Wonders in the garden

Merveilles au jardin

Wonders in the garden

English version below the pictures

Quelle que soit la saison lejardin nous offre ses merveilles . Au printemps ( photo 1 ) nous sommes éblouispar sa gloire et sa blanche lumière ; à l’ automne il offre un somptueuxspectacle où le noir du sol et des branches fait chanter l’or des dernièresfeuilles ( photos2 et 3) .

  J’ espère que les deuxphotos exprimeront bien ce que j’ ai pu ressentir à Pâques et en ce 18 novembreen entrant dans le jardin pour y faire un tour  . C’ est difficile à dire .

  Chaque moment de l’année est un nouveau commencement , une nouvelle création qu’on ne se lasse pas d’admirer .

At spring( Easter )     au printemps ‘( Pâques )

November 18th                               18 Novembre
Another view  of the garden on November 18th at the end of the afternoon, Une autre vue du jardin le 18 Novembre à la fin de l’après-midi

Whatever the season the garden offers to us its wonders . At the spring (picture 1 )  we are dazzled by its glory and its white light ;at the autumn it gives a sumptuous show where the black of the ground and the limbs makes the gold of the last leaves sing .( photos 2 and 3)

  I hope this two pictures express well what I could feel at Easter and on this 18th of November when I went to the garden to make a tour . This feeling is  not easy to say .

   Every moment of the year is a new beginning in the garden , a new creation that we are never tired to admire .

About fauquetmichel

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90 Responses to Wonders in the garden

  1. Gorgeous scenes, both. Thank you for sharing dear Michel, sending you love and hugs ❤

  2. judyrutrider says:

    Isn’t it marvelous how we still revel in the physical world after observing the change of seasons for so many decades?!

    • Excerpt of “le vallon”( the valley) by the French poet Lamartine for you Judy.
      ” Yet nature is still there to invite and love you;
      Fall into her loving bosom that she will always hold out for you,
      When everything changes for you, natures is still the same
      And the same sun rises everyday.

  3. blb1 says:

    I understand conveying feelings. One thing I always like about fall is the aroma of nature. Unfortunately this fall I can no smell any as I have no scent ability since I fell.
    But thanks to God I am able to walk and accomplish some chores.

  4. Annalisa says:

    Chaque année, à chaque debut de saison, la merveille revient à nos yeux comme s’il fût la première fois. Merci de l’avoir partagée avec nous Michel!

  5. Eat Right Chef Louisa says:

    It is wonderful to observe magic in your garden at different time of the year. There is a time for blossoms, a time for harvests, and a time for rest. It’s truly a blessing you are living so close to nature and are connected to its cycles!

  6. Susan Joos says:

    It is amazing, isn’t it? And to think that it is changing, little by little, every single day, from one to the other and back again! I never get tired of looking!

  7. Beautiful Michel. “Every moment of the year is a new beginning in the garden.” Yes, for sure!

  8. Good Day, Michel . Yes, as we put the yard to bed for the winter, it is a relief to just look at the bareness of it all knowing snow will cover it for a short time. And then WOW Spring Arrives. Love ❤ Marilyn

  9. puffpop says:

    A garden represents everything beautiful. Aside from the beauty and the love of working in a garden, it also provides food. Mankind was created in a garden. God left us with the responsibility to care for His beautiful creation. You are doing a wonderful job working hand in hand with our creator…

  10. neilc693 says:

    What a treasure to have (and one does have to “earn” it by maintaining and caring for it). Homes are just not laid out anymore to account for planting of gardens and trees. Our material needs are now very efficiently met by the supermarket and the department store, I guess. But it is a loss, most of all in the soul of today’s homeowner. The photos are a delight simply to see.

    • Before coming to live in Amiens( 1986) we were in houses without garden. One of the points to select our house was the presence of a garden

      • neilc693 says:

        One thing just occurs to me; you must have rabbits and small wildlife with that

      • neilc693 says:

        plot. Don’t they harrass the garden and the vegetables? (you never mention such nuisances!)
        (post-postscriptum: success!—another of the original Lille colloque organizers still has the proceedings and will scan me the article. and thanks to your daughter again for checking at the school)

      • a good news . You succeeded to find one of the organizers of the 1982 Lille colloque . I am delighted , Nail , and I will transmitt the news to my daughter.

      • We meet in the garden hedgehogs, squirrels but not too much. In the distant past a fox ventured there but no longer

  11. Rachel says:

    My dear friend, it is Thanksgiving week here. Food feast expected on Thursday. So thankful for you and your family who bring insight into a world I may never know. God bless each of you! 💚

  12. cjjustice1 says:

    As I look forward to Thanksgiving in just a few days, and think of the beautiful pictures and words that you shared in this post (and each post of yours), I am so thankful for the friendship that God has blessed us with over the years, and for your thankful and loving spirit always. Blessings to you and Janine and your whole family! ❤ Love always ❤
    ~ Carolyn

  13. lovely 🙂 next year i want a summer picture, too!!

  14. I think a garden is beautiful year ’round. 🙂
    Your photos are wonderful!

    I like that plants, trees, etc., go through seasons of life just like we human-beans do. They are born and bloom in Spring, grow and provide in Summer, prepare for rest in Autumn, and then rest in Winter. 🙂

    I know your garden is special to you, Michel, and you are inspired by it. 🙂

    Your words make me think of a quote:
    “The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony with each other.” ~Arthur Rubinstein

    ❤ and HUGS to you and Janine 🙂

  15. L. Gail says:

    All seasons are beautiful. Happy autum my friend.

  16. Marion Manson says:

    The different seasons and colours they bring are a delight to the eye, that’s for sure! 🙂

  17. jstnotherday says:

    Wow. Spring really transforms the garden, doesn’t it.
    and Nov. 18, ‘the winter of my discontent’? It is always somewhat hard when the cold months set it, is it not? I find I always have to reframe my thoughts to enjoy the ‘hibernation’ of winter. 🙂
    Nature (and God, there in nature) really has a way of capturing our heart and spirit.
    Love and warm blessings to you Michel,
    ❤ Lynn

  18. Isabel Capillas says:

    Natures’ wonders, God’s gift to us mankind. Thank you for sharing, Uncle Michel❤️

  19. mrswrangler says:

    My garden is in rest

  20. carole Fauquet says:

    Superbes photos .La nature est belle .On ne la préserve pas assez .C ‘est vraiment magique .Bonne journée couvrez vous bien car il fait froid Je vous embrasse bien fort Carole

  21. This is a chance for the garden to rest. You and your family have worked so hard on your garden.

  22. mcbery says:

    May God bless your Thanksgiving and rest of the year. May we all find time to rest and reflect during the busy times. 🙂

  23. L. Marie says:

    It’s been awhile since I’ve been here. So nice to see you back to blogging, Michel. I’m grateful to see your lovely pictures!

  24. guestbrief says:

    Your garden is always amazing! Love the fruit tree “seasons”! I posted, thank you for your comment. ❤ Rhonda

  25. Sartenada says:

    Bonjour Michel.

    J’aime ton beau jardin. C’est merveilleux.

    Vous avez raison chaque saison offre quelque chose de spécial dans les jardins. En Finlande, la neige tombe en hiver, mais après une chute de neige, elle brille au soleil en blanc et ressemble à une belle couche de neige.


  26. nannyfountain says:

    Love to you and your family ❤

  27. Absolutely lovely, MIchel. Yes..no matter the season, your garden is always beautiful.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  28. suester7 says:

    Lovely photos, Michel!

    I’ve always wondered what it’s like to experience the four seasons. It’s perpetual summer here in tropical Singapore!

  29. Lavinia Ross says:

    Your gardens are always a place of beauty and wonder in all seasons, Michel. Much love to you and your family.<3

  30. Anne-Marie says:

    Chaque instant est cadeau, 365 jours par an + celui des années bissextiles. Tout l’art est de découvrir le beau qui nous entoure. Et qui est infini et à redécouvrir encore et encore éternellement!
    Amitiés, AM

  31. Michele Devall says:

    Merci pour la visite, et pour le souvenirs des jardins. L’hiver est bon repos pour le jardin, et le jardinier! (I am guessing if a gardener is jardinier. 🙂 ) J’ai beaucoup souvenirs de notre visite a Amiens avec toi et Janine. ❤

  32. cocosangel says:

    The photos are lovely. I love the Spring Easter photo of the garden.

  33. Gayle Smith says:

    Beautiful pictures…..beautiful garden…….God is good! Take care Michel…youand Janine are in my prayers ❤

  34. Merci beaucoup, Michel. Pictures #1 and #3 look like paintings! They are very “painterly”.
    Yes, the garden has its beauty in each season. Thank you for sharing. What is the temperature like there now, and do you get beaucoup de neige?

  35. KB says:

    A garden is a constantly changing pallet of colour. Winter has wiped mine clean white. Take care and enjoy the autumn splendor.

  36. Zakiah says:

    Your garden speaks about you and Janine. Beautiful and giving and loving. There is peace in the soil of your garden it seems Michel.

  37. How are you doing today, Michel?
    Continued prayers for your dialysis.
    HUGS for you and Janine on a cold day in December 🙂 (Yes, ’tis cold here!)

  38. Larry says:

    My apologies Michel for having been absent for a while – I hope everyone is well. That garden is certainly beautiful! Cheers!

  39. Nancy Clark Hislop says:

    Your garden is a special place at all times of year!

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