Crawling on the terrace

Rampant sur la terrasse
Crawling on the terrace

English version below the pictures

Dernièrement Janine et moi avons décidé de réparer la terrasse au-dessus du bow-window. La photo le montre de l’extérieur, il est  assez grand. Cette terrasse étaitcouverte de lichens et de mousses et qui sait si elles ne cachaient pas quelques fissures

Donc, nous avons restauré cette surface; nettoyage avec anti-mousse, puis nettoyer avec de l’eau et à la brosse et enfin le troisième jour j’ai appliqué une couche de peinture anti-fissures. Mais il était difficile de le faire, plié ou agenouillé donc je choisis cette attitude dont Janine n’a pas oublié de prendre quelques photos. Franchement, je ressemble à un crapaud rampant péniblement.

Un crapaud avec un chapeau!

Mais je dois vous dire quelque chose à propos de crapaud. Le biologiste Jean Rostand disait qu’ils ont les plus beaux yeux du monde .. Ils ont un superbe iris d’or.

Ah! charme!


Terrasse above the bow window


Go on!


Ouch! my back!

Lately Janine and I decided to repair the terrace above the bow window. The photo outside shows it is a rather large . This terrasse was covered of lichens and moss and who knows if they did not hide some fissures

So we restored this surface; cleaning with anti-moss, then cleansing with water and brush and at last the third day I applied a coat of paint anti-fissures . But it was hard to do, folded or kneeled so I chose this attitude whom janine did not forget to take a couple of photos . Frankly I look like a toad crawling harshly.

A toad with a hat!

But I have something to tell you about toad . The biologist Jean Rostand said they have the most beautiful eyes in the world.. They have a superb golden iris .

Ah! Charm!

About fauquetmichel

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45 Responses to Crawling on the terrace

  1. Heartafire says:

    Charming indeed dear Michel and a lovely job you have done Though I love toads. I have yet to see one with a hat Your photos bring back lovely memories of my time spent in beautiful France. Janine did a beautiful job as well love, holly

  2. slmret says:

    I had to laugh about the toad with the hat! It looks beautiful, and it should help protect your home from roof leaks in the winter as well!

  3. guestbrief says:

    Ah a beautiful job for a wonderful man to repair the floor. Even a toad’s eyes have beauty to someone with a great heart. ❤

  4. puffpop says:

    You find beauty in everything, even the lowly toad. Although no creature is really “lowly” I guess in the scheme of our Creator. They all have their place. I must now check on the gold irises of the toad’s eye. You are truly ambitious….

  5. Lowie says:

    I love the way you wear your professor jacket, even when painting. I must say, I love the old finish much better, but be careful or the neighbors will be asking you to whitewash at their house, too! 🙂
    P.S. Toads have interesting stories as well. ❤
    Love, Lowie

  6. mrswrangler says:

    I bet you are glad to be done and now can enjoy it.

  7. blb1 says:

    I enjoyed seeing what is across the street from you as well. 🙂 Bet you had to use the railing to get back up. 😉 I like your hat and wish my husband would wear something more stylish than a ball cap. Granted I’ve not seen anything else for sale here.

  8. cjc22 says:

    Oh, Michel, I love your music, always, whether you are singing or playing and I love your stories and pictures. Thanks you for sharing your life with me.

  9. Humor_Me_Now says:

    Wow–a terrace. How wonderful!!!! I loved the view across the street as well. You are blessed.


  10. Lovely home. Beautiful and you can see the love it contains! Good you can do the repairs yourself ❤ to all

  11. HA! I snort-laughed! 😛 You and your hat have the most fun adventures, Michel!!! 🙂
    You and Janine did a great job! 🙂
    Hey…Did you paint yourself into a corner?! 😉 😀
    Now you can sit out there and enjoy the view!
    I was toad that some toads get kissed a lot! 😮
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  12. jstnotherday says:

    Ah, I love the building that houses your home!
    and I love to see you working with your boots and your patch elbow jacket. Such a treat.
    This terrace must be such a pleasure to sit on! I imagine myself in la France, if I could live as you do. 🙂 vive la France!

    I hope your back and your knees make a quick recovery.
    btw: Toads have big loving eyes. 😉

  13. AM says:

    Ça c’est de l’art avec style 🙂
    Bravo. Très beau travail Michel et Janine!
    Amitiés, AM

  14. “Dieu parlait à travers l’Esprit Saint Terri Anne: Vous ne jamais cesser de Mi
    chel de travail. Amen

  15. L. Marie says:

    I didn’t know that about toads!
    What a lovely terrace. Such hard work!

  16. suester7 says:

    What a lovely town you live in! And I love how you still wear your suit and hat while painting. 🙂

  17. atzenicarlo says:

    A terrace…..a place for Juliette and Romeo…
    You don’t look like a toad. I ‘ve never seen a toad with a hat, but your photo is very good.
    Compliments to the photograph, and to you for the top quality job.



  18. L. Gail says:

    You have a beautiful home!

  19. Zakiah says:

    Dear Michel, such a beautiful home you have. The frontage is magnificent, and all that ground in the back, that we have seen so often. I am so amazed at your prowess to do all these handy things at home. Kudos to you! What a joy to finish the work and feel the gratification that you did not have to spend money to hire someone to do it for you! Bravo!

  20. whyzat says:

    This looks like it was a big job! You and Janine were very energetic to get it done in three days. Now, you won’t have to do it again for twenty years. Will your hat last that long I wonder?

  21. Rachel Geselman-Mocherman says:

    You are a dedicated man, Michel! You persevere and finish the job set before you! If I had a hat, I would take it off to you! Happy autumn!

  22. mlbncsga says:

    You are the ultimate Artist Mornin Glorie! I have one more toad for you to look at, this one reminds me of you =) I hope this link works! ilym

  23. Peggy says:

    What a lovely home!!

  24. I think you just look like a hardworking man, Michel. 😉 No toad.
    It was a huge job so ‘my hat’ so to speak, is off to you. Great job.
    Happy Wednesday. ❤ Elizabeth

  25. sunsetdragon says:

    What a wonderful terrace with a stunning view. i think I would be spending way to much time there enjoying the view and the fresh air.

  26. Winnie says:

    Oh my sweet man, not a toad but a man with the most beautiful eyes. Not a toad but a hard-working homeowner. Not a toad but a wonderful and passionate husband to Janine. What a man!

  27. We love toads! But you, sir, are no toad.


  28. cocosangel says:

    Michel you have a beautiful house, and I love that balcony too. It looks so lovely. I would have sat on that balcony and watched people. I am nut like that!!! 🙂 🙂 😀
    But watching you painting, makes my back hurt. You are brave to do it on your own.

  29. julie essex says:

    What a wonderful job Michel , you are welcome to come over here to paint our house , it needs painting but John and I have decided to leave it to after the winter

  30. Gill McGrath says:

    Dear Michel. Anyone who can crawl ( like a toad) ( or not) ( in a beautiful hat) painting a terrace with such care, not only has golden eyes but also a golden heart…. this one so beautifully photographed by Janine! Love Gill 🙂

  31. You have a very beautiful home! Now that it is cleaned and repaired, will you sit out on the terrace? It looks like a wonderful place to enjoy the sunset with a glass of wine.

  32. neilc693 says:

    In my dream home there will definitely be a bay with a terrace! I’m jealous.
    I was just thinking of our old friend Banyuls/Gilbert. I’m not sure how it happened, but my French has gotten a little better (I’m more comfortable with your blogs, for example). He would have been pleased.

  33. neilc693 says:

    Oh my goodness, speaking of French practice, I just now read your earlier post about the song of Maître Pathelin. I just read a selection from the medieval play “La Farce de Maître Pathelin” (believed to be by Alecis), in an anthology of literature for students of French. Is it the same story?

    • I do not think there is a direct link between la romance de Maîte Pathelin( XXth century and la farce de Maître Pathelin ( end of the Middle Age:/Rebnaissance .
      But this is an interesting coincidence .

  34. Sartenada says:

    How beautiful house with terrace. You must enjoy it very much. 🙂

  35. Such a beautiful home and you take such good care of it. 🙂

  36. in says:

    what a beautiful home, Michel! very fancy. do you have a name for it? like “Michel’s Castle”?

    it really is hard work to repair one’s home. I have been putting off painting my bathroom. It’s the scraping off the paint part that I dread.

    great job on fixing up your terrace!

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