Nostalgic flute: the oxen.

Flûte nostalgique: les boeufs

Nostalgic flute : the oxen.

English version below the video.

Pendant quelques jours, la météo après la chaleur a tourné à l’humidité dans le nord de la France. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je suis devenu un peu nostalgique et je me suis souvenu que je jouais de la flûte dans le passé. Ce qui est génial en jouant de la flûte c’est que des chansons variées vous arrivent à la tête. La plupart d’entre elles  portent de vieux souvenirs. Et certains font partie de vous parce que vos parents les ont chantés quand vous étiez un jeune enfant.

J’ai risqué de jouer «les bœufs» une chanson du XIX ème siècle exprimant l’amour profond du paysan pour les bœufs ou les chevaux qui tirent la charrue. J’ai aidé dans la ferme  dans les années 1940/50 dans le nord de la France pour la récolte de blé ou de pommes de terre. Le travail a été fait avec des chevaux. Ce monde a disparu, mais je garde un souvenir vif. Voici le début des paroles :
«  J’ai deux grands bœufs dans mon étable
Deux grands bœufs blancs marqués de roux
La charrue est en bois d’érable
L’aiguillon en branche de houx.
………………………………………………… »
de Pierre Dupont (1821-1870)

For some days the weather after the heat  has turned to the wet in northern France . and I do not know why I became  a wee  bit nostalgic and I remembered I played flute in the past . What is great  in playing  flute, is various  songs come to your mind. Most of them bear old memories . And some are part of yourself because your parents sang them when you were a little child.

I  risked to play “the oxen” a song from the XIX th century expressing the deep  love of the peasant for the oxen or the horses  that pull the plow . I  helped in the farm in the year 1940/ 50’s in Northern  France  for the harvest of wheat or potatoes . The work was made with horses . This world has disappeared but I keep a vivid remembrance .Here is the beginning of the words translated in English:

 I have two tall oxen in my stable
Two tall  white oxen marked of red .
The plough is made with maple wood
and the goad  is branch of holly.
by Pierre Dupont ( 1821-1870)
Thanks to Janine to for the recording.

About fauquetmichel

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64 Responses to Nostalgic flute: the oxen.

  1. mrswrangler says:

    Very nice. Have a great day

  2. puffpop says:

    You are a man of many talents.. a good friend.
    The flute is a lovely sounding instrument. I like all the woodwinds. They play in Peter and the Wolf. I had a friend (now gone) who played the bassoon.

  3. Je n’ai jamais joué de flûte traversière mais en revanche beaucoup de flûte à bec et de viole de gambe. J’ai arrêté quand les traitements sont devenus lourd. J’ai l’intention de reprendre, clavier et guitare, quand je ne vivrai plus que dans une maison. Bravo pour le boeuf, enfin pour les deux boeufs, Michel !

  4. Indeed, you are very gifted Michel, I enjoyed your video and your music. It’s lovely ❤

  5. blb1 says:

    Ah the quiet of my afternoon to hear a talented man play. 🙂 By the time I grew up the only horses being used in fields belonged to the Amish.

  6. Wonderful! I really enjoyed the music.

  7. slmret says:

    How lovely to hear you playing the flute!

  8. weggieboy says:

    Awww! I sold my trombone to a young musician, thinking I’d never want to play it again! He, at least, makes good use of it, though I think he’d rather play his guitar since he can sing along with his playing that way!

    That said, Michel, I enjoyed your little concert!

  9. Cheri Herald says:

    I believe having some sort of artistic outlet is important to our well-being. Poetry, music, gardening, cooking, painting– whatever your passion, it makes life more worthwhile. Thanks for sharing one of your many passions with us.

  10. Oh wow – nice job! Music and the arts bring memories to life.

  11. Susan Joos says:

    I have a great appreciation woodwinds since my daughter plays the clarinet. 😉

    How marvelous to just pick it up and play!

  12. Michel, what a refreshing thing to listen to this Friday morning. You are a man of many talents. Thank you for sharing. You and Janine have a wonderful weekend and may music be part of it. ❤ Marilyn

  13. thierry denis says:

    Bravo Papa,ça fait longtemps que tu ne nous as pas joué un morceau de flûte …Souvenirs d’enfants. Le temps n’est pas super mais le soleil arrive ….Bonne soirée à vous deux Carole

  14. Isabel Capillas says:

    Very charming video of you playing the flute, Uncle Michel!

  15. jstnotherday says:

    Ah. Michel, Thanks for sharing this part of you. Very lovely to listen. Very lovely to see. 😀
    My oldest daughter once played the flute. I hope also, to hear her play again one day.

  16. mimiwi2013 says:

    The flute is one of very few instruments that so easily evoke an emotion. The flute can so easily sound sad or nostalgic, and then by playing higher notes at a faster speed, it can be so cheery and make one so happy!! You do so very well Michel! I also noticed how beautiful the room is that you are playing the flute in. You and Janine have such a beautiful home, and have decorated and furnished it so beautifully, too!! Hugs to both of you! ❤ Nancy and Ken

    • I am glad ,Nancy , you enjoyed the flute . This time I chose to play in our lounge for more intimacy but I already played fklute in my garden and posted on Xanga in the past . I agree totally with your comment.
      Michel ❤

  17. joyce hutt says:

    michel, thank you for your beautiful music. i just got home from playing a concert with our flute choir tonight. we played at a retirement center. in two days, i am playing at the wedding of the daughter of a friend of mine. it is a busy music season for our band, too- a concert last week, and one each of the next three sundays in august. i am so thankful for the gift of music, and i’m thankful you haven’t forgotten how to play your flute 🙂

  18. nannyfountain says:

    Thank you for sharing your Talent with the flute and the feeling you put into it. It is nostalgic and lovely! Love to you both ❤

  19. julie essex says:

    Beautiful indeed Michel 🙂 you have many talents

  20. Barbara Lenhard says:

    Thank you for sharing your talent with us. You are such a delightful friend, Michel! 💞🎼

  21. neilc693 says:

    What a serene-sounding song

  22. suester7 says:

    Nice! You are a man of many talents. 😀

  23. cocosangel says:

    Oh so sorry Michel, I see that I am very late in replying to this. I never knew you could use the flute! That is amazing.
    Take care,

  24. Eat Right Chef Louisa says:

    Good job, Michel! I understand the power of nostalgia, and with this melody you brought back fond memories of your childhood. It is a bygone era of manual labor, working with the earth. So wonderful you picked up the flute again to express your nostalgia. The flute is not an easy instrument to play. I failed when I was a student… couldn’t make any sound from it and was kicked out of the school orchestra! Bravo Michel! I hope you keep on playing and sharing with us.

  25. Lavinia Ross says:

    Michel, thank you for sharing your wonderful flute music, and remembrances of times past. I hope you keep playing. I would love to play flute myself, but never learned how.
    Love to you and Janine, ❤ Lavinia

  26. Oh, Michel! Thank you for sharing your talent, your flute and your song with us!
    The flute is my favorite musical instrument to listen to! 🙂

    Songs do take us back in time to special places, special memories! I find that so wonderful! A beautiful part of life! 🙂

    HUGS and ❤ to you and to Janine! 🙂

  27. AM says:

    Merveilleux talents et musique!
    Magnifique partage. Merci Michel!
    Amitiés, AM

  28. Yes, thank you to Janine for the recording. That was indeed a treat, Michel. Thank you for sharing..I enjoyed it very much. You are a man of many talents. 😉
    Love and hugs.

  29. Oh I am sooo impressed! U are so talented Michel! And yes I think your thoughts are correct- old songs hold vivid memories for a time in our past. That’s why I want Isla to continue violin so she can have that talent and build memories for our time in Beijing since we do not plan to b here forever. I did a blog on WordPress! Ha!🤣 I tried xanga but he other day but again I never finish. ☺️😅

  30. L. Gail says:

    Bravo!!! I love hearing the flute.

  31. L. Marie says:

    Yes, bravo, Michel! I enjoyed hearing you play the flute.

  32. cjjustice1 says:

    That was beautiful, Michel! I really enjoy hearing you – I recall another time that you played an instrument. How many instruments do you play?

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