry trees in the yard. It was my “job” to pick them, but we always had a struggle to get any before the birds. Love seeing pictures of your beautiful garden area. We have given up on a veggie garden for this year. We have had so much rain! But…there’s always next year!

  19. Annalisa S. says:

    Il faisait trop chaud cet après-midi dans le potager, et je suis rentrée dans la fraîcheur de la grande cuisine de campagne. Heureuse de t’avoir rencontré dans ton potager! Dans le mien j’ai planté seulement des tomates et des courgettes (et des herbes aromatiques).
    Je rêve toujours de pouvoir vous rencontrer, toi et Janine, un jour où l’autre… Esperons d’en avoir le temps avant qu’il ne soit trop tard pour nous pour voyager! En attendant de pouvoir réaliser mon rêve, je vous embrasse tous de tout mon coeur.

    • C ‘ est déjà bien d’avoir courgettes et tomates . Pour les tomates ici il faut les cultiver sous abri sinon elles ont le mildiou.
      Peut être un jour voyagerez-vous dans le nord de la France? ❤

  20. What a wonderful garden you have and now enjoying the bounty. Mine isn’t doing well at all. The tomato plants are trying to do their best. The green peppers have weird shapes and the Swiss Chard just doesn’t like the garden plot they are in. Don’t know if they will make it thru the summer. The basil is doing find as is sage and rosemary. The one thing that is growing so fast are the weeds. Because of health issues, neither John or I can keep up with them. Enjoy this Father’s Day weekend with your wonderful family. Love ❤ Marilyn

    • I understand for the weeds . Yes they are growing fast . But you can find solace with your tomato plants that I cannot grow here ( because of a mushrom: the mildew )

  21. Rachel says:

    I admit that this year I am a little jealous. No garden this year unless I plant a pot of something.
    Your hard work has been blessed!

  22. Julie says:

    As probably the only person here to have walked through your wonderful garden , I know what a joy it is. I see that the weather in Amiens has been the same as here for the past few weeks that had nothing but rain , so much for flaming June. Hopefully all this rain will help your garden to grow 🙂 :-).

  23. That all looks wonderful. Glad you and your family are doing well. Mrs. Grovine.

  24. calmkate says:

    What an exquisitely beautiful garden you have Michel!
    And so nice to see your crops growing, and good that you have enough to feed the birds also, very kind 🙂

  25. Joyce says:

    beautiful pictures and descriptions of your garden, michel. i love when you share parts of your days with all your readers; it almost feels like i am in france with you. your garden brings much good food for you and janine, and the rest of your family.

  26. cjjustice1 says:

    I loved the tour through your garden, Michel! You are a gifted gardener, and it’s nice that you have some help from other family members, too. You’ll be eating well, with all of that growth. Janine’s lettuce on the table– ahh – nothing like fresh produce.

  27. neilc693 says:

    I don’t think the cherries here are ready yet, but seeing yours fills me with anticipation. What a nice color they are.
    Sometimes I wonder if I will ever have the chance to try growing lettuce in containers. You let them grow just until they are large enough to thin out—and that is the harvest, what even apartment dwellers can do, for salads of early greens (all year round, too)!
    The bellflowers are very nice, I think they are coming up in yards here, too.

  28. Jean Baptiste says:

    Un beau jardin ! Chaque petit tour réserve une découverte !

  29. mcbery says:

    What a lovely garden Michel. 🙂

  30. krc says:

    i have a cherry plant and hv been waiting for it to fruit.
    must be when its a tree size big.
    cool photo of buying the seeds n looks like a great store too!

  31. Your garden always inspires me. I look forward to seeing your harvest, especially your carrots. I have not managed to grow carrots well. God bless you and your family, Michel. ❤️

  32. Marion Manson says:

    I love your beautiful garden, Michel! The fruits of of your labor are bountiful. You and Janine create from the garden to the table. 🙂

  33. Janine had a great idea. I love your garden, It is flourishing and is beautiful. Much labor leads to great results. If I had my way, I’d always eat fresh garden food.

  34. suester7 says:

    Your garden looks lovely! It must also be a joy to eat the fruit of your labour!

  35. Your garden is beautiful and I hope you will continue to have a good harvest.

  36. Gayle H Smith says:

    that is a beautiful garden Michel! I’ve never planted one and I admire people that do. I hope you have a bountiful harvest!

  37. LGail says:

    I love to see the garden growing. Since I am at my fathers home I can’t see how my husbands garden has done. But I can hope for big red tomatoes 😊

  38. Tribo, OCarm says:

    beautiful garden…

  39. marica0701 says:

    Our garden is struggling. The peppers look horrible and have barely grown. The peppers which are supposed to be hot need hot weather and drier soil, so our weather of a lot of rain and below-average temperatures have been hurting them. The tomatoes, cucumbers, and parsley root are okay for now.

    Hopefully your garden has a good harvest!

  40. Zakiah says:

    Dear Michel,
    What an amazing garden you have! I could take a book, or my painting stuff, or a pen and notebook to write, and sit there and not ever want to leave. Love your place. What a blessing to have such beauty around you.

  41. attatudy says:

    Wow Michel, I can tell you two put time and care into your garden, it’s beautiful! I have one tomato plant with one tiny green tomato lol

  42. judyrutrider says:

    You have amazing energy! And optimism! I’ve given up growing everything except tomatoes and squash and whatever volunteers. So far, I have an abundance of arugula and I’m pulling out winter squash everywhere. I can’t wait to see pictures of your harvest!

    • Thank Judy but you now the harvest always is aleatory . We have at this time a week of hot temp wave that dries the plants and make appear a lot of insects that are not all veggies friends :: 😉

  43. Catherine Lee says:

    This is always fascinating for a city girl like me. Even birds eating in the garden is special to me. But of course, the gardener will not be pleased. Oops!

  44. nhislop says:

    You have a magnificent garden! You and Janine must enjoy all of the fresh food! It tastes so much better than what you can buy!

  45. mlbncsga says:

    Mornin Glorie….Your gardens are beautiful, I can’t wait to read on and find out how it’s doing now at the end of July…and yes…sometimes Hope is the best emotion of all….ilym

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